Tattoos and Chaotic Lies

tour talk

Dani's P.O.V:

Today is both a good and bad day. Bad because my boyfriend, Oli, and the rest of his band left this morning for their tour. I'm going to miss him, even though I know that we'll still talk all the time during the tour. But that's the bad thing, with both of us on tour, our schedules will be really tight. But we'll find ways, we always do.

The good thing is that we're meeting up with Tojo Hotel today. Management flew Chaotic Lies to Maine this morning where out first concert with be held tomorrow night for the start of our 100 Hotels Tour.

Right now, my band was all in our hotel pool area, which we rented out. Tokio Hotel should be here in a few hours. While Travis and Joey tried dunking each other, Ana and I had our backs against the side of the pool and our elbows out holding us up as we talking.

A loud shriek-like noise filled the pool area and out of no where, someone was thrown into the pool, splashing a screaming Ana and myself. When the person had surfaced, I felt myself smile.

"GUSTAV!" Ana exclaimed, playfully splashing him.

He smiled and then we heard quiet voices as the door opened and the rest of Tokio Hotel walked in. When they saw us, they smiled.

"I thought that you weren't getting here till 10 p.m." I said to them.
"Our plane landed early," Georg said before they all jumped in.

Everyone floated to where Ana and I were, greeting each other with wet hugs.

"Wow! Your tattoo is so cool!" Gustav said from behind me.
I turned and smiled at him, "my angel wings?" I asked, "thank you."
He smiled and nodded and then the guys from Tokio Hotel all said things like, "let me see!"

"Did you guys eat dinner yet?" Bill asked after twenty minutes passed.
Travis nodded, "Yeah. At 6. Two hours before you got here."
"Did you?" Joey asked.
Gustav and Bill shook their heads, "we didn't get the chance."
"Oh. Well if you want, we can all go to the hotel's restaurant," Ana suggested.

Everyone said some sort of yes. Then I said, "Hell yeah! I always have extra room for food." I like to eat and I'm not ashamed of it.
"If you didn't wrestle Joey and run around on stage all the time, you'd be obese," Travis said as we all got out of the pool.
"Yes, but a happy obese," i retorted.

Bill's P.O.V

We haven't known Chaotic Lies for long, but I think that we're already used to them. Like Tokio Hotel, they all have different personalities. Joey is down to earth and funny. Travis is the quiet and mocking type, but he's pretty cool. Dani is a bit intimidating. She likes to joke around a lot and she's really playful and perverted. And then there's Ana. What to say about her...She's, well, she's awesome. Ana is one of the sweetest girls I've met in my life, but she also has a spontaneous side. And let's not forget that she's downright gorgeous.

On some level, it sucks. It sucks because she's beautiful and blond, meaning she's exactly Tom's type. He will definitely try to get her. But, this is one girl that I'm going to fight for.

Ana sat to the left of me, in between me and Travis. All of us were done eating, but we stayed at the table, talking.

"I plan on having a full sleeve," Dani informed me.
"Really? Wow. Yeah, Gustav and I are the only ones with tattoos," I said.
Georg chimed in, "yeah but I'm going to get one, eventually."
"Yeah," I nodded, "but Tom is fully against them. I think he's just scared."
"I'm not scared!" Tom exclaimed, "I just don't feel the need to permanently ink my body."
"That's too bad, "Dani shrugged, "a lot of girls only go after guys with tattoos, like me. I bet if you get one, TONS of more girls would be going after you."
Tom shook his head and slumped back in his seat, "I'm NEVER going to get a tattoo. Ugh. ESPECIALLY not a name. I hate when people do that. Cuz, like, what if something happens and they don't talk anymore or something."
"Yeah, I'd never get a name, unless it was kid or something," Dani said, "but I mean, I'm just saying...tons of girls would go after you."

We all nodded, agreeing to the name tattoo part and then Ana spoke up.

"I bet if Tom did get a tattoo, you'd be all over him, right Dani?" Ana laughed.
"I'm all over anyone who has tattoos. When I don't have a boyfriend. SPEAKING of that, I'manna call him."

Dani stood up to leave. Before she walked away, I said, "when you're done, you can just come up to my room. We'll all hang out in there."


"Travis has the best play list out of all of us, though," Joey stated.
"That's cuz I'm awesome," Travis shrugged.
Ana turned to me, slightly smiling, "is it like this with your band?"
"Competition?" I asked with an uncontrollable smile, "oh of course. But there's no point since me and Tom always win."

She let out a beautiful laugh. The both of us just looked at each other for a little and then turned away, blushing. A knock on the door echoed through my suite and I stood up to answer it.

Dani's P.O.V

I heard laughing coming from inside the suite as I knocked on the door while chewing my gum to rid the smell of smoke from the cigarette I just had. I hate them smell of a smokers breath like everyone else.

I miss Oli like crazy, but at least we can still talk. He says that he's counting down the days until he can see me again. How cute is he? What I would give to pounce on my boyfriend's tattoo-infested body right now.

My thoughts were cut short when Bill opened the door, smiling politely and stepping to the side for me to go in.

"Alright! I'm here! The party can start now!" I exclaimed, walking into the living room area.
"What took you so long?" Travis asked, "having phone sex?"
"Matter of fact, Trav," I plopped down on the couch.
"Ugh! No more!" Joey exclaimed, "I'm going to call Jill!"
"DON'T GET PHONE HERPES FROM THAT TRAMP!" I called after him as he ran out of the room with his ears covered.

Gustav turned to Travis and Ana, "is she always this sexual?"
"24/7" Ana nodded.
"It's a bit annoying, actually," Travis said.
Bill groaned, "I know the feeling. Tom is like that, too!"

"HELL YEAH!" I exclaimed, "Tom, you're officially my new best friend. FINALLY someone I can team up with and annoy you all!"
Tom let out a laugh, "you're all in for a rude awakening." The two of us started to laugh while the rest of them groaned.

"So this one time at band camp..." I started. I wasn't actually planning on finishing that sentence, but I was cut off by my phone anyway. I looked at the caller I.d. and said, "It's Corbin."

Flipping my phone open to speaker I answered, "Hey. What's up?" In English.
"Just doin' a few touch-ups for the tour. Are you with Tokio Hotel and the rest of your band right now?" he asked.
"Minus Joey!" Travis exclaimed.
"O.K. That's fine," Colbin said, "I called to remind you that 100 Hotels Tour starts tomorrow, starting with an interview with MTV to promote the tour and the albums in the afternoon."
"Both of our bands will be going to the interview?" Bill asked.
"Yes. And also, being this is a 100 hotels tour, no tour buses. We're staying in hotels and traveling from city to city by your vans."
"YAY! MY OWN ROOM!" Georg and I unintentionally sand in unison.
"So are you all ready?" Colbin asked.
"YEAH!" we all chimed.
"Good. Get some rest and David and I will see you all tomorrow."
"BYE!" I hung up.

"So...." Gustav started, "what happened at band camp?"
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The hotel's pool area