I Can't Pretend That I Don't See This.

I'm Hayley Williams. You may of heard of my band Paramore? We are about to release our third album before embarking on yet another world wide tour. Things are going well now, but they havent always been this good.
We started this band years ago because we were all friends who shared a passion for music. The trouble was, being in a band wasn’t how we thought it would be. In many ways it was a lot more fun. We got to do the things we loved whilst getting paid for it! We got to meet all of our idols and tour the world.
The trouble was, we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we signed to FBR and set out on Warped tour, along with many other tours. We couldn’t of possibly imagined what it was going to be like spending so much time with each other. We thought we were such good friends, we never imagined It could get difficult being with each other.
The worst bit was, It was me and Josh who had the most problems.
Anyway, no one In the band has ever really gone into any detail about our personal relationships. It's a private thing, and people never really understand. That’s why Josh decided that me and him shouldn't tell anyone about us being together. At the time, I blamed our break up on his decision but who knows, maybe if everyone had known from the start Paramore wouldn't be where it was today, and me and Josh might not be in the position where we finally feel comfortable with our past together.
Sooooooo, everyone always wanted to know what happened between us, here you go...

*(I do not own Paramore or the other people used in this story. It is based on true life but obviously I've had to improvise at times, so please don't steal my idea or believe everything in this story.)