Wild At Heart


--Her POV—
When my phone beeped at noon today I groggily reached onto my night table and grabbed it.
Hey...Hope I didn’t wake you...My address is 146 Woodlane Avenue. Just text me when your outside the gate. See you later. – Sidney
Outside the gate? That was my first thought. Then I remembered he was a hockey player making almost 9 million dollars a year. And that he lived with the Lemieux’s. My second thought was; holy crap this is actually going to happen. And that set me off hyperventilating. It was ten hours away and here I was hunched over in bed breathing like a lunatic. After scolding myself for being such an idiot I climbed out of bed and got dressed into some running clothes and headed out into the bright sunshine.
I plugged my headphones into my ears and started off at a brisk walk, eventually picking up speed into a light jog. Running was something I was just starting to really get into. Ever since...it happened, running has been my outlet, my time to think, to be free, and to just listen to my breathing. Today was different though, all my thoughts seemed to revolve around tonight and I had no idea why. I had done this kind of thing so many times. Only other times there had been no Sidney Crosby.

--His POV—
I walked into my bedroom and gently closed the door behind me before collapsing on my bed. It was our day off so I had kept my personal workout light; light skate, light weights and then a little video. I glanced over at my clock; 6 o’clock, that gave me 4 hours to eat, shower and get ready, more than enough time for a guy.
I slid my hands behind my head and drifted into thoughts. Thoughts about hockey, about training, and then about Amy. I found myself wondering if she would look the same as I remembered. Everything was vague and blurry except for those eyes; blue with that captivating ring of light green. My heart started to race as I began thinking my plan through; what did I even know about this girl? For all I know she could be some lunatic stalker, or some kidnapper who is going to hold me hostage for money. And even if she turns out to be a decent person, I don’t even know what’s going on tonight! Thoughts ran though my head for I don’t know how long, but they were suddenly interrupted with a loud grumbling of my stomach. I pushed myself off the bed and slowly made my way downstairs, doing my best to push my nervous thoughts out of my head.

--Her POV—
“Are you kidding me?” I asked myself as my car came to a stop in front of a gigantic house. I squinted my eyes and looked through the gate to the red brick house taking in everything from the beautifully manicured garden to the small chimney on the roof. I stepped outside and leaned on the driver’s door, pulling out my phone and sending him a text message that I was here. About three minutes later the door to the huge house opened and he began walking towards me. The walk was long enough that I could drink in his appearance. His brown curls were gelled back and he was wearing a green polo and jeans. When I took everything in I finally realized I completely forgot what we were doing tonight. And that I forgot to tell him.

--His POV—
I kept my head down as I exited the house and walked down the long narrow pathway to her car. When I did finally look up I felt myself go a dark red as my eyes racked over her. Here I was dressed like I was going out to dinner when she was dressed completely different. She wore running shoes, black track pants and a big black hooded sweatshirt that was pulled over her head. I stopped dead in my tracks and held up a finger before spinning around and walking swiftly back up to my house. I must have looked like a complete idiot because just as I turned back around I heard a small chuckle come from her mouth. Not even five minutes later I emerged from the door again, this time clad in an outfit almost identical to hers and bounded down the steps towards her car.
As I approached, the engine to the black SUV roared to life and I heard the door click, signalling it was unlocked. I looked around the empty street and took a deep breath before climbing into the passenger seat. I closed the door behind me and was welcomed into the car with the quiet hum of music and the squeaking of leather seats.
“Nice outfit,” she said simply.
I smiled slightly and looked up at her, “Th—“Then I saw her eyes. Those beautiful eyes, and I was rendered speechless.

--Her POV—
When he stopped midsentence I became completely self conscious, was there something in my teeth? Something hanging from my nose? Did he realize this was a mistake? All these thoughts and more ran through my head as I turned to the street, put the car in drive and gripped the steering wheel with sweaty, clammy hands.
“S-Sorry,” he stuttered. I nodded in reply. “Um,” he began, “How are you?”
“Pretty good,” I hoped he couldn’t hear the shakiness in my voice, “How are you?”
“Good,” I could hear him now getting more confident with every word, “But a little curious.” He paused, “What exactly are we doing tonight that required me to dress in this?” He motioned to his outfit.
I laughed as the car smoothly slid into a parking space at a nearby 7/11, “Hold that thought.” I quickly grabbed my wallet and hoped out of the car. Before slamming the door shut I looked back at him, “Stay here.”

--His POV—
I nodded to her request and watched her through the large glass windows of the store as she went to different aisles picking up various things. I couldn’t tell what it was she was grabbing but before I knew it she was paying at the register and heading back out to the car. She put the mystery bag in the back seat before hoping up into the driver’s seat and reversing from the spot.
We made small talk for the twenty minute drive but never once were tonight’s itinerary brought up. I began to get nervous; was I being set up? Was she going to kill me? My heart began to beat wildly as she pulled into an abandoned parking lot and turned off the car. I put my hands in my lap and tried to avoid eye contact as I felt her gaze fall on me.
“Okay so,” she began, “my best friend Carly had been dating this guy for about 2 months and all was good and everything but I never really liked him. He was too flirty you know, he didn’t seem good for her.” My head slowly lifted and I turned towards her while she continued talking animatedly. “Anyways, one night we were at a party and I left to go to the washroom when I saw him flirting with this girl. I ignored it because that’s what he does, and Carly is fine with it so whatever. I go pee and as I’m walking back I see him now full on making out with this girl who is definitely not Carly.” I sat there looking at her mouth ajar wondering why the hell this girl is telling me this as she continues her story. “So I have no idea what to do, do I tell her or not. So basically I told her and she dumped him right there. She’s completely over it because she’s not the type of girl to dwell on stuff like that but I really don’t like when people mess with my friends so...” I watched as she reached back into the mystery bag and pulled out a long rectangular cardboard box. “We,” she smiled wickedly and her eyes twinkled even in the darkness of the car, “are going to egg his brand new car.”
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Sorry it has taken me so long to update this one,
COmment and subscribe PLEASE.
Let me know if this is even worth continuing.
Lee xo.