Vegas Wedding

chapter thirteen.

Amanda could feel herself slipping into a depression. She looked down at the warm paper in her hand and frowned. It was official. Amanda Court was no longer married to Brendon Urie. The judge had ruled that both parties were intoxicated and since she wasn’t fighting for any of his money, the judge had no problems with signing the papers. Amanda, on the other hand, hated it.

Brendon noticed she was quiet for the entire ride home. All she gave him were mumbled one word answers. He’d thought they’d gotten over the weirdness from this morning, but he frowned as he snatched glances over at her.

They pulled into the parking garage and Brendon pulled into his usual spot. She was still silent as she followed him to the apartment, mulling around the new thoughts in her mind. She really didn’t want to leave, but it felt like she didn’t have a choice anymore.

Why didn’t I say something sooner? She whined in her head as she trudged through the front door and plopped down on the couch. Brendon chuckled as he locked the door behind them.

“You still tired?” He asked right before a loud bang came from the kitchen.

“More mentally than physically.” She mumbled and moved her head to the side so she could see him standing beside her awkwardly.

“Fuck, is that the Urie’s?” Michelle yelled from the kitchen, making both of them chuckle before she stuck her head out of the kitchen. “You’re not supposed to be home for another hour!” She frowned and Brendon raised his eyebrows.

“What are you up to?” He asked skeptically as he took steps toward the kitchen.

“No!” Michelle held a hand up and her eyes widened. Amanda perked her head up and looked over curiously. “Um, aren’t you going to book Manda’s flight?”

Brendon sighed. “Yeah.” He turned back around and gave Amanda a half smile.

“Oh, but book it for tomorrow. Tonight we’re having dinner over at Ryan’s.” He glanced at her over his shoulder and knew something was up. “Seven o’clock. Don’t be late!” She pointed at him, then her, and then ducked her head back into the kitchen.

“Did that seem a bit odd?” Amanda asked cautiously as she stood up to follow Brendon back to his room.

“Yes, but I’ve learned to ignore the odd since questioning it usually gets me in trouble.” She laughed and nodded.

He pulled his laptop out and turned it on, laying it on his bed. She sat beside him, cross legged and biting her nails. It was quiet while he set up the online airline service. He put in the destinations, but hesitated when deciding on the airport in Florida. She giggled lightly.

“Jacksonville is the closest. I’ll call Steph and see if he can pick me up.”

“Okay.” He smiled and clicked JAX airport while she pulled out her phone. The next flight went out at eight thirty, but there wouldn’t be time for dinner if he chose that one. “Is seven fifteen too early?” He looked over and found her already on the phone.

“That’s fine.” She reassured him and half listened to the answering machine on the other line. “Hey Steph, I’m flying in tomorrow around,” she counted the time difference in her head. “Nine, I think. I’ll be at the JAX airport so if you can’t make it, please send someone to pick me up. Thanks. Love you.” She clicked the phone closed. “That should take care of it.” She sighed.

“He didn’t answer?” Brendon was worried as he mentally pictured her sitting in the airport alone.

“Nah, but its fine. He’ll send somebody.” She shrugged. She had complete confidence in Stephan.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes.” She giggled and looked into his brown eyes. Her insides melted.

“Alright.” He sighed and lifted his laptop over to his desk. He connected the printer and started to print out the boarding pass. She felt a little guilty letting him pay for her ticket, but she made a plan to pay him back once she got back home. “Looks like we’ve got another couple hours to kill before dinner. Want to watch a movie?”

She grinned. “I’d love to.”
♠ ♠ ♠
inspired by the douche bag that broke my heart : )