Tattoos and Chaotic Lies

The Meeting

Tom's P.O.V:

"So this is a surprise?" Georg asked.
"Sort of," David responded, gesturing with his hands, "they know that a band is coming, but they don't know who or why."
"Why didn't anyone tell them that it was us?" Gustav asked.
"Because they are fans of you guys and their producer wants it to be a surprise."
We all nodded, pleased, and then I asked, "and where will they be when we get there?"
"They should be finishing recording the last of their album."
"Oh! Cool!" Bill clapped.
"We're gonna get lunch afterward, right?" Gustav asked.
"Yeah. Me and their producer, Corbin, are gonna run out and get you all lunch and you can all talk," David said.
"Well I can't wait to meet Blondie. What's her name? Ana? Hottie," I sang.

We pulled pulled up to the back of a brick building. David was the first one out and we followed him into the building. We were greeted in the lobby by a tall, black man in a button up tee and regular pants.

The man smiled, shaking David's and our hands, "Hi. I'm Corbin, Chaotic Lies' producer." the man said in english.

We introduced ourselves and then he lead us down halls, explaining what was going on.

"Their recording their last song right now. You guys can come watch and then I'll bring them out."

We all agreed. Corbin was the first in the room followed by David, Gustav, Georg, Bill, and finally me. The studio was a clean and big room, kinda dark. I recognixed the whole table of buttons from out studio, and right behind the glass window, was another room where Chaotic Lies was, sitting in a circle, but I could somehow still see all of their faces.
I recognized them from the pictures and videos we watched of them, but they seemed different now that I see them i person. And strangely, Ana wasn't the first one to get my attention. It was the 'emo' one, Dani, I think it is.

They just started to sing a song that Corbin told us was called, The Future Freaks Me Out. [a/n:if the lyrics are bold, it means that it's the background vocals singing. i.e:Travis, Joey and Ana. Also when the dialog is italic it means they're speaking English]

I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move
Check it out I'm rocking steady

Betty wont stop listening to modern rock
How she hates to be alone
I try to compensate her lack of love with coffee cake
Ice cream and a bottle of ten dollar wine she says hey
I rock the Haro sport
I rock the cow girl blues
I rock too fast for love I'm footloose in my Velcro shoes
Whats up with Will and Grace?
I don't get drum and bass
The future freaks me out

Every time Dani hit the high notes, she pulled back a little and closed her eyelids tightly, hitting the notes perfectly. She shoot her head to the beat making her hair do flips, smiling. And every time that little mini drum solo came on, they all did a head bang, trying not to laugh.

I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move
Check it out I'm rocking steady
To the beat in my head
It goes oh, oh-oh-oh
I know that shes the only one
Id rather waste our time together
Yeah, cause we can get down

Betty cant quit carving question marks in my wrist
How come were so alone
We waste away the days with nicotine and television samples
From an era we hate to admit we embrace
We fail to represent
We fail to be content
We fail at everything we ever even try to attempt
And so the story goes
As only Betty knows
Its time to take control
(Get Down)

I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move
Check it out I'm rocking steady
To the beat in my head
It goes oh, oh-oh-oh
I know that shes the only one
Id rather waste my time with her

We thought that the song was over, but then Dani pointed to Ana while she tapped the drums, kinda like what I did to Gustav in our "Reden Unplugged" video. I noticed something on Dani. I saw two tattoo's. One on her hand and one on her wrist. I couldn't quite make them out, but I'm pretty sure that they were tattoos.

Then Joey, Travis and Ana started with the background vocals:

Betty, I need you
I miss you
I'm so alone without you
To call up on the weekends with my cellular phone

Betty its so hard to relate
To the whole human race
I don't know where to begin
I don't know where to begin
If we can both find a way
To do the things that we say
We might not sit in our rooms
And drink our daydreams away
Betty, I'm a dreamer
I'm not a vicious schemer
Oh Betty wont you.. ah fuck it

I'm on fire and now I think I'm ready to bust a move
Check it out I'm rocking steady
To the beat in my head
It goes oh, oh-oh-oh
I know that shes the only one
Id rather waste our time together
Yeah, cause we can get down.

When they finished, we all smiled, turning to each other, satisfied. They were awesome.

"That was great," Corbin said into the microphone that carried it to the room, "come on out, I want you to meet the band.

Chaotic Lies cheered and clapped with joy that they finished and how great the just did. While heading to the door, Dani and the one guy, Joey, started trying to put each other in headlocks, laughing. The other two just didn't pay any mind to it like it was a normal thing. The first one out was the Travis guy, followed by Ana and then Dani and Joey. They froze when they saw us and then Dani was the first to talk.

"Well this is fucking awesome," she said with a straight face.

We all started laughing.

"Chaotic Lies, this is Tokio Hotel, and vice versa," Corbin said, "talk. get to know each other. David and I will be right back with food," our two producers left.

I looked them all over remembering how they looked in the pictures and videos. And to be honest, they really didn't do Dani justice. I'm not gonna lie, she has a nice figure. But, so does Ana.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dani," the singer said in German, stretching her hand to Gustav.
"You know German?" Gustav asked, shaking her hand as she went down the line.
"We all are fluent," Joey said in German, shaking our hands after.

One we all introduced ourselves, Ana lead us to a sitting room with a huge 2 sideed black couch and a large fireplace vent in the middle.

"So how do you guys know about us?" Travis asked.
Bill spoke up, "I heard Be My Escape on the radio two weeks ago."
Dani laughed a cute little laugh, "that's funny."
"So how do you all know German?" I asked.
"We're obsessed with the country and we've been there a lot, so we decided to learn it," Joey admitted.
"Yeah, and you all got to do collaborations with Samy Deluxe and TONS of artists," I remembered.
"No," Joey shook his head, "DANI gets to do collaborations. We just get to meet them."
"Not my fault you can't sing," Dani shrugged, then her phone started to ring, "SPEAKING of Samy Deluxe."
"He CALLS you?" I asked in disbelief.

She smiled and put the phone on speaker, "SAMY!"
"Ey! How's my favorite American Band?" His voice came through the speakers making me go into shock, and the rest of my band could tell.
"Good," Dani replied, "Sitting here with huge fans of yours. You know Tokio Hotel, right?" she looked up at us with a slight grin. She's AWESOME!
"A'course. They're with you?"
"Yeah. Wanna say hi?" She asked me.
I smiled, "...Samy? It's Tom..."

When they hung up, I smiled in admiration, "I can't believe you two talk."
"Everyone loves me," she shrugged. Her band-mates snorted making us all laugh.

"So, you two are related?" Bill asked Dani and Joey.
"He's my half brother," Dani nodded, "same dad, different moms. We have a lot of half siblings."
"Yeah. Our dad's whore," Joey added making Dani laugh. He continued, "I never even knew that Dee existed until our grandma's funeral four years ago."
"Fucked up in so many ways," Travis said.

"So are any of you in a relationship?" Georg asked.
"I am," Joey said.
Ana and Dani started to laugh, "JILL!"
"He talks to her 24/7" Dani rolled her eyes.
"And YOU have room to talk," Joey retorted, "you ran up your phone bill 6 times talking to your boyfriend all the time!" Dani just flipped him off.
"You have a boyfriend?" I asked, a little let down.
She nodded with a smile, "Oli Sykes. Heard of him? He's from a band called Bring Me The Horizon. We've been dating for a little over a year now."

A YEAR? Damn!

"How did you meet?" I asked, a little curious.
"She did a collaboration with him," Travis said.
"I remember when we were filming the music video for it," Ana groaned, "at EVERY SINGLE break we got, her and Oli would go and have sex. ANYWHERE! Closets, dressing rooms, pipe room, prop room-"
I went wide eyed and Joey cut her off, "UGH! I don't want to hear about my little sister doing the nasty!"

Dani shrugged, "hey. I like a good fuck as much as the next guy. And anyone who tells me that they wouldn't like to fuck that much in a day would be lying their mother fuckin' asses off."

Damn Straight! Sucks that she's taken.

"You are SUCH a whore," Travis laughed.
"Don't I know it," Dani winked, "no but for real. Only with Oli." So she's a faithful one.

"I HAVE FOOD!" Colbin exclaimed, bringing bags of McDonald's in. Joey and Dani literally pounced on him. Wow, it's nice to see at least one girl in California that isn't afraid to eat.

"Don't worry," Ana leaned in, "you get used to them." Bill laughed.

So far they seem really cool. I was surprised for a second there, I actually liked Dani. But not only is she taken, she's far from my type. She's emo, boy-ish in a way, curses a lot, and from what I saw, she has two tattoos. I don't like ink on my women. I'm thinking that I'll go after Ana. She's hot.

Dani ate one of her chicken selects and then coughed, "Bill...can I see your tattoo?"

It was totally out of the blue and it caught him off guard, "uh...yeah, sure," he flipped his arm.
She traced the tattoo design, smiling, "so detailed..." she mumbled, "how many do you have?"
"4," Bill said.
She nodded, "I have 5. A music note behind me hear, Band name on my wrist, there are big angel wings on my shoulder that say mein engel written between them, and I have a date written on my foot."
"What's the date?" Gustav asked.
"5.14.06," Dani said, memorizing it, "it was the day that Joey and I found each other."
"Aw..." Bill smiled. That is sweet. It sounds like something that Bill would do.
"I want to get another on my leg with all of our nicknames on it, but I have to think of a design," Dani said to her group.

"If you guys didn't notice, Dani LOVES tattoos," Ana explained to us, eating a fry, "especially on guys."
"Why do you think she's dating Oli? They guys is COVERED!" Travis said.
"That's not the only reason I date him," Dani said, defensively.
"Oh why else? Cuz he's a good fuck?" Travis mocked. I chuckled under my breath.
"I prefer to call it sexual adventures. And yes! But also because he's nice and good to me. You all have to admit, he's the sweetest guy on earth. Even Joey approves and he's strict on who I date."
"That's true," Joey nodded.
"So if you weren't dating Oli, would you date Bill?" Travis asked, hypothetically.

I glared a bit but then laughed seeing that Bill was blushing at the mention of him dating someone.

"I'd probably try to seduce him," Dani admitted, all of them laughing, "but in the beginning it would probably only be because he has tattoos."
"So, basically you only go after guys with tattoos?" Georg asked.
"Well...when I'm single, yes. But I'm not single now."

Well isn't she picky.

"So do you guys have girlfriends?" Ana asked. We all shook our heads no.

"Alright. Down to business," Colbin chimed.

Dani's P.O.V

So far, there guys seem pretty cool. But right now, its business time.

"David, would you like to explain why you're here?" Colbin asked.
"Well. We were planning a tour in the U.K. to promote theirHumanoid record, but, the guys came up to me after hearing your song and were impressed. At the last minute, they came to me and asked to set up a meeting with you and also wanted to know if you would want to so a 100 hotels tour with them. 100 cities in the U.S. about 4-5 months long. It helps promote them in the U. and gives you a bigger status in Europe.

"How soon is this?" Ana asked
"Well, the guys are only here for the day, they have some more business to take care of back in Germany, but if you agree, we can make it happen in a month. Two months tops," Colbin said.

"I'm in," I shrugged.
Joey nodded, "ditto."
"Sure," Ana and Travis said. Tokio Hotel smiled along with their producer, David.

"Awesome! Colbin and I will get started right now," David said, enthusiastically.
"Why don't you all show the guys around town," Colbin suggested, "but bring body guards and wear disguises."

"I SAY WE GO TO THE GAME ROOM!" I exclaimed.
"You have a video game room?" Georg asked.
I smiled, "better."



Huge ball pits. Pools of sponges and foam blocks with a trampoline next to it. Work out equipment. Even a wrestling ring

We all dispersed in different directions. I went over by the ball pits. Suddenly, I was talking into the pit. Knowing it was Joey, I flipped over and sat on his stomach, punning him. He flipped and sat on my legs to prevent me from getting up.

"GO DANI!" Ana and Travis shouted.
I heard Bill ask, "you're cheering her on?"
To which Ana replied, "They always do this. Dani usually wins." Heh! True!

Now, Joey had me over his shoulder. I will not lose! Doing the first thing that came to mind, I grabbed the back of his boxers that stuck out a bit under his pants, and gave them a hard yank. Wedgie! Joey shrieked a few octaves higher than normal and dropped me, falling to the ground.

I slapped the solid part of the ball-pit beside him, "1...2...3! DANI WINS AGAIN!" I leaped out of the ball-pit with my arms raising in the air and then got the passing high-fives from everyone.

"Cheater!" Joey muttered.
"Boohoo!" I mocked, "want a tissue and an icepack."
He stood up and jokingly said, "are you sure you're female?"
"Yes, and if you need proof, ask Oli," i retorted, skipping away and hearing the Ooo's from the group. Joey just got dissed!

The rest of the day, we showed them around town. Ice cream shops, candy stores, parks, the beach and our apartments. We connected with the guys that day, and it was sad to see them go. But we'll see them in a month. For now, I have another date to get ready for with my boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Future Freakse Out - Motion City Soundtrack

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The studio

Tokio Hotels Reden Unplugged video

The sitting room.