Vegas Wedding

chapter eight.

Amanda dressed in jean shorts and a Cartel tank top after she showered. She ran her fingers through the tangles in her hair and decided to put it up in a ponytail before she walked back out into the living room. Brendon was sitting on the couch with his arms outstretched on the back of it. His eyes were still sleepy looking as he watched the TV and the sight made her smile more.

“Hey, Mr. Sleepy,” she teased as she plopped down beside him. His left arm rested just at the back of her neck and she tried desperately to ward off the shivers that went through her.

“You smell good.” Brendon blurted out the observation and then slapped himself mentally. Saying his most random thoughts was definitely not going to impress her.

“Well, thanks.” She giggled and let her eyes stray to the TV screen. “So, is this what we’re doing for the rest of the day?” Her tone gave away the boredom and he smiled slowly.

“It doesn’t have to be.” He shrugged and stared down at her. Her eyes were so piercing, even when she wasn’t looking at him directly. She was just stunning in his eyes. “Spencer and Chelle went over to Ryan’s and I’m pretty sure Jon’s over there with Amy. They’re all dying to meet you, but we don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”

“I’d love to meet more of your friends.” She turned her gaze and her bright smile to him once again. “If you’ll take me to all the brilliant places in Vegas tomorrow.” He chuckled and found himself smiling too.

“Okay, it’s a deal then.” He put out his right hand and she slipped her into it, making the promise sealed with a handshake. “Let me just throw some water on my face and change my shirt.” He stood up.

“Take all the time you need.” She called after him as he walked down the hallway. Her stomach was erupting with butterflies. Ryan and Jon were the other half of Panic At The Disco, or at least, the old Panic At The Disco. She could hardly keep herself from squealing like a silly little fan girl as she waited for Brendon to come back out.

“It’s about a twenty minute drive.” His voice was smooth as entered the room again. The grogginess was gone from his tone and his features as he walked over to slip his shoes on. Amanda found herself admiring him as she watched him. She never could understand how he was so tiny around the waist, but she could admit that he looked good. Good enough that she had to bite her bottom lip to keep herself from staring too long. “Ryan moved out to the residential area of Vegas while Spencer and I stayed here in the city.”

“So he lives in like a suburb area?” She raised her eyebrows as he leaned against the wall and laughed. His honey brown eyes sparkled when they connected with hers.

“His neighborhood is pretty much like a suburb, yeah.” He shook his head and then dove his hands into his pockets to pull out his keys. “He’s going to get a crack out of that one.”

“Why’s that?” She questioned as she hopped up and followed him to the front door.

“Because he never wanted to live in the suburbs. He grew up in them and absolutely despised them since he moved out of his moms.” Brendon quickly locked the door behind them and led the way out of the apartment complex.

Amanda asked a few more questions as they walked to the garage Brendon kept his car in. The drive was filled with the soft music coming from the radio. She recognized it as The Beatles’ Love CD and sang along quietly. Brendon smiled as he turned the radio up a little more, encouraging her to sing louder. He liked the sound of her voice. It was soft and gentle, and melted perfectly with John and Paul’s.

“Here we are.” Brendon muttered as he pulled into a driveway. There were three other cars in the driveway, but Amanda was too distracted with the house in front of her. Her mouth was dropped open as she stepped out of the car and stared.

“It’s huge.” She finally managed and turned to see Brendon at her side, smiling.

He shrugged. “I think it looks bigger on the outside.”

“And is that . . .” she trailed off as she stepped up on her tip toes, trying to see into the backyard over a tall wood fence.

“A pool,” he nodded and answered for her. Her mouth dropped open again and he laughed. “Come on, let’s get you inside before you melt in this heat.” He grabbed her hand, letting himself splurge in the moment.

Amanda snapped out of her daze easily. “I was raised in Florida and lived in Arizona for a few years. I can handle heat.” He frowned.

“You lived in Arizona?” Brendon wanted to know all he could about this girl before he had to let her go. She was too amazing and unique to waste the opportunity.

“Yeah, I went through this phase where I was in love with Kennedy Brock from The Maine. I spent about a year and a half in Arizona swooning after him. Poor boy was probably terrified of me, but we’re good friends now.” Her cheeks burned a little at telling the story. It was embarrassing that she’d followed a boy across the states just because of infatuation, but it was a nice experience in the end.

“So you were like his stalker?” Brendon laughed as her cheeks got redder.

“Technical terms,” she shrugged, trying to get away from the subject, but blushed harder as he laughed more.

“Alright, we’ll leave it at that.” He agreed to her silent begging and walked into the house without knocking. “Hey Ry! You should really consider locking your door once in a while.” He shouted and a boy ran into the hallway, shirtless.

“Oh my god!” His eyes widened and he stuck his head into the room he’d run from. “Amanda’s here guys!” Then his head popped back in with a huge smile. She was slightly scared at fact that he knew her name and as he stepped closer she recognized him. Ryan Ross was standing before her in board shorts and long, wavy hair. “Nice of you to have brought around the beautiful girl after you married her, Brendon.” He shot a sarcastic smile Brendon’s way.

“We’ve already been through this with Michelle.” Brendon rolled his eyes.

“I gave him hell too, Ry!” Michelle’s voice came from the room Ryan had entered from.

“Okay, so we can scoot to the laughing and joking in the pool then.” He nodded his head toward the room in a gesture that meant ‘follow me’ and left Brendon with Amanda in the hallway.

“You want to go swimming?” Brendon asked as he slipped his shoes off and she followed suit.

“I, uh, don’t have a suit on me.” She mentioned nervously as they entered the living room. Her first thought was, Brendon lied; this place is twice as big as it looks.

“Hi Manda!” A short haired blond waved and then skipped over in a two piece, bright purple swim suit. “I’m Amy, Jon’s sister.” She beamed and extended her hand.

“Um, hi,” Amanda took her hand uncertainly but smiled as Brendon’s hand squeezed her own. He was still holding her hand. Her knees almost gave out as she tried to refocus everything on the petite blond.

“You’re about a size,” Amy squinted her eyes as she looked Amanda up and down. “Five, maybe?” Amanda nodded and Amy’s smile widened as she let go of her hand. “Ugh, I’m jealous. Anyway, there’s some of my old bathing suits in the bathroom, they should fit. Brendon’ll show you where, right Brenny Boo?”

“I missed you Amy.” Brendon smiled with sarcasm at the ridiculous nick name she insisted on calling him.

“Aw, I know you did, sweet cakes. Now hurry up and change. We’ll be waiting in the pool.” Amy grabbed Ryan’s hand and started to pull him toward another doorway.

“See you guys in a bit.” Michelle winked before following with Spencer in tow.

“How exactly did Amy con her way down here, anyway Jon?” Brendon asked as he walked into the center of the room with Amanda trailing beside him. She was staring at Jon while he was staring at the door his sister went through.

“Ryan paid for her ticket.” There was a bit of distaste in his tone as he turned back to his friend and the girl. “Behind my back nonetheless.” He shook his head and then sighed. “I didn’t even know she was on the plane till she came and sat next to me.”

“They’re just going through the post break up phase.” Brendon reassured him, even though he didn’t quite believe the words himself. “They’re both just trying to make the other jealous.”

“Right, it’s still getting on my last fucking nerve.” Jon grumbled as he stalked out of the room with a simple wave.

“Sorry about that,” Brendon heaved out and started to pull her toward another hall, but not the same one that the others’ had gone through. “Jon’s a little moody lately.”

“Because Amy and Ryan,” she paused. She didn’t feel right prodding into other people’s business.

“Used to date,” he finished for her with a nod. “That’s why she’s got old bathing suits here too. She spent a lot of time here while we were on tour and then after tour.” His eyebrows scrunched together as he thought about it, and then shook his head. “Nobody knows exactly why they broke up, but it doesn’t seem they’ve gotten over each other, or ever will.”

“Is it that set in stone?” Her head tilted just as he glanced back at her. His breath caught in his throat.

He had to clear it to talk again. “Well, we’re going on the fifth month of break up and they’re both driving us all crazy.”

“It can’t be that bad.” She muttered as they entered a bathroom that once again stunned her into silence. The tub looked more like a Jacuzzi.

“You weren’t here when Amy attempted to do the fake date thing. Now that was the most awkward situation I have ever been in.” He shuddered from the memory and opened one of the closets. “Here’s where the bathing suits are. You can pick one to your liking.” He smirked as he grabbed a pair of his own swimming trunks and then turned to leave. “I’ll wait for you in the living room?”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a second.” She laughed nervously as he closed the door behind him. Once the door was shut she let out a huge sigh and closed her eyes tight. “I am getting in way over my head.” She muttered and then sighed again before going to the piles of swimsuits. It took only a few seconds before she found a light blue two piece with little dark blue anchors all over it.

It fit perfect. That fact scared her as well as excited her. She tip toed out of the bathroom and into the living room. Brendon had his back to her as he was facing the room everyone had disappeared into before. She saw it was the kitchen and he was looking out the sliding glass doors. The sparkly blue water was visible and so was a mob of brown hair, though she wasn’t positive who exactly it was.

“It looks refreshing.” She commented as she stepped closer, watching the blond splash the brown mop.

“Yeah, Chelle came in a second ago to complain about how cold it was.” Brendon glanced over at her and quickly snapped his head forward. If he hadn’t, he most definitely would have stared.

“She kind of complains a lot.” Amanda observed and followed Brendon toward the glass doors.

“Eh, most of its just for show. She’s a sarcastic kind of person and a pessimist so she points out everything that doesn’t suit her.” He shrugged. “I swear she’s not really bitchy.”

“Well, I got that much when she greeted me like I was prom queen the morning after our escapade.”

“Escapade?” He raised one eyebrow and held the door open for her.

“Manda! Jump in! The water’s so nice!” Amy squealed as Amanda stepped out and Brendon shut the door behind her.

“Um, I think I’ll just put my feet in for now.” Amanda smiled hesitantly and went to sit at the edge of the pool on the deep end.

“Brenny Boo!” Amy called in an innocently sweet voice to which Brendon rolled his eyes too.

“What Amz?” He took a spot next to Amanda at the edge and dipped his feet in.

“Will you be my partner for a chicken fight?” She whined and batted her eyelashes as she swan over.

“Sure, Amz.” He chuckled and eased himself into the water. Amanda watched with interest as Amy on Brendon’s shoulders fought Michelle on Jon’s shoulders. She giggled. Being married to Brendon Urie isn’t that bad, not bad at all.
♠ ♠ ♠
inspired by the douche bag that broke my heart : )