Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Eleven

c i a n n a

Three weeks flew by and we touched down in Heathrow Airport, London on the 22nd June.

Well, actually, I pretty much fell onto the tarmac. For once, Kevin said jokingly, it wasn't Joe who tripped on the last step,

Nick managed to grab a handful of my t-shirt before I face-planted and made a total fool of myself.

"I'm here to catch you if you fall." he whispered as his ear brushed past my ear while he collected our luggage.

I don't think it necessary to tell you I was blushing.

Instead of responding, I just bit my lip and concentrated on the sound of my suitcases wheels bouncing along behind me.

That night we had off, and so Nick came over to my hotel room. "Hello, Fox." he smirked, leaning against the door frame.

"Yes Jonas?" I replied, hanging up my scarves on a single coat hanger.

"Well that's an nice attitude to have for your bestest and hottest friend in the whole wide world."

I turned and faced him with a blank expression before stepping over to the bed again.

"Aww Cianna, I was just kidding." he apologized, plonking himself on top of the suitcase I was trying to unpack.

With one hard shove, I pushed him off the bed and onto the floor. "I do not want Nick Jonas ass germs on my shirts, thanks very much."

He landed with a loud thud, rubbing his tailbone.

"Sometimes I don't know why I'm friends with you." Nick teased.

"I ask myself that same question everyday." I said dryly, setting my suitcase on the floor.

Nick's face dropped and his smile rotated into a frown.

"I was just joking buddy." I laughed.

"I know that mate. You get your sarcasm from your sister." he stated in a thick Australian accent.

Resting one hand on my hip, I reached up and stretched.

"Let's watch a movie." he suggested, unzipping the black bag he had brought with him.

"Mmm." I groaned, stifling a yawn. The plane flight had tired me, and I really just wanted to sleep.

Ignoring my obvious need of rest, Nick flicked through the films as I stumbled back, landing on the bed.

"We've got Transformers 1 and 2, The Notebook, High School Musicals, Prom Night, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Little Miss Sunshine, Bride Wars, Get Smart--"

The list seemed to go on forever so I just waved my hand and mumbled, "Bride Wars."

"Mkay." Nick shrugged, removing the DVD from its case. He placed it in the player, grabbed the remote, switched the light off and settled beside me.

My legs were hanging halfway off the edge and my neck in an awkward position, so he hooked his fingers under my underarms and dragged me up gently.

I rolled over and let my head sink into the pillow.

"I like you when you're like this; sweet and not a jerk." I whispered, with a shy smile.

"Hey, that was just a front; I'm not like that really."

I looked up at him through hooded-lids, "You should've played Shane in Camp Rock."

Nick laughed, "Nah, I liked Nate."

The menu for the movie popped up and he selected 'play'.

We were halfway through the film when I started really struggling against unconsciousness.

Nick laced his fingers through my hair and massaged my scalp, causing me to fall into a deep and peaceful slumber.


The next morning there was a pounding on the door as I enjoyed my breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, toast and cereal.

Nick jumped up to answer it, smiling widely at Big Rob, who stood before him.

"Check your sugar then get ready because you both have an interview and photo shoot at Seventeen magazine, then shooting for Paranoid, and then we go straight to sound check." Rob instructed.

Nick nodded, and bid his goodbye before coming back to eat his meal.

"Ew, asparagus and peanut butter on toast? That's disgusting." I grimaced.

"Yum!" he argued, opening his mouth to reveal a heap of mush sitting on his tongue.

I set my fork down in distaste and belched obnoxiously.

"See? How gross was that? So don't show me your food."

Nick's eyes popped out of his skull. "Dude! You burped! You actually burped! You're not the perfect lady!"

My lips curled up into a small smirk. "Um, what made you assume that?"

He shrugged, chewing his food thoughtfully. "I dunno, you just seem the sort of girl that's polite all the time. You know, the please and thank you, stuff like that."

"I do do that." I insisted. "But I'm not completely ladylike. I burp, put my feet on the coffee table, and sometimes eat with my mouth open, yada yada yada."

"Well I think that the girl in our Paranoid video should act like you, what do you say?"

I finished off the last piece of my egg, placed the plates back on the tray and headed to the bathroom without a single word.

Locking the door, I sighed and splashed my face with water.

If I do agree to be in this thing, everyone is going to think Nick and I are dating, and I don't want to be denying that every second.

After applying some very simple makeup and pushing a headband into my hair, I threw the door open and pulled out a spring dress and a pair of sandals from the wardrobe.

"Look, that was out of line for me to even ask and--" Nick started.

"I'll do it." I smiled, re-entering the bathroom.

n i c h o l a s

"Now throw your head back and give us a laugh!" the photographer instructed Cianna.

That angelic giggle rippled through the air and I tore my eyes away from the interviewer to watch Ci pose.

"Right there...yes...that's it...and lean to the left."

"Nick? Nickkkk?" Kevin called.

I snapped out of my trance and looked back at the woman in front of us who was patiently waiting.

"Um, sorry, what were you saying?"


"Guess who?" a low sounding voice asked from behind, placing their hands over my eyes.

"Hello." I laughed, trying to turn around.

"Uh-uh Mr Nicholas, stay right there." Cianna instructed.

My God, she sounds sexy, but what's gotten into her?

And then a blindfold blocked out all light and then I could feel her hot breath on my neck.

"I've been thinking and I know I want to be with you."

"Really?" I almost squeaked.

"Mmmhmm." she nodded, her hair rubbing against mine. "Can you kiss me?"

My heart hammered in my chest as I leant down and blanketed her lips with my own.

Instantly she poked her tongue through my parted mouth and held me closer.

I pulled away and caught my breath and then all of a sudden I was being dragged along.

The next thing I heard was a door being slammed behind us and our heavy breathing.

Cianna jumped up on me and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"I learnt from Megan how to make a boy feel good." she breathed, chewing my ear as she ground her hips on mine.

A hearty moan escaped me and I slammed her up against the nearest wall I could find.

"Mmm, I like it like that; rough."

Cool air hit my chest as she pulled my shirt off.

I ran my hands down her body and stopped at the hem of her shirt, before giving her a pleading look.

It'd be a hell of a lot hotter if she could see my eyes.

"I think you should go a little lower." Cianna suggested.

I shook my head, "You know we can't babe, sorry."

My fingers snaked under the flimsy material of her shirt and I played with her belly button ring.

"I think I love you." she whispered.

Holy shit! Cianna doesn't have a belly button ring!
♠ ♠ ♠
Cianna's photoshoot outfit.

Ooooh, finally some more drama!

Who is this other girl then?

Miley? Selena?

I'll leave you with those questions.

Thanks for the comments!
