Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Twelve

c i a n n a

After the photo shoot I went searching for Nick.

I asked his brothers where he was and they didn't know, neither did anyone else.

As I was walking through the costuming department, I heard his voice blended in with a female's.

He came storming out of a janitors closet (cliché much?) followed closely by a dishevelled looking blonde.

We locked eyes for a split second as I stood, shaking my head.

"Cianna!" He came running up to me. "This isn't what it looks like!"

Oh God, then what is it then?

"We're not dating so I don't care." I shrugged.

But I so do care.

"I know, but I don't want to hurt you, and I thought she was you and--"

"Hi I'm Cianna." I smiled, sticking my hand out for a shake.

"Sarah." she nodded.

"You two are cute." I announced, giving her the once-over.

"We're not together!" Nick argued, folding his arms over

"And you're not wearing a shirt." I replied curtly. "Whatever. I'll be in the car."

Nick bounded along behind me as I walked to Kevin and Joe.

"Piss off!" I screeched as he grabbed my waist.

"Just listen to me!" he yelled, fighting my struggling body.

"I. Don't. Care!"

With one swift kick, I cracked him in the shins.

But he just kept going.

"If you don't care, you'll let me explain!"

"If you noticed I don't feel anything for you, you wouldn't want to explain!" I snapped, running off in a huff.


The car ride to the Paranoid set was incredibly awkward.

I was seated between Nick and Joe, who apparently loves to yell ' what out for those pirates' out the window and then giggle hysterically.

Nick sat looking out of the car, with his arms folded across his chest.

I couldn't help but peer at the forming hickey on his neck until he turned around and looked at me with an angry expression.

I stopped being so inquisitive and moved closer to Joe, tempted to join in on his game of scaring the living daylights out of pedestrians.

Repeatedly Nick sighed heavily, and shifted around in his seat.

Kevin looked up into the rear vision with annoyance and reprimanded his second youngest sibling for wriggling about.

Nick grinned and saluted, before rolling his eyes and diverting his attention back to the passing houses.

"Don't give me that attitude Nicholas!" Kevin snapped, rotating his body around to glare between the driver and front passenger seats.

"Shut up Paul. You think you can boss me around just because you're five years older than me. Well, guess who's gonna get wrinkly first?" he smirked cockily.

"What crawled up your butt and made a home?" Kev mumbled, calmness sweeping through the air once more.

"One of Danielle's g-strings. You wanna pluck it out?" Nick spat.

"That was going too far." Joe muttered.

"Excuse me?! What did you say?!"

The boy with anger management issues raised his fist, and as I thought he was going to lash out, I dodged left.

Not smart Cianna, not smart at all.

I whammed heads with Joe and my headache started almost immediately.

The car rolled to a stop and we all undid our seatbelts.

The SUV was up quite high, so Nick offered his hand. I took it cautiously and stepped down, giving his fingers a gentle squeeze when he didn’t make me fall.

He sent me a dazzling smile and repeated the action with his palms.

"Sorry." I whispered, kissing his cheek. Those freckles on his face always seem to fascinate me. If I study them closely enough maybe I'll see a shape.

"Excuse me?" Nick spluttered, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"Huh?" I frowned, dropping his hand.

"Did you hear what you just said?" he repeated.

"Uh, sorry?" I questioned, looking over at the street where were apparently filming.

"No, you said, "I hope my kids have cute freckles like that.""

My mouth dropped and I shook my head furiously.

"I did not." I argued, refusing to believe it.

"You did, but I don't want you to hate me anymore so I'll let it go."

With a small smile, he shut the car door and paced away.

I leaned against the shiny black metal and sighed, running my fingers through my hair.


Smirking over at Nick, I pointed ahead like I'd been instructed to by the director.

I was sitting in a cute little cream coloured convertible and was seriously contemplating stealing it from the set.

Nick decided to use his own Mustang for a personal touch. Those sunglasses and leather jacket really make him more grown up looking.

Nick threw his arm across his face, and 'cut!' was yelled.

We stepped out of the vehicles and moved over to the lunch table.

I saw a punnet of cherry tomatoes in a basket and made a dive for them, planning to devour the whole lot.

Nick laughed and grabbed a banana and fruit juice.

"Having fun?" he asked, peeling the yellow skin of the fruit.

Joe and Kevin were filming their scenes and were no where near finished so it was just the two of us.

"Yeah, this is awesome!" I replied enthusiastically.

We finished of our snacks and sat talking for a little.

"Let's play basketball!" Nick gasped all of a sudden.


"And she shoots, she scores-hey!"

Nick had intercepted the ball just as it left my grasp.

"That was not fair!" I complained, darting after him. "Give me back my ball! That was not fair!"

Nick looked back and tripped, skidding across the bitumen.

The bouncy sphere left his hands and rolled, coming to a stop after it finally hit the wire fence.

"Aw man, I ripped my jeans." he pouted, picking at the torn material.

"Nick, you're bleeding." I informed. Thick, red, fluid seeped steadily from the wound.

"I ripped my jeans!"

I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to him.

"Stop being such a girl, they're only jeans. You should be more worried about having dirt in that cut."

"My jeans..." he whimpered.

"Shut up!" I groaned, giving Nick a clean slap across the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" he growled, snatching my hand before it could even leave his cheek.

"Well stop whinging about your damn Calvin Klein jeans!"

He clamped his teeth down around on my finger and narrowed his eyes at me.

"Don't you dare bite me!" I warned.

"Why not?" he smirked, "Why can't I be your Edward Cullen?"

"Yuk." I gagged, disgusted by the way his tongue lapped against me with every word. "I hate Twilight, and FYI, he bites necks, not fingers."

"Well I'm sorry. Would you rather me give you a love-bite?"

My finger emerged from his mouth covered with saliva. I grimaced and wiped it on his face.

"You know, I heard spit is a great cleanser." he teased.

I had to laugh at his immatureness.

We were silent as he pulled on the strands of denim and I watch the blood creep out slowly.

Kind of like my feelings I guess. The blood is the attraction I have to Nick and it doesn't come all at once.

"Sarah doesn't mean anything to me anymore, I hope you know that." he spoke softly.

"Why were you making out with her then?" I questioned.

"I didn't know it was her, I thought it was you. That's how much I like you Cianna. She blindfolded me and dragged me into that cupboard. I'm a normal teenage guy who has all those thoughts swimming around my head. Things I dream about--"

I interrupted, "I don't need an explain on the effects of testerone,"

"Sorry." he blushed. No words fell from either of our mouths for fifteen minutes, and even by then, Kevin had come over to us.

"Time for us to go." he informed.

I walked three steps in front of Nick, concentrating on the ground I was pacing across.

"You look pretty in that outfit." he called.

It was just a pair of dark indigo jeans, a floaty blouse and Converse. Shoes make the woman!

"You're not too bad yourself!" I teased.

Truthfully, his compliments made me feel 'different' inside.

As we neared the SUV, there was a person sitting on the bonnet, and Nick did not look happy to see them.
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