Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Three

David, his broken arm and I had been hanging out for 3 weeks when he turned to me and asked me to be his girlfriend.

I, of course, said yes but we wouldn’t inform anyone, for I feared that if the public found out, our relationship would go down the drain.

Knowing Megan, if she knew, she’d blab it to a radio station in a foreign country.

We were hugging when my phone started to ring. I removed it from my pocket, only to see the name ‘I’m more awesome than you’ flash across the screen yet again.

“Hello?” I asked in an irritated tone.

“What’s wrong with you?” my sister asked.

“Why’d you change your name on my phone?”

“Uh...oh yeah! Shia dared me!”

“Shia dared you?” I repeated.

God they’re idiots.

“Yeah! We thought it’d be super funny!”

“Meg are you drunk?”

“No, just hung-over.”

“Well what do you want?”

“Geez Ci, don’t snap. I just called to let you know that Mum organized for you to go to a
Disney party with all the Disney stars at Disneyland!”

“Oh no.” I groaned.

Disney stars= Jonas Brothers= Nick Jonas= my worst enemy.

“What do you mean 'oh no'? I thought you’d be excited to hang out with your little cutesy friends! There’ll be Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse and Miley Cyrus!”

“Thanks Megan, gotta go, bye.”

I slipped the phone back in my pocket and turned to David. “So when’s this Disney party?”

[& & &]

There were fans everywhere and it was all nice and calm until the Jobros rocked up. Then the screaming really began, and tweens made a dash for the boys.


And because I was standing in the way, I was tackled and went flying.

I was lucky not to hit my head and instead landed heavily on my butt.

“Joe I love you!”

“Kevin you’re so hot!”

“Nick marry me!”

Personally if they helped me up, I’d love Joe, I’d think Kevin was even hotter, but I would not marry Nick.

A foot trampled on my right hand, causing me to gasp out in pain.

“Can you move please?” a male voice yelled.

“Stuff you.” I growled, but then realised they weren’t talking to me and instead were yelling at the fans.

The kids cleared, but by that time I’d already clambered to my feet. Nick appeared in front of me, holding an icepack.

“Are you okay?” he asked quietly.

“What do you care?” I snarled. “You wanted me to be in pain before so what does it matter?”

“What’s she talking about Nick?” Kevin questioned, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

“I don’t know. I think she just knocked her head.”

“Oh, you, argh!” I fumed, clutching my bloody fingers.

“Please just let me help you.” Nick said acting all innocent.


He stepped forward and touched my arm, pressing the cold package to my hand and I didn’t retaliate.


“Hey, there we go.” Nick soothed.

My eyes meet with his and, shock horror, they were filled with sympathy and worry. I made a sharp hissing noise through my teeth when Nick pushed down too hard.

“Sorry.” he apologized, releasing the pressure.

David arrived and rushed over to my side. “What happened?! Did you punch someone baby?”

“Ha.” I snorted. “I wouldn’t punch anyone in my life.”

Well there are exceptions.

“I’ll take over here.” David smiled, grabbing the icepack from Nick.

“Are you sure?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, I’m sure, unless there was a specific reason you wanted to do it...”

David looked at me suspiciously.

“What are you implying?” I spat.

Upon hearing the anger in my voice, David shrugged and shut his mouth. When he went off to ride the roller coaster with Lucas Till, I stayed behind with Demi Lovato eating rainbow fairy floss.

“Nick’s got his eye on you.” Demi giggled, peering over my shoulder to look at the youngest band member.

“What? Why would he? He hates me.”

“Pfft!” she spluttered, almost choking on her confectionary. “Nick? Hates you? If he hated you he wouldn’t have helped you with your hand would he?”

“Yeah, but he’s done other things that imply that he hates me.”

“Like what?”

“Well I’d rather not go into it.”

“You do know that when a boy is mean to you, 99 percent of the time it means he’s crushing on you.”

I screwed up my nose at her ridiculous suggestion.

“And that extra one percent means that he’s being nasty to you because he hates you. I’m pretty sure that Nick is in the one percent.”

“What’s my stud muffin of a brother in one percent for?” Joe interrupted; rubbing his knuckles over Demi’s perfected hair.

“Argh Joe stop!”

“Why? I think you look better with messed up bed hair.”

“Joe if you don’t stop I’m going to kick your butt so bad!”

Their arguing continued until David and Lucas returned. It went silent for two seconds but then Joe reached over and pulled Demi’s hair. David didn’t seem to be in good spirits as he rolled his eyes and dragged Lucas away. When I turned back around, Demi was on Joe’s back.

“See what I mean? 99 percent” she laughed.

Nick was chatting with Selena as they stood next to the Horror House. I looked over subtly but Selena spotted me, beckoning her hand. I contemplated turning and running right out of the theme park, but decided against it and calmly walked over.

“How’s your hand?” Nick asked immediately.

Looking down the bandaged asset, I grimaced.

‘Sore but it’ll be okay.” I muttered.

Two fingers lifted my chin up gently. Selena smirked and backed away, skipping over to the fighting Demi ad Joe.

“I’m sorry.” he murmured.

“Sorry? For what? Being so famous that you cause stampedes here people get hurt? People like me.” I smiled sarcastically.

“I do not like it when people get hurt.”

“Yeah right, do too.”

I spun on my heel and got about three steps away when Nick jumped right in front of me.

“Stop.” he commanded.

“And what are you going to do if I don’t?”

“I don’t know right now but I’ll think of something.”

We both moved to the left and then dodged to the right.

“What is it with your little games?” I groaned exasperatedly.

“What’s with your little games?” Nick mimicked, looking down at me.

‘Do you have some sort of problem that you can’t leave people alone?”

“You aren’t a person; you’re something evil.”

“I can’t believe you! You want to apologize and then you’re back to your old ways!”

He didn’t stop me as I stomped off. For the rest of the night I managed to avoid him but then when it was time to go home, something unfortunate happened. My SUV never turned up and I had to hitch a ride with the Jonas’.

Kevin and Joe were chatty as usual, but Nick and I were quiet, answering with a quick yes or no. When we got to the stop of the street, we could see that the house I shared with Megan was alive with a party.

‘Not again.” I groaned.

There were guys on the lawn drinking to their hearts content. I jumped out of the car and raced up the driveway.

“Oi!” I yelled at the male partygoers.

“Hey hottie!”

“Don’t give me that crap, clear off!”

“Don’t tell me what to do bitch!” he growled, smashing his bottle and sending shards of glass flying everywhere.

“Get in the car!” Nick yelled, suddenly appearing behind me.

“Let me sort this out.”

“Get in the car.’ he warned, his patience waning.

“Just go!”

The front window shattered and two fighting women rolled out.

“Do you want that to happen to you?”

“You would!” I retaliated, tearing into the house.

n i c h o l a s

Stubborn bloody Cianna.

I ran in after her as she climbed the stairs to go up to her bedroom. She disappeared into one of the rooms and stood by the doorway, watching her rummage through a chest of drawers. I expected her to pull out a large air horn but instead she started locking up her possessions.

“Last time Meg had a party I had nothing left. They even took my underwear.” she said.

“Yeah I remember. I got your pink lacey g-string.” I joked.

“Not funny. And plus, I don’t own any g-strings. They’re disgusting; it’d be like having a permanent wedgie.

A couple making out tried to barge into Cianna’s bedroom but she sent them down the hallway.

“Let’s get you outta here.” I smiled, holding out my hand.

She looked at me with a cocked eyebrow. “Yeah, no thanks.”

She bounded down the stairs and into the garage. Cianna jumped in her yellow Ashton
Martin and roared the engine to life.

“Where are you going to go?” I questioned.

“I’ll just stay in a motel.” she shrugged.

“Are you sure? Will you be okay without a bodyguard?”

“Since when do you care?” Cianna snapped.

I held up my hands in a surrender position and backed away from the vehicle.

“I’m just trying to be your friend.”

“Ha!” she snorted. “Friend. That’s what I was trying to be and you just blew me off. We were never friends and nor will we ever be.”

Ugh. She had to be the most complicated person I had ever known.

“You’re the most complicated person.” Cianna complained.

It was as if she read my mind. The garage door soared up and with one swift movement she reversed the car and took off down the street.

Tossing and turning in bed that night, I wondered if she was safe. Not that I cared.

c i a n n a

Readjusting the blankets, I curled my feet underneath me as I watched my phone. There were a number of text messages circulating between friends and I, when one arrived from an unknown number.

‘Did u find a hotel? Hope ur okay. Nick.’

I rolled my eyes, ended all conversations and tossed the annoying device under my pillow. I was just on the brink of sleep when the phone beeped again.

‘Well? Are u okay?’

‘Yes I’m fine! Stop bothering me! I don’t need you in my life!’

As soon as my finger hit the ‘send’ button I instantly regretted typing that nasty message to Nick. When there came no reply, I turned on the TV expecting to see Gossip Girl, but was instead faced by shocking news.

“Megan Fox is in a critical condition after suffering from a drug overdose.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Cianna's Disney party outfit

Oh my gosh. I've so sorry that it took a month to update. None of my excuses are acceptable, although comments do give me a kick to add a new chapter. *hint hint*

I'm not too happy with this chapter, there's too much dialogue.

So Nick seems to have a caring side to him now. Wow.

I only received one comment on the last chapter and that kind of discouraged me but I'll continue as long as I have readers. I don't want to become the type of author that asked for a certain amount of comments before an update.

If anyone would like to make me a banner, feel free to contact me. I'll take any banners. :)

Thankyou for reading my incredibly boring rant. (Or maybe you just skipped to this sentence? :))

xxx Caitlin.