Status: Completed..

I Never Liked You Even When I Tried To

Chapter Four

Cianna Arrives To See Sick Sister.

May 22nd 2009

Cianna Fox arrived at Los Angeles Hospital to visit her critically ill sister Megan as she fights for life after suffering from a drug overdose.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of a beautiful and talented girl.


May 22nd

Shia Lebeouf attacked paparazzi outside Los Angeles Private Hospital after being hounded with questions about co-star Megan Fox after she suffered a drug overdose.

More to come.

May 23rd

Megan Fox is losing her battle to recover from a drug overdose. The star apparently consumed a cocktail of lethal drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, and ice, along with alcohol.

Flowers and other gifts have been presented at the front of the hospital.

The family is yet to release a official statement.


I didn't want to leave Meg's side but Shia knew I hadn't eaten in a few days, so he dragged me down to the cafeteria.

"How could I be so stupid?! I should've stayed at that party and made sure she didn't do anything stupid, but I was too worried about getting out of there, that I didn't even check on her! This is all my fault!"

I gasped for air, and the sobs took over my body.

"Shhh, it's okay." Shia cooed, rubbing my back.

"No, it-it-it's n-n-not!" I wailed, burying my head into his chest.

I sat with my head in my hands until the tears finally drained away.

A clearing of a throat interrupted my thoughts of planning a funeral and all that goes with it.

I looked up to see Nick smiling down at me with a paper McDonalds bag in his hand.

"You wanna take a walk?"

Why would you wanna help me?

"I know what question you're asking yourself right now, but you'll appreciate someone to talk to."

He slipped his warm hand into mine and lead me outside into the fresh air.

"Where's David?"

"He broke up with me." I whimpered.

"What?! Why?"

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and tossed it to him.


'I'm sorry I didn't do this face to face, but I just couldn't. I've realised that I can't be linked to you, as Megan's reputation is not good for my career. You're a beautiful girl, and you'll find someone more special than me.'

"Oh Cianna, I'm sorry."

"I never did anything that was wrong or bad. I'm nothing like Meg, the complete opposite, but I'm thinking right now I should be the one lying on that hospital bed." she croaked.

I held her in my arms, stroking her back as she cried.

"They always say the first boyfriends don't last." I thought.

"Come on, lets eat."

"Not hungry."

I pulled a fry out of the bag and waved it in front of her nose. "You know you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are." I dipped the chip in sweet and sour sauce and placed it in my mouth. "Yum."

Cianna looked up at me and started to giggle. "You've've got sauce....right there."

Her bright blue eyes shone through the glaze as she reached forward and wiped the liquid from my lip.

"You know you wanna a chip." I teased.

She rolled her eyes and snatched up my burger, furiously unwrapping it.

Cianna wolfed it down and reached for the nuggets, when I grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Yes?" she said softly.

"I believe they're my nuggets?"

"Does it look like I care?" she shrugged, sinking her teeth into the crumbed chicken.

"Obviously not." I sighed.

With a full stomach, Cianna made her way back up to her sister.


The sight of all the tubes leading out of Meg's body made me sick to the stomach.

Nick held me up as I went down, pulling me into lap as I broke down once again.

Mum and Dad were there too, praying for their daughter to fight back.

Throughout the events of Megan's miraculous survival, Nick was right there by my side.

Often, he was his old jerky self, but most of the time he was caring, and willing to listen to my rants and raves.

"When people walk away when you need them the most, move on because they aren't true to anyone, not even themselves. Focus on everyone that is and will be there because they're the only people that matter." he told me.

I proceeded to post that quote on my Facebook.

Megan was discharged on 15th of June, and admitted straight into a rehabilitation clinic.

I was walking to my [url=]] Aston Martin [/url] parked in the hospital carpark when I heard Nick's voice float in with the breeze.

"I never thought I'd be able to get away from her. All she'd do was cry. You don't know how many nice shirts that've been ruined by her mascara!"

My mouth dropped open and I ground my foot into the gravel angrily.

"Exactly! She could've got through it without me being there! I only did it because I'm going to crush her into a million pieces."

Scum of the earth!

I was tempted to pick up a large plank of wood and bring it across his head, but decided to listen into his conversation instead.

"Yeah, I'm going to befriend her, then ask her to be my girlfriend, then break her tiny little heart....Of course I'm not going to fall for her! What do you think I am; crazy?! She's not at all attractive, and she's so conceited she thinks she's the most beautiful thing on the planet! Man, I don't know why but it feels awesome knowing I'm going to hurt her."

The only time I feel beautiful is after I've spent three hours in the makeup chair, and have my friends next to me, looking just as pretty.

"Megan's gone to the nut house and can't have any visitors for a couple of months so I'll have to make a way to spend time with her."

There was no way I would let him break my heart; I would turn the tables on him and in the end break his own heart.