Tattoos and Chaotic Lies

Be My Escape

Bill's P.O.V:

We're lucky that we have a McDonald's right down the street om our studio. I munched on a couple of fries as we headed back to the building to finish recording our last song for Humanoid, bearing unhealthy and delicious food.

I’ve given up on giving up slowly, I’m blending in so
You won’t even know me apart from this whole world that shares my fate

This one last bullet you mention is my one last shot at redemption
because I know to live you must give your life away

And I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key

And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because

I gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.

a song started through the speakers of Tom's car on the radio.

"Tom...turn it up," i said, a bit intrigued by the song. He turned the nob's and I tarted bobbing my head to the beat,

I’m giving up on doing this alone now
Cause I’ve failed and I’m ready to be shown how
He’s told me the way and I’m trying to get there
And this life sentence that I’m serving
I admit that I’m every bit deserving
But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair

Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while You hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I gotta get outta here
Cause I’m afraid that this complacency is something I can’t shake
I gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging You to be my escape.

"This song is good," I commented aloud.
Tom nodded, "yeah, they're pretty good. Who are they?"
I shrugged, "dunno."

I am a hostage to my own humanity
Self detained and forced to live in this mess I’ve made
And all I’m asking is for You to do what You can with me
But I can’t ask You to give what You already gave

Cause I’ve been housing all this doubt and insecurity and
I’ve been locked inside that house all the while you hold the key
And I’ve been dying to get out and that might be the death of me
And even though, there’s no way in knowing where to go, promise I’m going because
I’ve gotta get outta here
I’m stuck inside this rut that I fell into by mistake
I’ve gotta get outta here
And I’m begging You, I’m begging You, I’m begging
You to be my escape.

I fought You for so long
I should have let You in
Oh how we regret those things we do
And all I was trying to do was save my own skin
But so were You

So were You

The song ended.

"That was Chaotic Lies with Be My Escape," the voice through th radio said and then a hip-hop song started.

"Chaotic Lies..." I repeated in thought, "we should research them."

Tom just nodded, not really paying attention. He parked outside the studio and we jumped out, carrying the food and drinks. Walking down the halls, my arm was starting to burn from the hot food.

Finally, we got to the room. I pushed the door open with Tom right behind me and dropped the bags in front of Georg and Gustav.

"Danke!" they chimed, grabbing food out of the paper bag.
"You are buying next time," Tom told them, taking his own food out.
"Guys-" I interrupted, "I just heard this really good song on the radio," I explained,grabbing my laptop. I searched the song, "listen."

I clicked the play button an it started. Once the song faded out, I turned to my three pleased band mates.

"Wow. They were good," Georg nodded.
"Search them!" Gustav said, "What do they look like?"
"One second," I said.

I google image searched Chaotic Lies and clicked the first picture I saw which looked like a fun photo-shoot picture. There were two girls on two guys backs and the girls were making the boys do weird faces while they were laughing.

The one girl had dark brown/black styled hair with a blue and white raccoon highlights or something and really thick hair. She was like a scene girl.

The other girl was almost platinum blond, but it looked like her natural hair color, and really light makeup. She looked pretty plain but she was really pretty and her skin glowed.

The guy with the scene girl on his black had a hat on and wore pretty normal guy clothes.

The other guy had glasses and slightly spiked hair like my old one, but not really. It was brown and he wore all black clothes.

"Wow," Georg chuckled.
"They look cool!" Gustav said.
"Yeah. Blondie's hot," Tom nodded with smirk.
I nodded in agreement.

We wikipedia searched them and found out a lot. They're very famous in the U.S. ad parts of Europe. They traveled around the world. Tons of tours, and lots of tours with other bands. Oh, and they did more than 20 collaborations including all of our favorite Artists. A few Examples: Green day, Foo Fighters, Metallica, Cold Play, Fall Out Boy, Sammy Deluxe, even Nena. We even found out that they are on the same label as us. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we were impressed.

We searched them on youtube to see how they were live, and not only did we find them to be great, we also found out that the band ha a youtube channel kind of like our THTV thing. There was Meet The Band video and I clicked it. (it was sorta like the Hey Monday video)

One of their songs called Parker played in the background the whole time. When someone would speak, the song would just fade out a little. They showed a few clips first and then the first person to be filmed was the guy with the spiked hair and glasses.

"Hi. I'm Travis and I'm the bassist of Chaotic Lies"

Then they showed clips of him playing bass. Back to him-

"I'm pretty much the loudest of the group."

Clip of the two girls and the other guy all screaming and laughing really loud with him just sitting there and watching them.

"Yeah. The neighbors complain,"

Clip of an empty hallway and the cricket noise playing.

"I'm THAT cool."

A few more clips of the band while Parker continued to play. The next one filmed was the really pretty blond girl. She smiled.

"Hey, my name is Ana and I play the drums in Chaotic Lies"

Clips o her doing drum solo.

We were pretty surprised that she played the drums.Back to the video-

"I'm the bitch of the group"

Tons of clips of her saying 'please' and 'thank you' and 'of course',

"It annoys the crap out of everyone."

Clip of the band hugging and kissing her cheek.

"and i HATE animals"

Clip of her laughing and teaching a golden retriever how to roll over.

"Chaotic Lies would be NOTHING without me," she laughed, jokingly.

Clips of the band. The next person was the guy in the hat.

"Yo. I'm Joey and I play guitar in Chaotic Lies."

Clips of him playing guitar.

"I can't stand McDonald's."

Clip of him devouring a Big Mac

"I get scared easily"

Clip of them watching the t.v. and everyone jumps and screams while he jut laughs.

"I think that sleep is overrated."

Clip of him sleeping and snoring.

"And I'm better than your boyfriend" he winked into the camera.

More clips of the band played and lastly,the scene girl was filmed.

"The name's Dani and I'm the singer of Chaotic Lies"

Clips of her singing.

"I HATE my fans!"

Clips of her smiling and just hanging out with fans and running up to hug them.

"Music SUCKS!"

Clip of her talking to the camera guy who asked 'how many songs do you have on your ipod?' and she replied, 'uhm...2,154. Wanna hear a song?' 'sure.' 'Oh! Here's a good one!' Dani said and surprisingly our song, Frei Im Freien Fall started playing and she was singing to it. We were all pretty shocked that she knew our songs.

"And I'm a work-aholic"

Clips of her and the band playing with pots and pans.p

Next, was all of them together.

"We are...Chaotic Lies. And you just met the 4 coolest people ever," Dani said.

"Now...leave," Joey said.

"THEY KNOW OUR MUSIC!" Gustav yelled
"I don't know about you guys," I started, "but I'm thinking of a change in plans with our tour."

Ana's P.O.V

"I know it's your birthday, Chloe," I said to my little sister over the phone, "but I'm busy."
"You're ALWAYS busy. PLEASE come! I'm 5!" She begged
I sighed, "alright. Only for a couple hours and then I have to go."
Chloe squealed, "YAY! Will you bring Dee with you?"
"Dani might be busy, but if not I'll bring her."
"OK. See you soon, AB."
"Bye," I hung up.

Sighing, I grabbed my drum sticks, tapping on the wall as I made my way down the hall to Dani's apartment room. I knocked on her door hearing loud thumps and shrieks. Typical. The door opened reveling Joey in a headlock by Dani.This was normal, they wrestle around a lot. But I can't blame them. The only found out about each other four years ago and that they were half brother and sister, it's only normal for them to want to make up for lost time. Even though Dani is younger, she seems to dominate him. She's like one of the guys. I think of myself as the only girly one in the group.

I walked in as she let Joey go, "what up, Bell?" she asked.
"It's Chloe's birthday and she wants you and me to be there at her party."
"Oh. How old is she now? 6?" Dani asked, fixing her hair.
"No. 5. So can you come with me?"
She shrugged, "Sure. I don't have anything to do today anyway."
"Kay. Come to my room after you get ready and we'll go."


We got in my car and I started driving to my mom and dad's house. Dani rested her feet on the dashboard and tilted her head back on the headrest.

"SHIT!" She sat upright, "I don't have a preset!"
"I do. Here," i passed her the card and a pen, "just sign your name under mine."
"Thanks," she said, scrawling her name quickly. Cat scratch. Her handwriting sucks!

About halfway tough the ride, her phone started ringing.

"Hy, babe," She answered, meaning it was most likely her [famous] boyfriend, Oli Sykes, ", I'm in the car with's her little sister's birthday...5...uhm, yeah I think we'll be back by then...aha Okay. Bye," she hung up.
"Date tonight?" I asked.
She nodded,"mhm," taking out a cigarette and lighting it up, blowing smoke out the window, "we'll be back by 7:30, right?"
"Yeah. But PLEASE don't smoke around y family."

She held her index finger above her head and made a circle to represent a halo, taking another drag and blowing the smoke out.


"ANA-BELL!" My mom called, "We're so happy you could make it. You too, Dani," my mom hugged us. Dani just smiled, chewing on her gum to his the smoke smell.
"Where is she?" I asked, "I want to give her the present."
"She's in the back with her friends," my mom said.

I nodded, then Dani and I made out way back. We saw her running around and playing tag with her friends.

"Did your mom used to put you in those dresses, too?" Dani joked.
"I had more ruffles," I smiled and then called, "CHLOE!"

My little sister looked over and smiled, calling our names and running up to hug us.

"Happy Birthday, kid," Dani smiled.
"THANKS!" Chloe exclaimed.
"Here," I handed her the bag, "We got you something. I want you to open it now."

She looked at the card for a split second and then dug int the bag pulling out clothes, jewelry, and money. Yeah, my mom has already got a bank account for her and she's only 5.

"THANK YOU!" she exclaimed, hugging us, "I'manna show mommy!" she ran off just as my phone rang.It was out producer, Corbin.

"Hey," I answered/
"Ana? Ph good. Listen, there is a band coming into town in two weeks who want to meet with you guys. It's VERY important. They'll be stopping by during recording, then we'll talk over lunch. I'm telling you this because I know you won't forget. Right?"
"Sure," I responded, a bit confused, "who's the band?"
"It's a surprise. See you in the studio," he hung up. Well that was odd...

"Who was that?" Dani asked.
"Corbin. He said we have a very important meeting with a band in two weeks."
"What band?"
I shrugged, "i dunno. He wouldn't tell me."
"What a dip shit," she rolled her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Be My Escape - Relient K
Parker - Automatic Loveletter

Hey Monday video