Vegas Wedding

chapter twelve.

Amanda woke up and smiled. Her nose was about two centimeters away from Brendon’s and butterflies erupted in her gut. She bit down on her bottom lip to keep giggles from escaping. His lips were so plump and inviting. Then his long eyelashes batted and his dark brown eyes opened. Hers widened.

“It’s not polite to stare.” Brendon smiled as he closed his eyes again. This time she couldn’t keep the giggles in and the sound made his smile widen.

“It’s not nice to scare me.” She closed her eyes too and relished in the fact that his arms were still around her.

“Well, I didn’t do that on purpose.” He chuckled and watched as her nose crinkled while she yawned. She snuggled back into the pillow. All he could think was, damn, she’s adorable. “I guess we better get up now.” She groaned and he chuckled again. “Come on, we’ve got to be at the court house by ten if we want to be seen before noon.”

She was thankful for the pillow that she hid her disappointment into. “Mm mmmh mhhm mmmmmm.”

He chuckled. “What was that?” She sighed and lifted her head, letting her frown fall into place.

“I don’t want to go.” She admitted the words out loud, but not the reason behind it. She wanted to be married to Brendon Urie for years to come.

“It won’t take but about twenty minutes, and then you can come and get back in bed if you like.” He took her words the wrong way and that made her heart sink even more.

She groaned but rolled out of the bed, away from his warmth and comfort. “Fucking fine. I’m up.” She went straight to his bathroom and slammed the door behind her. She turned the shower on and stripped from her clothes, sulking the whole time.

Brendon stared at the bathroom door completely confused. He’d never heard her utter a single curse word and her tone had been laced with such anger and bitterness he’d never thought could come from her. He wondered if maybe he’d upset her on accident.

Amanda stepped out of the bathroom in her fresh clothes and found the bathroom empty. She felt a little bad for snapping at Brendon the way she had. She quickly applied a little makeup and put her hair up in a ponytail. Looking in the mirror, she smiled at her appearance. She looked like she was getting ready to go to a job interview with her black pants and striped quarter sleeve top. Pretty and nice, but business like.

She tiptoed out of the bedroom and toward the living room, her nerves getting the best of her. There was Brendon, fresh and clean on the couch, watching the TV set with a bored expression. Spencer sat next to him and both boys turned their heads as she entered the room.

“Good morning Manda.” Spencer grinned and turned his eyes back to the screen.

“Morning Spence. Where’s Michelle?” She asked to keep things from going to an awkward silence.

“She went to the store down the street to pick up girly items.” He made a face as he said girly.

“Oh.” She sighed and bit her bottom lip. She wished she hadn’t freaked on Brendon earlier as the awkward silence she’d wanted to avoid settled.

Brendon sighed too. “You ready to go, then?” He looked up at her with those big brown eyes and she simply nodded. “Alright, we’ll probably be back around two, man. Maybe earlier if we’re lucky.” He slapped Spencer’s shoulder as he stood up.

“Yeah, you two have fun.” Spencer smirked.

“As much fun as getting an annulment in Vegas can be.” Brendon retorted sarcastically as he grabbed his keys and Spencer chuckled. Amanda waved as she followed Brendon to the door.

The two were quiet on the walk down and the walk to the car. It wasn’t until Brendon was pulling out of the garage that she couldn’t take it anymore. She inhaled deeply and turned toward him.

“I’m sorry.” The words fell from her mouth in a hurry and he almost didn’t catch them. He raised one of his eyebrows and glanced over at her.

“Sorry about what?”

“I’m sorry about snapping at you this morning. I was displacing my agitation.” She stared out the window thinking at least I didn’t lie.

Brendon surprised both of them as his right hand instinctively reached over and grabbed hers. “There’s no reason to apologize.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and hesitated before his next question. “Are you alright?” The fact that she was ‘agitated’ made him want to help.

She scraped her teeth over her bottom lip again as the truth screamed in her mind. “Yeah, I’m just a little anxious to get back home. Things are going to be quite awkward for quite awhile.”

He frowned. “Things won’t be that bad.” Except you won’t be here, he added in his head.

“Oh, but they will. I’ve got to pack my shit up when I get back and try to swindle my way into Steph’s apartment till I get on my own feet.” She’d decided to move out of the house she shared with Shawn and Neil yesterday. She wasn’t sure how things were going to go with Neil, but she figured that could wait till they were face to face again.

“You’re welcome out here, whenever.” He shrugged. He wanted to tell her how he wished she’d stay, but he didn’t have the guts for that.

She smiled as she let her imagination run wild with thoughts of staying with him longer. “Thanks Brendon.”
♠ ♠ ♠
inspired by the douche bag that broke my heart : )