Status: This story is completed. Please move on to it's sequal in order to see what happens.

Why Do Angels Break Hearts?

I'm Like a Bird, I'm Gonna Fly Away.

There’s a day when everyone experiences that feeling of a broken heart. The first ever time that it happens and the pain is crippling and raw. It’s like a jagged knife carving a wound that will last forever and no matter when you get over it the scar will always be there. Its always going to be caused by different things to and with Amelia Rose Ferguson it was caused by three of her best friends and not the love of her life.

“Mia Rose I’m so sorry that we have to go you know I would take you with us if I could. But you have school and you know your Mom and Dad would kill me if I was the reason you didn’t get into college like they want you to,” a thirteen year old Nick Jonas said his lower lip trembling and his eyes shining with tears. Amelia who was at the time fourteen also had tears shining in her own eyes as she looked at one of her best friends and pulled him into a tight embrace.

“Promise me you won’t forget me when you big and famous and that you’ll always live like your at the bottom even when your at the top?” Amelia whispered as tears now cascaded down her cheeks for the third time that day as she said the same line for the third time. She had said goodbye to each of the boys in private. Last would be Frankie but she always knew since she found out two month previous that her two hardest goodbyes would be Kevin and Nick. The two of the brothers she felt closest to. And the two people who impacted her most and kept her strength and confidence in herself and who she was when she needed it the most.

“I promise that I will never forget you Mia Rose we’re best friends forever and always and you better believe I’ll be back here in NJ every year for your birthday even if I have to kick and scream like a five year old to get them to let me come,” Nick said with a smile as warm tears rolled down his cheeks. Like distorted mirror images they both reached out with opposite hands at the same time and began to wipe away each others tears. They smiled and laughed at just how cheesy and ridiculous they looked.

“NJ I am going to hold you to that and if you don’t come back then I will be very hurt and if you can’t make it you better have a pretty damn good reason why you can’t,” Amelia said with a quirk of a smile that suggested she was joking but anyone who knew her as well as Nick did would know that she was deadly serious.

“Nick come on it’s time to go sweetie the bus is here and Frankie wants to say goodbye to Amelia!” Nick’s Mom called from somewhere outside the house. The two friends quickly wiped away their tears before linking hands like they always did and walked out of the house to see the bus they would be spending their time on while they did their School tour. Nick pulled Amelia into a bone crushing hug burying his face into her hair and as she pulled away and walked towards Frankie scooping him up and giving him the biggest hug she could manage without hurting him.

“I’m going to miss you Mia Cat can’t you come with us?” Frankie asked innocently not really knowing what was happening or going on. It brought tears to her eyes but she held them back again not wanting to upset him anymore than leaving already was.

“I can’t Frankie but I’ll see you real soon,” Amelia said trying to control the crack in her voice. She turned slowly to the three eldest Jonas boys. “Please remember what I said don’t forget me and always live like your at the bottom here with me even when your up at the top okay? And guys I want you to have these.” She took out replicas of the Necklace they had gotten her for her fourteenth birthday the month before they found out they were leaving. Each one was a plectrum on a leather thong with their name on it. Each boy smiled but Nick stepped forward taking her necklace off of her and putting his around her neck and then hers around his.

“That way I always have you with me to keep me down on the ground when I feel like my heads up in the clouds,” Nick whispered softly before hugging her to him once more. They both started to cry again and as Amelia watched their bus pull away she knew that was the last time she would see her boys for a long time.

As she made her way home she cried openly and people in the neighbourhood could see that this little girl was heart broken but they thought it was because a boy had stood her up what they didn’t know and would never know for a long time was that it was because her favourite people in the world had left her behind to become rich and famous without her. And the only thing Amelia could think for the first year that they were gone and on the road was ‘Why do Angels break hearts?’ But no matter how many times she asked herself this she never came up with an answer.
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Okay I know its screwed up bringing a prequal out after I start the actual story but this only came to me today.