Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Ten

Is Nianna on the cards????!!!!

It's teenage love time again! Megan Fox's 'lil' sis Cianna is currently on tour with the JoBros and was spotted sharing a very lovey dovey looking hug inside a music store in Canada with Nick Jonas.

Now look at this picture and tell me nothing is going on between them.

But they look cute together, don't you think? I'm definitely all for Nianna. Even more than Nelena, and you all know how big a fan I was of them.


I snorted and shut my laptop closed, taking another sip of my orange juice.

"What are you laughing at, piggy?" Nick asked, taking a seat next to me at the kitchen booth.

I shoved him in the shoulder, "I'm not a pig, you cow!"

His hand sauntered over to rest on his chest where his heart was. "That burns Cianna. I can believe you would call me such a thing! Don't even talk to me!"

He genuinely looked angry so I quickly apologized, pulling him to sit back down by my side again.

"So what were you snorting at?" he smirked.

I rolled my eyes, and sighed. "Perez Hilton thinks we're a cute couple."

His eyebrows shot up to his hairline. "Oh really? Do you think he could be right?"

Nick's face was so incredibly close to my own, that I could smell his sweet coffee and mint gum scented breath.

"I--I, uh, um, I--."

What the hell?! You don't like this boy! Why are you having this reaction?!

"So do you? I think he might be right. We could be a cute couple. Better than Nelena like he said."

Great, he's read the article. "You really think so? I mean--" I whispered.

"Ha! No!" he scoffed, yanking himself away from me.

"Hideous bitch." he muttered, although I don't think he meant for it to be audible.

"Gee thanks buddy, you make me feel so great about myself."

Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, and things became watery. I honestly didn't mean to cry. I'd had enough crap thrown at my by haters and media, but when the negativity came from someone close to me, it burned.

"I think you've diagnosed yourself with a bipolar disorder! You're so nice one minute then back to an ass the next! I need some time to clear my head. I'll be down at a salon getting my nails done."

I turned on my heel and proceeded to almost trip on a pair of Joe's jeans lying on the floor.

He was never the clean one.

"Whatever. Still trying to make yourself look acceptable in the world of pretty people. But, oh wait, you'll never fit into that category. You might as well go and jump in front of a car because nobody wants you. Not your mum, not your dad, not your sister, and especially not me. You're a useless piece of shit."

He crushed me right there and then. A small cry muffled in my throat as I raced out of the bus.

I ran.

Past the shops, past tons of teenagers that would've have instantly recognised me.

I ran for what seemed like hours, but in fact, it was only minutes.

It's been proven that people run in circles when they're disorientate or upset.

My makeup streamed down my cheeks, creating a black cloud across my face.

I dabbed at it with my shirt sleeve and jogged onto the bus, sending anybody in my path a bright smile.

Nobody noticed me bounce up the stairs. My heart sunk. Maybe Nick was right. No, Nick was right. I was a nobody.

I locked myself in the bathroom and pulled out a razor blade. After scoring the letters 'US' into my forearm I sighed and placed the blade back on the sink. I hadn't pierced the skin so there wasn't any blood that needed cleaning up.

Kevin almost collided into me as I paced back to my bed.

"Hey!" he chuckled, grabbing my hand.

In a fit of panic, I yanked away from his grip. "Don't touch me!" I spat.

The concerned look in his hazel eyes almost brought me to tears.

"I'm sorry, it's my time of the month." I lied.

Ah, nice save.

Kevin grinned and nodded, "Yep, clear the way for Cyclones Danielle and Cianna."

Danielle had somebody to love her. Nobody thought she was hideous, somebody loved her, and she was beautiful.

I was the complete opposite and always would be.

After getting past the eldest Jonas, I collided with Frankie, sending him flying to the floor.

"Oh geez! Frank!"

I knelt down to his level and pushed the Webkinz he dropped back into his grasp.

Bad, bad, badddd mistake.

"Why is there a word on your arm Shesfoxy?" he asked.

Cute nickname right? Blame Joe. It's completely inappropriate for a nine year old to say.

"What word? There's no word."

I shoved the marked limb behind my back.

"What word?" A deep voice came from over my shoulder.

Speaking of Joe.

"N-n-nothing." I stammered., side-stepping.

He pulled my arm and revealed everything.

"Us?" he frowned. "Come on, let's talk outside."

I protested and writhed as he dragged me away from his littlest brother.

"Us? What does that mean? US as in USA? You and Nick? You and David? You an--"He started rattling off suggestions.

"Useless shit. It's what I am. Worthless. I'm going to leave the tour. Somebody else should be at the top of the charts. I don't deserve it."

Joe brought me into him and held me as I burst into tears again.

"Who told you that beautiful?"

I shook my head, soaking his shirt completely. "I'm not beautiful. Don't ever call me beautiful. I'm not, I'm just not."

"You're freaking gorgeous Cianna."

I wanted so desperately stand there and argue with him but my throat was choked up with sobs.

The gentle aromas of Joe's cologne mixed with plain old Joe soothed me dramatically.

He swept me onto his back and carried me into the bus, dumping me on the bed.

After having the sheet draped over me, I didn't expect Joe to start tickling.

"Stop attacking her." Nick ordered.

"This is her therapy so no, I will not stop." Joe retaliated, sticking his tongue out childishly.

"You're just as bad as her."

And before a single human being could register what was happening, Joe swung around and slammed his fist into Nick's jaw with a sickening crunch.

"Mother fucker!" Nick growled, winding Joe with a strong blow.

Joe dived and brought both boys down on the floor as they continued to fight.

"What the hell did I tell you about treating her properly!"

"Stop! Stop it! Just STOP!" I pleaded.

There'd already been enough blood shed on this vehicle and we didn't need any more.

"Why are you so goddammed nasty to her?" Joe demanded to know.

With every word, Nick struck Joe once more.

"Have you ever thought I tease her and make her feel horrible because I like her?!"

Oh please, don't let this be happening, please.

Joe broke it off and we both just sat there, stunned.

"You like her?! You have one hell of a way of showing it."

Nick looked up at me with regrettful eyes, "I'm so sorry Cianna, I never meant to hurt you. Oh God." He thwacked his head against the metal bunk and wiped the blood from his nose. "I thought that somehow, my nastiness would make you attracted to me. I know Megan likes bad boys and I thought you'd be the same."

I sighed and plopped down beside him, brushing a stray curl away from his eye. "I'm not like my sister at all. I'm not into partying and drinking and doing illegal things. My preferred boys are clean, and polite with good morals and values."

"Me." Joe coughed sneakily. Nick glared at him warily and Joe laughed. "Nah just kidding. Although if you are free--"

I smacked him in the shoulder.

"I feel so digusted with myself. I usually respect woman, and then I went and that to you."

Honestly, he seemed truly apologetic but I didn't know if I trust him just yet.

"I don't expect you to forgive me, I don't expect you to ever consider it, I just want you to know that I'm so sorry."

I shot a weak smile at him and let him wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"I'll let you two be." Joe sighed, inspected the large purple bruise forming on his stomach.

"I'm sorry man." Nick uttered.

"Nah, I started it. We good?" He held his knuckles out and Nick bumped them with his own.

After Joe had gone, Nick snuggled into me. That stupid burning sensation rippled over me again.Maybe it's time to just admit that I'm realising I feel something.

n i c h o l a s

"I want you." I mouthed into her hair. "And for the record, I think you're the most beautiful thing on Earth."
♠ ♠ ♠
Boo yah! We're in double digits for everything! In chapters, in comments, in readers, and in subscribers! Couldn't have done it without you!

Wow. I didn't realise how depressing this chapter is until I read over it again.

Well there goes Nick and his bad side out the window! Only nice guy Nick from now on! Yay!

Or did you like his second demenaour? Personally, I don't mind it. I think it makes him even hotter if that's possible. Ha.

Please don't be a silent reader!

Thanks for comments guys!

Till next time,

