Vegas Wedding

chapter seven.

Brendon woke up to the smell of something good cooking and the sound of his friend’s laugh. Then there was her laugh that chimed with theirs. It was such a pleasant moment. Brendon was smiling as he woke up, which was a first for as long as he could remember.

He rolled off the couch and slowly stumbled into the kitchen. His roommates were sitting at the bar while Amanda bustled around on the other side, cooking French toast. “Good morning Brendon!” Amanda turned to him with a wide smile and his friends glanced over their shoulders with grins of their own.

“Morning,” he grumbled and attempted a smile as he took the barstool beside Michelle. Amanda shook her head as she turned her back to them, flipping the toast over skillfully with her spatula.

“How’d you sleep, Bren?” Michelle asked sweetly, but he knew better than to call her innocent. Underlying in the question was her teasing him about having to sleep on the couch. Classic Michelle.

“Fine,” he grunted, not giving her anything more to work with. It was quiet for a bit while the three watched the small girl hum and twirl around as she worked.

“Here you go, dear husband.” Amanda giggled as she placed a mug in front of Brendon and then filled it with coffee like a waitress.

“Damn, Brendon. You picked a good one.” Spencer admired the girl as she flipped the toast onto plates.

“She hasn’t stopped humming the whole time!” Michelle whispered loudly. The three sets of eyes were glued to Amanda in awe. They’d never seen someone so perky in the morning and accomplish so much without any caffeine in the system.

“I can hear you guys.” Amanda shook her head as she brought over two plates and set them in front of Spencer and Michelle. “And you’ve seriously never had anyone make you breakfast?” Her nose scrunched up in that cute way as she brought over Brendon’s plate and the syrup.

“I think my mom was the last person to make me breakfast, and that was back in middle school.” Spencer answered with a chuckle as Michelle practically snatched the syrup first.

“Jeez, how do you people survive?” Amanda widened her eyes in fake shock as she stood beside Brendon. His arms were just itching to wrap around her waist and pull her in for a kiss, but he refrained, with great effort.

“Usually I make Bren fix me a bowl of cereal or Spence take me out for breakfast.” Michelle smiled cheekily as she handed the syrup to Spencer who rolled his eyes.

“She’s not joking either.” Brendon muttered, making Amanda laugh harder than she already was. “She’s high maintenance,” he whispered with his hand up but Michelle heard him anyway and smacked his shoulder.

“I am not! I just enjoy bossing you two boys around. It’s so much fun.” She stuck her tongue out before taking a bite of her French toast.

“Well, I’m going to take a shower.” Amanda bit her bottom lip and then decided to take on her own dare. “Enjoy the French toast,” she grinned from ear to ear before she quickly pecked Brendon’s cheek and then running off back to his bedroom.

Brendon’s cheeks flushed as he snapped his head back to watch her dart from the room. He was shocked to say the least and he was no longer aware of the other two in the room, until Michelle pushed his mouth close that is.

“Stop drooling before or you’ll scare her away.” She chided and then turned back to her plate with a smirk on her face.

“I’m not drooling.” Brendon defended, sending a glare her way but not for long. His eyes strayed back to the doorway as he replayed the feeling the her soft lips on his cheek in his head.

“Ya kind of are, bro.” Spencer laughed as he got a glare too.

“Shut up you two.” Brendon picked up an orange from the fruit bowl and threw it at his best friend. Spencer caught the orange and threw it back to him.

“There’s nothing wrong with it, man. She is your wife.” Michelle sniggered at Spencer’s statement.

“Not for long,” Brendon muttered and was surprised by how bitter he sounded, and defeated. He hadn’t realized that he was actually starting to like her, the more he was getting to know her. And he’d already given up on her. He shook his head, forcing both thoughts out of his mind while he finished his breakfast.
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inspired by the douche bag that broke my heart : )