Just a Drabble

Just a Drabble

You and I stand with our groups of friends, yours inside and mine outside. Both of us speak enthusiastically with our friends, yet we are hardly in the conversations.

Unbelievably it feels like midday when it's actually early evening, but a simple action can break a sweat.

Waving my hand in front of my face, I set my stuff next to a friend and excuse myself to the restroom. Then I realize that you're standing around where I need to go.

Blushing, I casually walk into the air-conditioned lobby and briefly I stand in the doorway, letting the cool air surround me.

I smile to myself noticing you glance at me in the corner of my eye. Your smile is amused at my actions.

Timidly, I continue to the restroom and quickly glance at you. I look back at the ground the moment I see you looking at me. I then disappear into the restroom.

When I walk out, I don't see you anywhere, so I casually walk towards the outdoors.

Just as I pass the stairs, I'm suddenly pulled towards them only to bump into you.

You smile and I turn red, noticing instantly how close we are. Then you lead me down the stairs, passed the empty rooms, and outside; away from everyone else. You continue to lead me to a wooden bench and sit, making me sit beside you.

My mind is in a daze and when you hug me, my head fitting perfectly under your chin, it shuts off completely. My heart races when my brain finally starts to take in everything.

Your heart seems to match my racing once and I can't help my smile from forming. Goosebumps show up on my arms as your fingertips gently run along the side of my neck. I tremble and close my eyes, trying to make my blush vanish.

Suddenly my phone goes off, forcing us to separate. I look at the screen and frown. You already know that I have to leave and you nod in understanding.

The both of us stand, your hand catching mine, and we walk back to the crowd. Our hands hesitate to part, but slowly they pull away from each other. All too quickly we walk our separate ways as if we didn't know each other, but neither of us forgetting the last rare moment we had together.
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It's super cheesy, but I need start posting more. If you read this go to my page and read my Legolas story (if you like him) and comment on both please! :D I love hearing what y'all think of my stories! Thanks!