Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Two

At the Grammy's after-party, Nick approached me with a smile and a note in his left hand as I was gazing at my award for best new artist.

"Hey Cianna."

I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, taking another sip of my lemonade.

"I forgot to give you this."

He passed me the yellow paper and I unfolded it to reveal a message printed neatly in black pen.

Hi Cianna,

I'd really like to meet you, so can we catch up at Starbucks near the studios at 12 o'clock tomorrow?

Hope to see you there,

David Henrie.

I cocked my head sceptically and looked at Nick as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Is this really from David?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't lie when it comes to a girls heart."

Wow. It was nice to see that underneath all that thick skin, Nick actually had a heart.

"Thanks. I'll tell him you gave this to me tomorrow.

"He'll already figure that out when you turn up. Have fun."

With that he turned and walked away, leaving me holding the note in my clenched fist

Taylor Swift skipped over from the other side of the room, giggling.

"Why so happy?" I laughed, tucking the paper into my bag carefully.

"For some awesomely amazing reason Megan slapped Joe and screamed 'you still love her!' and then he looked over at me and blushed! Isn't that awesome?"

My eyes widened, "Megan slapped Joe?"

I raced over to Megan to find her knocking back shots with from the Black Eyed Peas.

"She's highly intoxicated." I informed Taylor. "In the morning she won't even remember kissing Joe till she sees it on TV.'

"But Joe hadn't had anything had he? Eep!'

She bounded off to find the second eldest Jonas, leaving me watching my sibling change from a party animal to an extreme party animal.

Megan always seemed to be able to find men, but I never could.

And I hoped this date with David would change that.

n i c h o l a s

There was no way that the date with David would go ahead for Cianna.

Wizards of Waverly Place had wrapped up filming two days previously which meant there was absolutely no chance of David even being two kilometers from the studio.

It was all going perfectly.

c i a n n a

At precisely 12 o'clock I was seated on a plush cushion cupping a Venti Signature hot chocolate.

Every time the bell above the door jingled, I looked up hoping to lock eyes with a blue eyed hottie.

By 12:16 I knew he wasn't coming.

Snatching up my bag, I walked out of Starbucks and right into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed grabbing onto the body I had almost knocked over.

A sweet giggle filled the air as I released my hand.

Selena Gomez picked her cap up off the ground and placed it back on her head, pulling her ponytail through the hole in the back.

"Luckily there's nobody around otherwise they would've recognized who you were." I smiled.

"Yeah they would Miss Cianna Fox! Oh my gosh! Demi and I love you! What are you doing around here?"

Damn, I guess I'll need a new disguise. Sunglasses just aren't going to do it.

"I was actually supposed to meet someone here, but they bailed on me."

"You should come back to the studio! We're just doing some voice work and I'm sure your presence won't bother the crew.

"Are you sure?"



Selena swiped her card through the intercom by the door and lead me through to the studio.

"Here you go David." she spoke, handing him a frappucino.

Well at least I get to meet him in the end.

He turned and fell off his stool at the sight of me.

Selena and Jake T Austin looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

I immediately bent down and took David's hand in mine, helping him clamber to his feet.

"Hi Cianna." he stuttered.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Uh, I'm great! What are you doing here?"

Oh you should know.

"I ran into Selena at Starbucks and she invited me back."

"Oh, uh, okay. Come sit down."

n i c h o l a s

"And cut!" the director cried.

Kevin, Joe and I sighed and dispersed, happy to have the scene finally done.

I was on my way to Hannah Montana to see Miley when I heard a familiar laughing.

Peering through the window of the WOWP set, I was shocked to see Cianna joking around with David Henrie!


It was the perfect plan!

It was foolproof!

It didn't work!

Fuming, I stomped back to Studio 5 to plot something else.

c i a n n a

"So would you like to go skateboarding with me?" David asked bashfully.

I immediately agreed, but never would have if I had known Nick had overheard and was concocting something evil yet again.


I stepped on my board and rolled down the ramp quickly building up speed.

David was right behind but when he hit a rock his wheels flew off and he went tumbling onto the concrete.

There was a sickening crack as he landed awkwardly on his arm.

I raced over to him and splinted his injury, remembering skills my mother had forced me to learn when I was 10.

Davis sat on the ground cradling his arm as I inspected his board.

"This wasn't an accident." I scowled. "The bolt on your wheels was loosened."

"Don't worry about it. Let's just get back yeah?"


While David was getting fixed up, I stormed over to the set of JONAS, determined to find Nick.

He was sitting at the lunch table eating a sandwich.

"I need to talk to you." I snapped.

"Uh okay, I don't know what about, but okay."

When we arrived at one of the classrooms, I slammed him into the wall.

"Ooh. What role are you playing? Teacher or student? Personally I wouldn't mind either." he smirked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"You disgust me. You're behaviour is despicable."

Man, I sound like my mum.

"Despicable." Nick mimicked.

"It's despicable not despitable [/i[." I replied wittily, wiping the wet off my arm.

"Whatever. What do you want? You're wasting my precious time."

"Oh, you know, and it's also not what you know."

"What? Did you just say it's not what you know but it's also what you know?"



"Shut up, you're confusing me. Why did you loosen the wheels on David's board? Why do you do things to him when you hate me? Do you want me to be unhappy or something?"

"One, I didn't loosen them on David's board, I loosened them on the spare board. Two, I don't hate him, and how did you know I hated you? And three, I do want you to be unhappy because you have no idea of what it's like to be unhappy."

"Why would you be unhappy?" I scoffed. "You've got the people screaming you're name, albums that have gone platinum, sympathy because of your diabetes."

"Sympathy because of my diabetes? What sort of person are you?"

A better person than you'll ever be.

By the look on his face I'd hurt him, making me feel guilty.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for, but injuring somebody to get at another is also uncalled for! I can't believe you'd do that!"

"Well I did so get over it! And you were the one that was supposed to ride the spare board, so you'd get hurt!"

There was a moment of silence before I spoke up.

"Hey Nick?"


"Do you like being a guy?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

And with that, I brought my knee up and drove it into his groin.

"Not so much anymore, huh?" I chuckled.

The other side of me had been brought out; the side that was hidden deep deep inside.

And I was prepared to use that side on Nick Jonas.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cianna's skateboarding outfit

I'm not too happy with this chapter but I just don't know why.
Apologizes for taking so long with the update, I've been super loaded with assignments, but they're all completed now so my updates should be quicker.!
Thank you so much for all the comments!
If anybody would like to make me a banner, let me know.
Oh and could somebody possibly guide me through making a story background?
Thanks again, Caitlin.
Peace, love and Skittles.