Status: Will Update Every Wednesday :) Somewhat Active (;

Prince Charming Left Me

So Intoxicating

"Adam, you fucker, I thought you loved me, why are you leaving?!"
He just continued walking, he didn't turn back around, he just walked, tears started to stream down my cheeks, I thought he loved me.

My eyes snapped open, I groaned and walked out to the living room, Butterfly and Jarrod were clothed and Butterfly was sleeping in his arms, he was smiling in his sleep.
I smiled and opened the door, to see..Adam Cheslock.
I felt my mouth pop open, making the "P" sound.
"Adam, Cheslock," it wasn't my voice, I turned my head to see a very mad Edwin.
"Who the hell is that?" Adam snapped, Edwin wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me back.
"I'm Edwin her boyfriend," Edwin god damnit, shut the fuck up.
"Edwin, dude you stopped coming to the fuckin weed day at Pete's house," they knew eachother?
"Adam, dude, I'm over that, didn't you notice it was after you left Nina that I stopped coming?"
FUCK,"Now that you mention it yah, what the hell man she was mine first not yours she was pregnant with my kids, which I wanna see."
I looked at him, in his brown eyes, and all I could see was anger with Edwin.
"No, Adam you can't see Kenny and Kristina," Edwin snapped.
I saw Adam's eyes get glassy, Kenny,"Adam, yes you can see your children, shut your door on the way in."
He nodded, shut the door behind him as he followed closely behind me.
All three of us were in my room, Butterfly and Jarrod said good-bye and left.
I picked up Kenny first who was awake, his bright eyes looking at Adam,"This is Kenny."
"Can I hold him?" Adam asked with shaking hands.
I smiled,"Yes, just be careful, and support his head."
He took Kenny from me,"Hey lil buddy, I'm your daddy, gasp you have your mommy's pretty eyes."
I smiled, he was a great father,"And here's Kristina," I took Kenny and handed him the little girl, he smiled even larger.
"Are you gonna be a daddy's girl?" he tapped her nose lightly and she giggeled.
"Adam you're really good with kids, so um if you don't mind me asking, who are you dating these days?" he looked up at me with a slight smile.
"No one for long, she is controlling, and doesn't wanna get serious," he half smiled.
"Oh, well where are you staying?"
"No where, well her house, but I'm leaving tomorrow, I don't got alot of shit anymore, just alot of stuff going on, so I lost alot..-"
"What didn't pay debt, because if you didn't I want you to stay away from Nina, I don't want Aaron and Aj coming after her, got it?" Edwin snapped, god.
"Dude, no, it is with my fuckin family you asshole, Nina take Kristina," he handed me my now sleeping baby girl.
"Boys stop it!" I shouted laying her down next to her brother.
Both of them looked at me,"Sorry."
"It's fine, but let's go back out into the living room," I pulled them both out and sat them down on the couch and I sat in the middle.
"Nina, look I came to apologize, I know you don't wanna see, like ever again but I had to see you-"
"Bastard you left her," Edwin interupted.
"Edwin shut the fuck up! Adam continue."
He sighed,"Look, I had to see you, I think I still, well, I'm sorry I left you, I was scared and cofused and just a messed up time for me I mean my parent's getting divorced, and my real dad coming back into my life-," I cut him off.
"WHOA, your real dad? WHEN?!" I looked over at Edwin who just sat there,"Edwin I love you but could you please just go home for a bit? I have to talk to Adam, I swear I won't cheat on you remember I love you."
He huffed, then gave up with pouting kissed me and left.
"Adam tell me now," I brought my legs up and turned fully facing him, crossed my legs and waited.
He looked at me and laughed,"Okay, look when we were engaged and I went to the station thanks to you, Jack the officer there I guess was my dad the whole time, look he looked me back up and started stalking me, I have to carry a gun in my car and knife on me at all times, I mean the man is after me and wants to kill me, like really kill me, so I have to find a new place to stay, but here, he still thinks I am with you and he will come after you, yes I know this sounds like some cheesey story, but I am telling you the truth.My dad will come after you to get to me," he looked into my eyes.
"Adam, I.I.I can't beleive it," he just looked at me.
"I know, but Nina.." he leaned in, and our lips crashed.
His sweet intoxicating scent, I tried to pull away but I couldn't, so I got my arms around his neck, I felt his arms pull me closer, soon I was in his lap, the kiss hadn't broken the whole time.
He broke it,"Nina I love you."
I looked at him, he ment it,"I love you too Adam."
The kiss continued.
10 minutes later of making out..
Finally we had gotten done, I had forgotten how much I loved his lip ring against my skin, he was a great kisser, he was laying on the couch I was ontop of him cuddeled up close.
I listened to his steady heartbeat, it was soothing, soon my eyes started to close.
I was asleep.
Edwin can't know...ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
NicoleElizabeth ;o