Wild At Heart


--Her POV--
I woke up the next morning with my head on a moving pillow. My eyes snapped open as I realized that said pillow was actually Sidney's chest. After the initial shock wore off I allowed my mind to drift back to last night...
We both walked up the stairs and I climbed into my bed while Sidney stood awkwardly in the doorway. I pulled the covers of my bed back and patted the spot beside me. "Are you coming or what?"
He blushed and chuckled lightly, propping his pillow up on the headboard before sliding in beside me.
The rest of the night we talked about everything and anything while watching random television shows and movies. The last thing I remember is my body falling towards Sidney's before I fell asleep.
I smiled to myself as I gently climbed out of bed, careful not to disturb the peaceful looking man. It was probably better that I woke up first, to spare him the awkwardness and regret of having my head on his chest. I let out a sigh as the smile fell from my face and turned to go downstairs. I knew he had practice in a couple of hours so I set to making a hardy breakfast of champions for when he woke up. As soon as I pulled the eggs off the frying pan I heard the quiet creak of stairs indicating that sleeping beauty was indeed alive.

--His POV--
When my eyes opened to light blue walls I instantly forgot where I was and sat up like a shot. Seeing the framiliar white bookcase. desk and picture tucked into the mirror I eased back onto the bed and let out a satisfactory breath. Last night had been so much fun it was difficult for me not to picture doing things like that with Amy for the rest of my life. I shook my head scolding myself for thinking about future plans with a girl who wanted no future plans with me.
Despite my feigned anger towards myself I could not wipe the smile off my face...
When she came to the door looking so cute in her oversized pajama top and boxer shorts I knew immediately I had made the right decision. I was prepared to sleep on the floor that night but when the offer came to share a bed, I jumped at the chance. Our conversations were so random and wacky but at the same time I felt so comfortable telling her things about myself I hadn't even told the guys, and I'll admit that scared me a bit. All my fear disappeared as soon as I felt the weight of her head on my shoulder, and heard her soft quiet breathing.
I turned off the tv and layed her down on her back, mimicing my position. The separation lasted only minutes before she rolled onto her side and placed a hand on my chest. I took her small hand in my own and wound our fingers together liking the way they seemed to be a perfect fit. Eventually she adjusted herself again this time placing her head on my chest and snuggling her body next to mine. I smiled and shook my head at her sleeping antics, before letting out a deep breath and running a hand through her blonde hair.
I was almost asleep when I heard a small snore coming from Amy's mouth, which made me chuckle before I fell asleep, once again thinking about forever.
I took a deep breath in, inhaling the sweet smell of eggs, bacon and toast before stretching my limbs and making my way down stairs.
As I walked through the doorway she turned towards me, sleep still in her eyes and her hair in a messy bun; she'd never looked so cute. "Well if it isn't sleeping beauty." She teased.
"Sleeping beauty!?" I shot back, "I was lucky to get any sleep at all with all the snoring YOU did!"
She whipped her head around with her mouth ajar, "I do not snore!" She pointed the spatchela at me.
"I'm just kidding, you didn't snore," I said waiting until she turned around again to add, "that much."
She just shook her head and brought two plates to the kitchen table.

--Her POV --
We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence, occasionally locking eyes only to smile at one another. Everytime I felt goosebumps rise on my arms and butterflies erupt in my stomach as I tried to keep my composure.
When we were both finally finished Sidney pushed he plate away and leaned back in his chair. "Best breakfast ever." He patted his belly and smiled his crooked little smirk, successfully making my heart skip another beat.
"Well, its the least I could do after you chased the monsters away for me. Plus I thought you could use some fuel for practice."
"Practice!" He practically screamed, "Shit, shit, shit! We have a meeting before it! In like," he glanced at the clock and his eyes buldged out of his head, "20 minutes!"
He scream and then began frantically began looking around.
"Calm down Sidney, you go, I'll clean up, just message me later."
He froze for a second smiling at me before he kicked it into high gear running towards the front door. After a second I saw him turn to come back, only to tackle me into a bear hug and plant a big kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, thank you, thank you !"
I sat motionless for minutes after he left, holding my hand to my now very hot cheek.

--His POV --
Thank god my bag was in the car I thought as I sprinted into the meeting with seconds to spare, pulling up a spot next to Jordan. I was finally allowed to catch my breath, and only when it was back to normal did I realize Jordan was staring at me.
"What?" I asked staring right back.
"You, Sidney Crosby, were almost late for a meeting." I shrugged not quite understanding his point. "That never happens. Where the heck were you?" He paused to look down at my flannel pajama pants and worn in sweater, "Sleep over?"
I could feel myself blushing no matter how hard I tried to hide it and Jordan realized it. His eyes looked like saucers and his mouth started to open no doubt ready to say something stupid. I quickly planted my hand over the gapping hole and whispered, "SHUT UP."
He nodded quickly so I gently removed my hand from his mouth. "Did you get laid?" He asked excited.
"No," I said shakign my head and explaining the situation to him breifly.
"So you mean to say that you slept in the same bed as Amy and you didnt bang her?"
"Jordan." I said trying to make it as simple as possible, "I didn't even kiss her."
He shook his head and turned to face the front as coach started talking. Leaving me alone to realize that I wish I had.