Status: Unbanned. Should I continue this?

You Make Me Want To Lose Control


Alex pulled away from me very fast, needless to say he was pissed he got caught. What was I thinking when I fell for him? Alex Gaskarth is known for one night stands, and cheating on all the girls he's dated.

William no longer had the forgiving or hurt look in his eyes. He was straight out pissed now. "So, Alex, planning on sleeping with the enemy tonight?" William growled.

I snarled, "We kissed, big deal. But, I am not some whore who sleeps with everyone. I am not easy."

A smirk crossed William's face, "Not a whore, huh?" He chuckled.

Why was this happening. I felt my face heat up, and my eyes start to itch, meaning the tears were coming. "So, everything you said in the woods was a lie, wasn't is?" I yelled, suddenly aware everyone else had entered the tent.

William's face didn't change, "What the fuck are you talking about, you little tramp?"

And they were flowing down my pale checks, "Everything you said, about me and you, everything, all lies. Why the fuck did I even bother listening to you ever, Beckett," I snarled, "And don't you ever come near me again, you fucking man whore," I spat at Alex, the tears still flowing.

It took everything I had, but I stood up and walked out of the tent, Sisky and Rian following quickly behind.

Rian wrapped me in a hug when he finally caught up. Rian smelt so good, it was oddly comforting. Rian was always there when I was feeling down, and he knew just what to say when I was thinking thoughts about suicide or something. He kept me in reality, and made life a little easier for me.

Sisky was rubbing my back and playing with my hair, which also comforted me. "It's alright, love. Alex is just some douche trying to get in your pants," Sisky said in a soothing voice, "You deserve so much better. Trust me, I know him a lot better than he knows."

Rian rocked me back and forth in his arms, and Sisky continued playing with my hair. The lake was quiet, and so peaceful. I envied the beauty of the lake. It was perfect, the silence that it had, and the way it could reflect anything that came near it. The way the sun setting looked so god damn perfect when you watched it by the lake.

I was thinking calm thoughts for once when I let the cold wind and comforting voices put me to sleep.


I awoke the next morning in the tent next to Rian who had a protective arm draped over my mid section. I found it comforting. I didn't like Rian that way, and I knew he didn't like me like that either. We were more like cousins. He was very protective of me, and I loved him for that.

I smiled at him, and snuggled closer to him. I heard somebody hiss, and sat up to see Alex staring at me with a black eye and puffy lips. I tried to hold in a laugh, but a small one escaped my lips.

"Do you see what you do?" Alex asked, looking at me with eyes that contradicted his harsh words. His expression was saying, 'I am so sorry, please forgive me!' whilst his tone was saying 'WTF, this is your fault!'.

"Excuse me?" I hissed back, the confusion clear in my voice.

"This," He pointed to his face, "Is your fault. If you hadn't kissed me, I would still have my charming looks. But no, your friend here ruined that," Alex snapped, the look still lingering on his face.

I was clearly confused, "One, you kissed me. And two, shut the fuck up you conceited man whore! Rian was protecting me, even though he probably should have heard the story first," I muttered, my confidence fading.

"Yeah, now stay the fuck out of my life, and don't ever pull a move on me again," Alex's eyes were pleading for forgiveness, but his words were crushing me.

I was done listening to this. I gathered everything left I had, and stood up. I took a deep breath and let it all out, "Now listen you fucking prick, I have no tolerance for moody teenage man whores, and I certainly have no time for your drama. And I'd gladly step out of your life. Pardon me for fucking bothering you," I spat in his face, and walked out of the tent.


Everyone was carrying at least ten pounds of stuff back to the cabin. It was nine in the morning, and we were coming back from the night at the lake. Breakfast was delayed today, due to unknown reasons, so we had until ten to get ready.

I lugged the overstuffed suitcase up the cabin steps, and dropped it before walking to my bunk. I grabbed an outfit that suited my mood. When I was down, I styled my hair messy and grabbed a beanie. I also wore comfort jeans and converse.

I showered and got ready for the long day the awaited me. I slipped on my new sunglasses, and sneaker, and walked back out to my bunk, packing away my pajamas. Everyone was quiet, and watching me. I turned around to face them all, "Yes?" I asked.

They all looked away, besides William. I locked eyes with him, "Is there a problem, Beckett?" I asked, "Or are you being a dick, like usual?" I asked, completely serious.

"The problem is that your in my life," William said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He was wearing lose light wash jeans with a navy and gray striped collared shirt. He looked like a walking Hollister billboard, which made me gag.

I rolled my eyes, "What are we, second graders?" I snorted.

"Height wise, you are," He snarled.

I turned around so fast, you could hear the air whip around. I hated it when people made fun of my height. Everyone knew that. Nobody ever went there. Not only was I short, but William was a freaking giant.

I pushed him in the chest, "Watch it Beckett, I got friends, unlike you," I spat.

"What do you call Alex and Zack here," He asked, folding his arms.

I smiled, "I call the fucking babies. They only like you because your popular. Inside, they know you're just some dick. They don't really like you, Beckett. Did you honestly think that?" I asked him, linking arms with Rian, "When we graduate, you'll see," I smirked, and left with Rian. Sisky was following behind quietly.

"Kenna," Sisky whispered, "I have a confession."

I cocked an eyebrow, and said nothing - his key to continue.

"William put me up for this," He mumbled.

"What. The. Fuck?" I spat, clenching my teeth and running away, like I always did.

"McKenna, wait!" I heard Sis- Adam call. But I was already heading to the lake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mhm.. what was up with Alex?
I know, but you don't... MWHAHA![x
Comments = updates,
but you knew that, didn't you? xD

McKenna's outfit.