Fairy Tales

All The Small Things

They say that the world isn’t a fairy tale with a happy ending. In fact, very few get those type of lives much less when they’re dumped into a chaotic one such as theirs. My life is a pretty simple one but not with out hardships, I guess its my luck or karma from another life.

But I still believe in the fairy tales I heard when I was a child and I still believe in happy endings, despite all that’s happened but at first I didn’t. I was a lost soul with bittersweet memories about my life because unlike everyone else and their troubles in their life, I’d gotten the short end of the stick but I’m lucky to be here now.

Yes, despite all that’s happened. I believe it happens for a reason. I may not believe that hard in the Big Man upstairs like the others do but I believe something’s out there watching over us, showing us ways to go if we so choose.

I’m glad that I chose this. I’m glad that I chose him and all that came with him. I’m glad that they came and basically saved my life by teaching me how to live, laugh and love.

All this sounds like a dying reminisce and to tell the truth it is. In a way but I’d like to think of it as a record of what’s happened so that way other’s in my family that precede me can look up on it and read, learn, laugh, and most of all love their heritage.

Here. Lets start this off properly.

My name is Constance Elizabeth Tucker, most commonly called CT, Charlie, or even sometimes Mockingbird, due to my love of singing and where I came from.

I grew up in the state called Mississippi. I was a tomboy, wild child and rebel, Southern Belle and a walking contradiction but that was me. I was the nicest firecracker you’d ever know and was known to be a muse for people if they needed it.

I was 21 when all this started to happen. I was going to Ole Miss in the fall, majoring in music performance. Music was and still is my life. I was a fan of all types of music, especially rock.

And I think that’s where I was hooked, like a drug, that quite literally drug me to them.