Wild At Heart


--His POV--
The next morning I awoke before my alarm, to someone barging into my room.
"Sidney," I bolted into a sitting position recognizing the voice as none other than Mario's, "What is this?"
I froze as the newspaper landed on my lap, complete with a headline that read "SIdney Crosby: Face of the NHL or Criminal?" I unfolded the paper to reveal a huge picture of myself fleeing from Mellon tugging on Amy's hand, thankfully her face wasn't facing the camera, as well as a smaller picture of Amy's mural.
"Can you explain this?" Mario asked sternly.
I ran a hand through my hair, "I...She...Fuck..."
"Explain from the beginning." He prompted me.
And so I did, from the charity, to the first phone call, up until last night, obviously leaving out my feelings for her.
Mario shook his head and let out a deep sigh, "Sidney, I know you're just a young kid and you want to have fun but playoffs -- The Stanley Cup Finals -- is not a time for this. Pat and I are going to have to do some major smoothing over right now. But in the mean time I want you to call that girl and tell her that you can no longer associate with her," I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off, "No Sidney, you screwed up, now we're fixing it. My way."
I nodded solemnly and watched as he stormed from my bedroom pulling out his cell phone and answering a call simultaneously.
I laid back down on my pillow, wondering how this could have even happened, and wondering whether Amy knew or not.
I reached for my phone to call her just as it began to ring.

--Her POV--
I awoke to my phone ringing over and over again. Groggily I picked up and mumbled a "Hmm."
"Amy," Carly's voice came over the phone and immediately I knew something was wrong. I sat up quickly.
"What is it?"
"Just, go get the paper."
"Carly you're scaring me," I said to her while I threw the covers off of myself and ran down the stairs. "Oh. My. Gosh." Was all I could say as I opened up the paper to reveal SIdney and I, as well as my mural.
"What happened?" Carly asked.
"We saw a light last night and then we ran, but I guess someone caught us. Oh my gosh, Sidney is going to be in so much shit!" I panicked running a hand through my hair. "Shit, shit, shit, shit!"
"Call him now and then call me back."
"Okay thanks Carly." I hung up and began to freak out. This was all my fault, I knew it was a high risk situation and I still took him, and we got caught. His whole reputation as golden boy was now ruined. And it was all my fault.
I walked into the kitchen, sat at the table and dialled Sidney's number.
"Amy," he answered after the first ring.
"Sidney, I'm so so so so so sorry," I spat out, "this is all my fault! What are you going to do!? I've ruined everything I'm so sorry! I --"
"Amy," he cut me off, "Mario and my agent are dealing with it, it's not that bad, this is going to blow over. They didn't get your face in it so you won't be in any trouble. Just take a deep breath."
I let out a shaky breath, "Okay. Do you think I could come over and apologize to Mario and Pat? I mean I just gave them so much work at this time in the season, at least I could explain myself..."
The line was silent for a couple of seconds before I heard him let out a deep sigh, "Listen Amy, I don't think that's a good idea. In fact I don't think us hanging out is a good idea at all anymore. So, please stop calling and texting me, and I'll do the same. We will just go on like none of this ever happened, okay?"
I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, I was light headed, dizzy, nauseous and heart broken at the same time. I managed a quick "okay" before hanging up the phone. I walked, zombie-like, to the couch where I collapsed in a small ball. How could he just drop me like that? After our almost kiss last night? After all we've been though together? Clearly I didn't mean as much to him as he meant to me. As soon as I realized this my body began to shake and the tears flowed uncontrollably.
We were done.

--His POV--
It killed me to have to say those things to Amy, and it broke my heart to hear how small her voice was when she said "okay."
I walked out of my bedroom towards Mario's office. "Did you take care of it?" He asked. I just nodded sombrely. "Good, now Pat and I have worked out a story..." I didn't hear the rest of Mario's words, I couldn't focus on anything but the fact that I had no doubt broken Amy's heart.