Vegas Wedding

chapter five.

Brendon stared at her. How could he not stare at her? She was stunning. Her eyes were sparkly green and her smile was just perfect. He almost couldn’t believe that only two hours ago she’d been teary eyed and dismayed in a hotel lobby.

“This is so great.” Michelle squealed and Brendon’s eyes were pulled away from the girl beside him as she tackled him in a hug. “Our little Brenny Boo is married!”

“Michelle, he’s not technically married.” Spencer laughed as he watched his girlfriend squeeze the life out of his best friend.

“Yeah huh!” Michelle shifted on Brendon so that she was sitting on his lap and grabbed Amanda’s left hand, holding it up for Spencer to see. “She’s got a ring and everything!”

“I think it’s cutting off her circulation.” Spencer brought the attention to Amanda’s purpling ring finger.

“Oh my god, it is!” Michelle’s eyes widened and she quickly turned around to smack Brendon’s arm. “Jeez, Bren. You couldn’t even get her a ring that fit?”

“I’m sorry Chelle. I was just a bit drunk when it happened.” Brendon laughed as he reconnected his eyes with Amanda’s.

“Right, I forgot you decided to run off and get hitched the good old fashioned Vegas way.” Michelle rolled her eyes and then stood up. “Oh, and you also forgot to invite me along!” She yelled before stalking out of the room.

“I’m sorry Chelle!” Brendon repeated in a shout as Spencer got up from his chair.

“Screw you Urie!” Michelle yelled right back. Amanda giggled while Brendon chuckled and Spencer shook his head. “And don’t even think about trying to sweeten me up by letting me throw you guys a party!”

“Michelle, there’s not going to be party.” Spencer left the room too. Amanda was surprised by how well his friends were taking the whole married thing. But then, she did have to tell her fiancé that she’d married another man. He was only telling his friends he had a drunken one night stand that went a little too far.

“Well,” Brendon startled her as he took her left hand in his own. “I guess we’d better get this off you then.” He was smiling a little, one corner of his mouth higher than the other. Amanda dropped her eyes to their hands and felt her heart drop.

“I guess,” she mumbled. There were flutters on her insides as his fingers laced with hers and he pulled her after him, back toward his bedroom, and then to his small separate bathroom.

“Water and soap should do it.” He was still grinning a bit as he pulled out a small towel and set it on the sink. “I’ll be right back.” His hands lightly rested on her hips as he maneuvered around her and went back in his room.

Amanda sighed before she attempted to take the plastic ring off. It didn’t budge and it hurt enough to make her wince. She turned the cold water on and let it run over her hand as she reveled in self pity. She didn’t want to take the ring off.

“Here,” he whispered in her ear and gently took her hand in his. She was highly aware of his warm body pressed against the back of hers, but she was trying desperately to focus on her hand. Brendon took a bit of soap and massaged it on her hand, slowly sliding the ring lower and lower on her finger until he finally got it off. “Tada.” He held up the ring triumphantly.

“Very smooth.” Amanda gave a half hearted smile as she rinsed the soap off her hand. It became a real smile when Brendon took her hand again, with the towel in his other, and dried it for her.

“I think,” he mused as he dug in his pocket, the towel still lightly in his grip. “This one should fit better.” He pulled out a gold ring that had a red stone on it. Brendon slid it on her ring finger carefully and sighed with relief as it easily went on. It wasn’t too small or too big.

“Is that,” she stopped and took a closer look, her giggles getting the better of her. “Your high school ring.”

“Yep, I found it and figured,” he shrugged as he stared at the ring on her hand, putting his own hands in his pockets. “You could wear it for a few days or so.”

“Thanks.” Amanda bit her bottom lip and tilted her head back to stare into his big brown eyes. “It’s perfect.”
♠ ♠ ♠
inspired by the douche bag that broke my heart : )