Wild At Heart


--His POV--
I sat at my table pretending to listen to the heavy set man on the podium, tugging at the tie done up tightly around my neck. It was nearing the end of summer and here I was sitting at some charity event for the Sick Kids Hospital. Don’t get me wrong it’s a great cause it’s just; I shouldn’t be here. I should be on the ice. Skating, shooting, training. The preseason games start in two weeks and I have to be ready. I have to make sure the guys are ready. The loss last year made it a really tough summer for a lot of us and I have to make sure we don’t dwell on it. This is a new season. A fresh chance. This could be our year.

--Her POV--
I twirled my bracelet around my wrist and stared and the man on the podium. He was dripping in sweat while making his speech, every so often wiping his brown of the small beads. It was my summer, and here I was, sitting in a banquet hall at a charity event for Sick Kids Hospital. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great cause. A very special one for me in fact. But it’s painful to think about. I am trying to do my best to get past it, but this isn’t really helping. I shouldn’t be here. I should be doing what normal teenagers do in the summer; partying, swimming, causing trouble. Trouble. The word alone brings a small smile to my face. I snap out of my trance and clap along with the other couple hundred people in the room before excusing myself to go to the washroom.
I headed in the direction of the washroom before checking over my shoulder and bolting for the door. My parents would be angry if they knew I was leaving in the middle of speeches, but as a nineteen year old, on a hot day in August, they really couldn’t expect me to sit still for two hours straight. Plus, I would be back before they even knew I was gone. Or, at least before the speeches are over.

--His POV—
After the man got off the podium I excused myself from my table and headed for a bit of fresh air. I exited the banquet room and entered a long, wide hallway filled with expensive furniture and chandeliers. I loosened my tie and undid the top button of my dress shirt while I searched both directions for a way out. I sighed and rolled my neck heading in a random direction searching for a sign of outside life. After about five minutes of meandering around I finally pushed through a large set of gold doors onto a balcony. I walked to the railing and looked out towards the city. It was truly a beautiful city, despite what people say. I could see the exact place where the rivers met as well as the lights that outlined the bridge. Spotting the arena I let out a low grunt and shook my head, mentally scolding myself for missing today’s workout.
“You don’t want to be here either huh?”
I whipped my head around and saw a tall blonde girl walk through the doors and take a place beside me at the railing. “Well – Uh – I...”
She turned to look at me and flashed me a little smile, “More important things to do?” I nodded and she turned her attention back to the scenery.
It was silent for a few moments, neither one of us spoke so I turned my head slightly to look at her. She was tall, that was the first thing I noticed. Not quite as tall as me but close. I let my eyes quickly rake up and down her body taking in everything from her navy blue sundress to her little white shoes. She wasn’t a skinny girl, but she wasn’t fat either. I would say a healthy, athletic build. She had medium length blonde hair which was half up in curls with a small white flower stuck behind one ear. Slowly she turned her attention to me and smiled. That was when I first noticed her eyes. They were a dark shade of blue with a small green ring around her pupil. They were mesmerizing.

--Her POV—
I could feel his eyes on me and it made me slightly self-conscious. My knees were weak and my heart was beating a mile a minute. I couldn’t believe I was standing so close, and actually having a conversation with him. I turned towards him and gave him a closed mouth smile before speaking, “Missing a big party tonight or something?”
He shook his head, “Far from it.”
I nodded my head slightly to encourage him to continue, and so he did. “It’s just...Sick Kids is a great cause, don’t get me wrong but I should be training. The season is coming up and I have to be ready.” He gripped the railing and stared off into the horizon. “When we lost last season it just motivated me to work so hard this summer and even one day off now is a setback.”
I nodded even though he wasn’t looking at me and took the chance to drink in his appearance. I obviously knew who he was; everyone in the city knew who he was. I looked from his dark curly hair which was gelled back off his face revealing light brown eyes and full pink lips, across his broad shoulders down to his muscular legs. God, he was even better looking in person.
He shrugged and gave me a half smile, “What’s your story?”
I dropped my hands from the railing and turned to face him completely, “It’s the summer; almost the end of it actually. It’s my time to be free, be wild, and do what I want to. Not be cooped up inside on a beautiful night. Plus,” I trailed off quietly turning back to the railing, “it doesn’t exactly bring back good memories.”

--His POV—
I nodded and turned my attention away from her. If she wanted to tell me more she would, I wasn’t about to push a complete stranger to tell me her life story. “Yea,” I said simply.
She laughed, it wasn’t a full laugh but more like a small chuckle. “What?”
“It’s just,” she turned to look at me, “you said it like you understand.” I stared at her blankly so she continued. “No offense, but you just basically told me your a workaholic and then completely contradict yourself by pretending to understand. Summer is your time off as much as it is mine; you should enjoy it, live a little.”
“I do enjoy my summer,” I said getting slightly defensive.
“Oh yea?” She countered, “Name one crazy thing you did this summer?”
“Uh...” I racked my brain for something. I had to have done something crazy this summer.
“Exactly,” she smirked. “I won’t judge though,” she winked. Her expression suddenly became serious. “You have to remember, you only get to live once. Make the most of it, take risks and be crazy sometimes. Don’t bury yourself in work or you’ll never get to experience the best things in life.” I simply nodded, drinking in what she had said as we both faced the city lights. “Listen,” she spoke after a few moments of silence, “I have to get back in there but once the season does start make sure you have fun sometimes, okay?”
I nodded slowly and swallowed before raising my eyes so they were level with hers, “Alright,” I said quietly.
Suddenly her face lit up, “Here,” she held out her hand, “Give me your phone.” I starred at her confused but grabbed my phone from my pocket and placed it in her outstretched hand. “I’m going to put my number in, just in case you can’t think of anything fun to do,” she flashed me a white smile.
I took my phone back from her and read the name, “Amy.”
She simply smiled and reached her hand out. I took it in mine and shook, “I’m –“
“I know who you are,” she smiled pulling her hand out of mine and turning back towards the hall, “Have a good night Mr. Crosby, and good luck in the season.”
♠ ♠ ♠
My new story !!
Comment and let me know what you think, if I should continue or what !