Status: Unbanned. Should I continue this?

You Make Me Want To Lose Control

The Truth.

It's amazing how much we got away with on that night. We were on a school fieldtrip, yet somehow Zack managed to leave, buy alchohol, and come back unnoticed. We got completely wasted, and were unbelievably loud and abnoxious, yet nobody noticed.

I rubbed my pounding head and let out a soft moan. My phone told me it was time for breakfast. I reluctently peeled myself from the warm sheets and changed into some ripped skinny jeans and an orange flowered shirt. I slipped on my orange converse, threw a beanie on my head, slid on my sunglasses, and I was ready for the day.

I walked out of the bathroom, my head still telling me to lie down. I wouldn't let thishangoverheadache prevent me from enjoying my free day without any hikes, or stuff nature related.

Rian was groaning from the top bunk. I laughed out loud, which might have been too loud. I heard three people shift in the beds and a few moans. "Oops, sorry," I shouted louder, enjoying watching them in pain.

"Shut the fuck up," A unforgettable voice barked.

"Ah, good morning Beckett. Why are you complaining, you barely had anything to drink?" I smiled to myself for no reason.

"Keep your mouth shut and we won't have any problems today, Columbo," William scoffed.

"Wow, I am so fucking scared!" I held up my arms to sheild my face, "And when the hell did you start calling me Columbo?" I asked, letting my hands fall to my sides.

"Since now, you whore," William mumbled.

"Wow, offensive names now, Beckett? It hurts so badly," I fake sniffled and put my hand over my heart.

"As much as I would love to listen to you two bicker like old people, let's just try getting along?" Alex suggested, crawling down the latter without making a sound. So that's how he got down and behind me without Rian noticing..

I glared at him with cold eyes, and gathered all the confidence I could find, "Oh, so you're speaking to me know? Why don't you just call me a tramp or whore, and tell me to fuck off?" I said in a cold voice.

The look in his eyes was enough to kill me. He was telling me he didn't mean it with his eyes, which confused me. It was the same look he'd given me in the tent when he was insulting me. His eyes wondered to William, and then back to me.

I finally understood what he was telling me. I turned towards William and gave him the dirtiest look I'd ever given anybody, "You made him do this didn't you? You made him call me all those awful names, and you won't let him even be my friend because your some nasty little manwhore who wants everything for himself! Why the fuck can't you just bud out of my personal life?!" I shouted, feeling my eyes start to water.

I turned back to Alex, "And why the fuck do you let him control you like this? It's awful! If he told you to stab a knife through your heart you'd fucking do it! You're ridiculous Alex, your a wuss!" I screetched, the tears flooding out of my eyes and streaming down my pale face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?!" I shouted before running out of the cabin and for, none other than, the lake.

I heard Alex shouting my name, but that didn't stop me. Nothing would stop me. Tears were blurring my vision. All I could see was the vivid picture of the lake in my head. All I could hear was my heart beating and the sounds of my converse hitting against the hard ground.

I ran into somebody who's face I couldn't see. "Kenna?" The familar voice asked.

It was Jack. He wrapped me into a tight hug and held me there. "Alex and Wi-William are such douches," I mumbled after ten minutes of crying into his shoulder.

"I know," Jack agreed, "You should do what I do and say "FUCK YOU!" really loudly in their faces while flipping them off with both hands and then stick your tongue out. They look at you like you have seven heads, but it's really fun and addictive."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Soon, we were both in tears from laughing so hard. I wipped the dried tears away from my cheeks and smiled at Jack, "Thank you, you're one awesome friend Jack Barakat," I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I am, aren't I?" Jack said in a girly voice.

"You are," I sighed.


I walked as slowly as I possibly could back to Cabin 13. I didn't want to deal with Alex, or William, or even Rian and Sisky. I just wanted to be with Jack. He knew just how to cheer me up, and the second we parted ways, I felt the sadness take over.

I finally saw the cabin in sight, and Sisky was sitting on the steps frowning. I ran up to him and sat down, pretending everything was fine, "What's up with you?" I asked.

"You're back! Yay!" Sisky cheered, wrapping his scrawny arms around my midsection.

"I am!" I smiled, "You know you missed me," I smirked, poking his ribs. I noticed William in the door, and winked at Sisky.

He got it imediatly, "I know I did! I lost my sex buddy!" He cried.

I smirked evily, "Maybe tonight."

Sisky's grin widened, "Oh yeah baby!"

I heard William growl and walk back inside. Once the door was shut we both started cracking up. William sure was easy to fool!

I stood up slowly, and brushed off my jeans. I walked into the cabin, and I felt everyones gaze shift toward me. I fake smiled, and walked towards my bunk. I plopped down, and grabbed my iPod, putting it on shuffle. My favorite The Cab song, Take My Hand, began playing through my earbuds.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, "Can I talk with you?"

I frowned at Alex, "Whatever," I said, standin up and turning my iPod off.

I followed him outside for the most dreaded conversation ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long, being banned does that to you. :(
McKenna's outfit.
Comments will get you updates, just thought I'd let you know that(;