Wild At Heart


--His POV—
I threw my gloves into my bag, sat down at my stall and put my head in my hands. I was frustrated. Frustrated we had lost, again, and frustrated with my performance. When I had been given the ‘C’ I promised myself I would work hard, be a good leader and always perform at a level I could be proud of, and lately, I wasn’t doing that. I looked around at the solemn faces of my teammates; it was only a month into the season but I could tell everyone was already worried about playoffs.
“Hey Sid,” my teammate and best friend Max Talbot turned to me, “you coming out tonight?”
I grunted and shrugged my shoulders stripping my legs of my shin pads.
“Come on,” he urged, “We have the day off tomorrow, what else are you going to do? Work out?” He laughed.
I looked up at him and gave him a small smile while shrugging.
“You have got to be kidding me,” he threw his hands in the air and shook his head. “Your 21 for fucks sake go out, live a little! Shake off the loss and take a fine broad home. You’re Sidney Crosby.” He emphasized my name while opening his eyes wide.
“Not tonight,” I pulled off my wet under armour, “there’s some stuff I gotta do. Next time.”
He just shook his head, knowing there was no way he could convince me. The truth is there wasn’t anything I really had to do. Mostly I wanted to sulk back home, get a good night sleep before getting up to train some more tomorrow.
I got out of my silver Range Rover Sport and headed to the front door of the Lemieux’s place. I was still living with them and didn’t plan on moving out anytime soon. They were a great family and living with them made my life really easy. My food was made, my laundry was folded, all I had to worry about was playing hockey. I said a quick goodnight to Mario and his wife before heading to my room.
I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes, silently racking my brain for some way to raise my performance, some way to get the guys pumped. I had to start from the inside out, meaning I had to start playing better before the team would start playing better. It was the most frustrating thing; knowing you had trained so hard only for it not to pay off.
I ran a hand through my dark curls, “Think Sid, think.” Maybe I needed to take the pressure off myself. Actually take the day off and do something other than hockey. Maybe Max was right; maybe I did need to live a little. I grabbed my phone and began to scroll down my contact list looking for his number when I saw hers. Amy; the girl from the charity event. I sat on my bed contemplating for what seemed like hours and finally made my decision. I took a deep breath and pressed the green button.

--Her POV—
“Yes!” Me and my best friend Carly high fived as the small ping pong ball landed in the last plastic cup across the table. “Drink up boys!”
“When did you girls get so good at this game?” My friend Brett asked.
“We were always good,” Carly defended.
“Yea,” I added, “maybe you boys just got worse.” I shrugged, stuck out my tongue and walked away.
It was a typical Friday night in Pittsburgh, just another house party, with the same people. It was rather boring if you ask me. All we did was play beer pong, kings and other drinking games until everyone was so drunk they passed out in random places. Don’t get me wrong I love house parties, socializing and such, but I’m not the biggest drinker so it didn’t surprise many people that I would limit myself to only one or two beer pong games tonight.
I washed my hands after using the washroom and headed back towards the party when I felt my phone vibrating against my stomach. I reached into my sweater pocket and looked at the number flashing on the screen. I didn’t recognize it but I shrugged my shoulders and answered anyways.
“Umm...Hi. Is this...Is this Amy?”
“Yes...” I said furrowing my brow, “May I ask whose calling?”
“This is –“
“Ame, come on the boys want a rematch!” Carly came bounding into the hallway to meet me.
“Hold on,” I said to the mystery caller, “I’m on the phone Carly, give me like two minutes?”
She nodded her head and ran back towards the party. I slipped on my ugg slippers and slid out the front onto the front porch.
“I’m sorry, who is this?” I asked again taking a seat on one of the steps.
“Um, I don’t know if you remember me, but we spoke at the Sick Kids charity?” My heart started beating. There was no way it could be, “Sidney Crosby.”
I was speechless. I gave the guy my number, never once did I think he would actually call it. “Umm..Hello?”
“Sorry,” I tried to compose myself, “Of course I remember you, what’s up?”
“Well I have a day off tomorrow...” he spoke slowly, “And I was just wondering if, you know, I could, uh, take you up on that offer?”
I clasped a hand over my mouth to keep from screaming, this was not happening. Sidney Crosby never called me, I pinched myself to ensure I was not dreaming and when I realized this was indeed real life a huge smile broke out on my face. “Finally came to your senses eh?” I joked.
He laughed nervously, “guess so...”
I racked my brain for something to do when an idea finally came to my head causing my grin to grow even bigger, “I have the perfect idea. I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 10.”
“In the morning?” he asked.
“Are you kidding, I need my sleep,” I joked, “Just text me your address or something tomorrow and I’ll call when I’m on my way.”
“Um, alright I guess I’ll see you then?”
“For sure. See you then. Bye.”
I hung up my phone and for a moment I sat in silence not moving. Only when it sank in did I shake my head and run a hand through my blonde hair.
My moment of peace didn’t last long though, because within 10 seconds I heard a high pitched scream, “AMY!”
I laughed to myself and headed back inside the house.

--His POV—
I hung up the phone and let out the breath I had been holding in for what seemed like hours. I have no idea what I’m getting myself into but I really hope it works. Something has to work.
♠ ♠ ♠
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Hopefully someone can tell me if this is any good of if its a load of .....