Tattoos and Chaotic Lies

two against six

Tom's P.O.V:

Dani was singing some Metalica song with Gustav as the rest of us sat around in the back, waiting to go on.I was fidgeting with my fingers and finally groaned, slapping my had in my hands. I hadn't noticed someone next to me until I felt someone nudge me and Dani's voice following.

"What's wrong?" she asked.
I looked up and gave her a small smile, "nervous."
she laughed, "why?" I shrugged. "Well, don't think about it," she said. If you've ever seen us at an interview, we're crazy. I don't know how you all stay so composed. And besides. afterwords I need you to help me out with out perverted talk. Subject of the day: moans."

I let out a snort, making her smile and laugh. Finally someone that is actually on my sex level. I don't usually prefer girls, but hey, I can deal. It's not like I like her. God no. She's so not my type. Ana; now THERE'S a girls. Blond girl! I haven't really talked to her yet, but I will.

"Hey, you ready?" an employee asked in English, poking their head n.

We all nodded, following him to set. It wasn't a live interview, it was filmed. The host greeted us with hand sakes and we were set up to stand left from right like this: Gustav, Georg, Bill, me; Dani, Joey, Travis, Ana.

The camera's started rolling and the host spoke, "Hello, I'm Kim Stoltz and welcome to MTV."
Bil started next," Hello we are....Tokio Hotel."
And then Dani said, "And we're...Chaotic lies."

There was a screen that showed with intro and music and images, then it went back to us.

"So you're 100 Hotels Tour starts today," Kim said, "Dani, do you want to tell us about that?"
"Yeah," she nodded, "well, basically Tokio Hotel and Chaotic Lies will be traveling around the States fr about five months, hotel hopping in 100 different cities to promote our new albums. Humanoid, which is Tokio Hotel's ad excellent, by the way." We all smiled and she continued, "And ours which is called, Seize the Day and it's waaaay cooler than theirs," she joked.

The host laughed, "So how did you all meet?"
Bill took this one, "I heard Chaotic Lies on the radio one day singing Be My Escape and I turned to Tom and said'Tom. They're really good. We should look them up', but he wasn't listening..."
I cut him off, "No. I was driving."
"Yeah, anyway," he rolled his eyes with a smirk, "we looked them up an decided to set up a meeting with them, and here we are." Everyone nodded.

"So, two VERY successful and VERY different bands touring together. Are you worried that because the music is so different, it will affect the tour?" Kim asked.
Dani shook her head and turned to her band mates and said, "I think that part of the reason why Chaotic Lies is so successful is because our music is so different. We incorporate a whole bunch of different styles unto our album to get more than one musical group interested. One of out songs could be heavy metal and the next would be a pop song. It's variety and I think that's why Tokio Hotel is a good band to tour with. Their music is so different from all of ours and it makes for variety."

Wow. I can honestly say that I was shocked and impressed. Never in my life would I have guessed that Dani could say something so smart like that. I don't think any of us would've even thought to say that. Impressive.

The host nodded, "so are the bands getting along well?" Everyone nodded chiming some sort of yes. Kim continued, "So, Dani. I hear that you've been dating lead singer of Bring Me The Horizon, Oli Sykes for about a year now." Not this guy again.
Dani smiled, "yes. We talk all the time, but an even MORE interesting topic is Joey's girlfriend."
Joey groaned as we all chuckled. "Joey?" the host raised her eyebrows with a slight smirk.
"Yeah. I have a girlfriend names Jill."
"He lOoOoOoves her," Travis and Dani taunted, pinching his cheeks.
"It's actually kinda cute," Ana chimed.

There were a few more questions directed to Tokio Hotel specifically. It all seemed so random that it became more fun and we all loosened up a bit, seeing Chaotic Lies so comfy and goofy.

"So are there any separation or competition in the bands?" Kim asked.
"Yeah!" Bill confirmed, "Tom and Dani against the rest of us."
Dani and I smiled while Kim asked, "why are you all ganging up on Tom and Dani?"
"They're ganging up on us," Travis corrected.
"They don't stand a chance," Dani laughed.
"What do the two of you do?"
"Dani made me her best friend yesterday," I laughed.
"He ad no choice," Dani said
Then Georg said, "they're bot so perverted. I actually think that Dani's worse than Tom."
Dani laughed, "our mission is to make them feel awkward the whole tour."
"Yeah, and it's working too," Ana and Joey said.

Oh this tour is gonna be fun...

Dani's P.O.V[

The interview went well. Afterward, we all got into our vans; there was one for Tokio Hotel and one for Chaotic lies, and we headed to the venue. [a/n:when chaotic lies are with each other or around anyone who speaks English except for Tokio Hotel, they speak English]

"I can't believe our first start of the tour is today," Ana said, "I'm so excited."
"I'm nervous as hell," I said, digging through my pockets for my ciggs, "Damn it! Trav, you got a smoke?"
"Yeah," he took two out. One for me and one for himself. I put the cancer stick between my lips and puffed as he lit it up for me. Blowing the smoke out of th cracked window, I thanked him.
"I really wish you'd stop smoking," Joey sighed, "it's a bad habit."
"Yeah, well I really wish you'd stop saying that, but we all don't get what we want, do we?" I retorted.

He let out a groan and faced forward as I took another long drag and blew out he smoke. When we got outside the venue, I tossed the cigarette to the ground, stomping on it and joining the rest.

Sound check took about two hours, tuning guitars and and making sure that all the amp were working properly. Afterwards, we wet to the back where we had a talk with David and Corbin about setup.

Chaotic Lies will go first and play all of our songs, then Tokio Hotel goes. Third to last song of theirs, I go and join Bill, singing. I guess it's good that I know all their songs. And then they play the second to last song by themselves. The last song, we all join them. Both our bands playing their last song, except Ana since Gustav will be on the drums already. She's just gonna be pumping up the crowd and running around stage.

This is how all the concerts on this tour will go. Chaotic Lies actually prefer to go first, so that's good. It gives us energy and also tome to chill out at the end.

We all changed into our stage outfits with ten minutes to go. I wore a mini red dress with a heart and ribs on the chest. Ana wore an "I love French-Toast-Fries-Boys shirt with tye dye pants and sneakers.

I was jumping around backstage with Ana, singing ring around the rosy while everyone else sat around nervously. I heard Bill ask, "do they always do this?"

"All the time, bub!" I responded.

Ana and I held hands and started spinning each other in circles, faster and faster, until she let go of me, sending me flying towards the couch and landing on both Joey and Tom. Ana let out a snort and apologized as I rolled off of them and onto the ground where I started laughing.

"I'm sorry," I said, "Ana let go."

Tom let out a chuckle while Joey just rolled his eyes with a corner smile.

"Chaotic Lies? You're on." crew stuck their head in.
I jumped up, "let's go!"

Everyone, even the guys of Tokio Hotel, got up and w walked to the side of the stage. Ana turned to our German tour buddies and spread her arms wide. Bill was the first to take the hint. He went up to her and hugged her, swaying from side to side. She smiled and the rest followed his lead. Afterwards, thy all ran on stage with me still at the side. The screams from the crowd got immensely louder and they weren't even playing yet. Just standing there.

I turned to the guys, "wish me luck?"

Tom smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me in a hug which shocked be because I wasn't expecting one. I guess he thought that because Ana wanted one, that I'd want one too. Well...everyone likes hugs.

"luck," he said.

The other guys gave me a hug to.

Right in the middle of Gustav's embrace, I heard the clicking of Ana's drumsticks. I scooped up my mic and brought it to my mouth singing with no instruments.

"and baby don't follow,"

The crowd went insane at he sound of my voice, even though I wasn't on stage yet. The guitar kicked n on a simple riff.

"Their lead.
'cause you'll never know
Just how the story ends, or how the story goes
And you are so confused
And baby it's just like you
To say anything else,

I ran on stage, flipping my hair an dancing around in front of the thousands of people. I love this. Being here, singing.It's a dream come true and I wouldn't want to share it with anyone else.

Tom's P.O.V:

The first concert of the tor was over and it couldn't have went better. We never toured with another band before, so it was new to us, but I don't think that any of us would rather tour with any other band. Chaotic Lies is really truly inspiring, the way that they interact with the crowd. They talk to them and make them singalong and dance. They make the crowd feel special. We never really thought of it that way. we always just went out there ad played. That's it. Tokio Hotel has gotta work on that.

Our to bands changed into cleaner clothes and then went back to the hotel and celebrated in Georg's room. Tomorrow, 7 a.m., three hour drive to the next town. Can't wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song credit:
Say anything (else0 - Cartel

I know that this isn't the best story, but i'd like feedback =\

what Dani wore

worewhat Ana wears