Vegas Wedding

chapter nineteen.

Brendon was driving himself crazy. He hadn’t heard from Amanda since her flight had landed. He was worried and he was lonely. He missed her. He missed her warmth, her smell, her smile, her slight giggle when she was embarrassed. He missed everything and he wanted her back so badly.

“Dude, will you stop pacing the place?” Spencer threw a pillow at his best friend. “You’re starting to make me sick.”

“Sorry.” Brendon muttered and sat down in the chair. He hadn’t even realized he was pacing.

“Why don’t you just chase after the girl, Bren?” Michelle perked up and gave him a sympathetic smile. “The marriage may have been a mistake, but the falling in love wasn’t.”

“The falling in love?” He repeated and glanced up doubtfully. Sure, he had feelings for her, but he’d only known her for a little under a week.

“Yeah man, hate to break it to you, but that girl has you wrapped around her finger.” Spencer twirled his pointer finger for emphasis.

“It’s not just that.” Michelle lightly smacked Spencer’s chest as she sat up. “Don’t you feel connected to her?” She asked Brendon desperately.

“Yes.” Brendon swallowed hard.

“Wouldn’t you do anything to help her if she was in trouble?”


“And don’t you miss her like fucking hell?”

“Yes.” He groaned and put his head in his hands.

“Then get your ass on a plane and go tell her you love her.” Michelle instructed and rested back into her previous position beside Spencer.

“It’s not that simple, Chelle.” Brendon sighed and wiped his face before looking up at her.

“And why isn’t it that simple?” She retorted and he rolled his eyes.

“It’s just not.” Brendon stood back up and started to pace again.

“Because you won’t let it be.” She crossed her arms and pouted. “If you would have told her before, she probably wouldn’t have left.”

“I tried, okay?” Brendon bit his bottom lip as his two friends mouths dropped open. He decided it was better to spill than keep the secret in any longer. “I kissed her, at the party.” He sighed. “Then I said sorry and she said it’s fine, and we both mutually agreed to forget it.”

“You idiot.” Michelle took the only other pillow on the couch and threw it at Brendon.

“What was that for?” He turned to her with an accusing look.

“You dumbass! No girl wants to hear ‘I’m sorry’ after a boy kisses her!” Brendon furrowed his eyebrows. “It’s a no wonder she left on the first friggin’ flight she could. You’re supposed to woo a girl Bren, not make her feel like a gross disease.”

“You think she,” he started and frowned.

“I know she felt like trash after that.” Michelle frowned too.

Brendon felt his chest tighten. He’d seen Amanda in tears over a guy once, but now he had to face the fact that maybe he had upset her too. His stomach lurched and he was suddenly very ill. He wanted to make things better, but he wasn’t sure how. She was so far away now.

“Guys,” Brendon breathed out slowly. “I think I’m going to Florida.”

A smile crept onto to both his friends faces. “Well, get your ass in there and pack then.” Michelle giggled as Brendon grinned. He went straight back to his bedroom and threw a few items into a bag before he came back out to the living room.

“I don’t know where she lives.” He admitted and Michelle stood up.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll track her down.” She squealed and skipped over to him, throwing her arms around his neck. “This is so exciting! And it’s going to be so romantic! Come on, let’s practice what you’re going to say.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward his room again.
♠ ♠ ♠
inspired by the douche bag who broke my heart : )