Tattoos and Chaotic Lies

Diner phases

Ana's P.O.V:

Lazily dragging my suitcases down the hallway, I stumbled on my own feet a few times. I can never function well in the morning. I pressed the down button arrow for the elevators as I sat on the locked handlebar of one of my suitcases.

"Goodmorning," said a sleepy, but chipper voice.
I looked up, catching myself in the most beautiful set of golden brown eyes. "M-morning, Bill," I cursed myself for stuttering.

The elevator dinged open and I struggled with my luggage.

"Here, let me help," Bill said, taking two of my suitcases, leaving me with only one and a duffle bag and entering the elevator.

"Thanks," I smiled as he pressed the lobby button. "Where are your bags?" I asked just as the doors started to close with elevator music in the background.
"In one of the vans already," he shrugged.
"...I'm hungry," He randomly commented.
I laughed, "me too."
"I think we're going to stop in a diner a few minutes away."
"Oh, good."
"...sit with me?"

I blushed, suddenly feeling like I was back in the fourth grade where you had to ask your crush to sit with you before anyone else did.

"Sure," I smiled.

The doors slid open and we wheeled the bags through the lobby and out in front of out hotel where four vans were parked. There was a gathering of luggage belonging to Chaotic Lies in front of the third van, so we added to it and noticed Dani and Travis sitting on a planter.

"They smoke?" Bill asked as we made out was over, noticing the cigarette resting between their index an middle fingers.
"For a while now," I nodded, "don't you?"

He hesitantly nodded before we caught Dani and Travis' attention.

"Hey..." Dani greeted us, tiredly while taking a drag.
"Morning," Bill and I chimed as we walked up.
"Dude, I need some icy-hot," Travis groaned, attempting to rub his shoulders, which he always does to try and get Dani to give him a massage.
"Turn around," Dani sighed while Travis grinned in success.
Bill whispered in my ear, "what's she gonna do?"
"She's like out personal masseuse."

Dani rested her cancer stick at the side of her mouth as she laid her hands on Travis' shoulders and squeezed them repeatedly, moving her thumbs in a circular movement causing Travis to let out little moans here and there. Dani may be childish, perverted, ignorant, blunt, and obnoxious amongst other things, but if there are three thing's that she's good at,it would b singing, listening, and massaging.

"I' next," a heavy voice declared in a joking manner making out heads turn. It was Tom who was referring to Dani's massages.

Dani just grinned slightly, dropping a hand from Travis' left shoulder to her cigarette and took another long drag before blowing out the smoke in round circles like a train, which she does when she's bored.

"Impressive," Tom said, "I didn't know that you smoked."
She looked at her cigarette between her fingers, flicking the ash off at the end, "Yeah. Want the rest?" she asked, stretching out her arm that bared her half-smoked cigg.
"Yeah, sure," Tom nodded, taking it and taking a drag on the used fag.

The hotel's doors slid open and out walked Joey, Georg and Gustav.

"Finally. Lez go..." Dani hopped down to her feet. She's so impatient.

I felt a hand on my lower back and looked up to smile at Bill as he lead me to the direction of the vans with me blushing. We separated to our vans and were off. Our band was talking and goofing off during the ride, but all I could do was think. We've been on tours with other bands before, but none our age or like Tokio Hotel.

The boys of Tokio Hotel are so down to earth. In many ways they're like us, but they're so different at the same time, and that's what makes it so easy to be around them with no problems. I don't think that anyone in Chaotic Lies thought that could be around other people for so long other than the four of us until we met the guys, and it came as a shock.And I was also shocked and completely caught off guard for a different reason.

Ever since the first day I met Tokio Hotel the day that they showed up at our studio, I felt almost drawn to Bill. I don't know what it is about him, but cant shake that feeling I get when I even hear his name. He's definitely unlike all of the other guys I've dated or liked. Far from my type. Maybe that's why I never had a decent relationship? Whatever the case may be, all I know is that since met him I've started to break from my shell. I'm more social, more fun, more me. And I like it.

I hadn't realized that the van ad stopped until Travis exclaimed, "FOOD!"

He threw the van door open and darted towards the diner. Joey was next and once he stepped one foot out, Dani jumped from the van onto his back and he carried her while running after Travis. After I got out, I slid the van door shut and headed after them. being joined by Bill and the rest of Tokio Hotel half way.

"Hey," I smiled up at Bill.
He grinned, flashing me his beautiful aligned bright teeth, "hi."
"I'm ready for some food," I said as we approached the doors.

Bill chuckled and opened the door for me and the guys, seconding my notion.

Dani's P.O.V:

"God, I love food," I thought out loud, devouring some more of my Belgium powdered waffle.
"Apparently," Tom laughed, taking my glass of orange juice ad stealing a sip.
"Hey! That's mine!" I whined with a full mouth.
"Oh, sorry. I thought it was mine."

I gave him a hard look and took his drink, gulping a mouthful.

"You owed me," i retorted, giving it back to him.

We were all sitting at a round table in this order: me, Tom, Bill, Ana, Travis, Gustav, Georg, Joey, and back to me.

"Do you think that we could convince David and Colbin into letting us go clubbing tonight?" Georg asked.
"I don't fucking care when he says, I'm going," I said, eating another bite of my waffles and there was a chorus of laughs around the table.

Soon enough, the conversation broke up into groups and it seemed like Tom and I were the only ones out of the loop.

"Best friend.." I chimed, referring to Tom.
He looked over at me with a smile, "yes, best friend?
Letting out a little snort and a playful eye roll I responded, "it seems that we have been dissed."
"It does seem that way, doesn't it?" He said in the same mock-old fashioned voice I gave.

An idea suddenly popped into my head and a smirk flashed across my face.

"Can I call you Tomi?"

He suddenly tensed up and gave me a look of annoyance which I returned with a pus-in-boots pout. No one can turn me down when I give that look. It's impossible.

Just as I expected, his face expression softened and he let out a long sigh, "fine!"
"Yay! Tomi, you're my best friend!" I exclaimed, dropping my fork to give him a hug. The second I went in for i, my phone rang.

Taking it out of my back pocket and looking at the caller I.D., i smiled, "It's Oli. Be right back."

I hopped out of my chair, earning some looks fro the rest of the table, and ran out front of the diner, answering my phone. "Hey baby. How's the tour going so far? I miss you so much."
"Same here," his voice rang through my ear, "it's good. The schedule is crazy though. I barely get any free time."
"That fucking sucks. So is this a bad time to be talking to you?" I asked.
"Sorta. But I'm going to try to make time to talk to you every day."
"Pinky promise."
I smiled to myself, "alright. Well...get back to whatever you were doing and I'll talk to you later."
"Kay. Bye, babe."
"Bye," I hung up.

It was tough, not being able to see my boyfriend. If we didn't have our phones, I don't know what I'd do. I care about Oli so much. He means a lot to me. I wouldn't go as far as love, but the way I feel for him, I've never felt that way for any of my past relationships. We have so much in common and I'm always smiling when I think about I'm. Sure, we've gotten into fights. But we always make up in the end. Who knows, maybe he could be the one?

Tom's P.O.V

"Yay! Tomi, you're my best friend!" Dani exclaimed, putting her fork down to hug me. Just as she went in for it, her phone ran, stopping her. She took it out of her pocket and smiled, "It's Oli. Be right back," and she nearly skipped out of the diner.

Damn, Oli! Why'd he have to interrupt us? I was excited for that hug, too. I just sat there picking at my food, waiting for her to come back.

It's weird. Dani is the complete opposite of what I look for, or even like in a girl. She smokes, has tattoos, talks to much, really[/ perverted, obnoxious and loud, blunt, curses too much, and she has that 'emo' style. I even dislike her taste in music. COMPLETE opposites! The only thing e have in common is our love for our brothers. And yet, with all of those differences, I still think that she's probably the coolest girl I know. It's strange and taking me completely by surprise.

I think that I actually her a little bit. But that can't be right. I'm suppose to like girls like Ana-Bell. Tall, blond, good body, nice personality. But I don't. Yeah, Ana's pretty and sweet, but I'm not attracted to her. It's Dani that catches my eye, and it's scary. I can't like Dani. She's everything I hate i a girl. And besides, she has a boyfriend. Even if she didn't have boyfriend, she is strict on only dating guys with tattoos. There's not was in hell that I'd ever get a tattoo. I'm not gonna lie, they scare me. Whatever. I'm almost certain that it's just a phase.
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So I'm thinking that I'm not going to continue until I get at least 5 comments! and 2 more subscriptions!?

Input! Feedback! Comment! Rate!

Oh..and if you'd like, can someone make me a layout for this. Cuz mine isn't showing up!