Wild At Heart


--Her POV—
His eyes went wide and I couldn’t help but laugh, “Relax, I’ve done this a million times,” I assured him, “Nothing is going to happen.”
He ran a hand through his brown curls and let out a long low breath, “I never expected this....”
Suddenly I froze, “Wait,” he turned to me slowly, clearly worried about what I was going to say, “Have you never egged something before?” He looked to the floor of the car and then shifted his eyes to me and shrugged simply. “Wow.” A huge grin broke onto my face, “This is going to be fun.”
I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot heading towards our destination. The entire time Sidney stayed quiet, clearly nervous and worried about our task for the night. I could tell he was flip flopping back and forth trying to make a decision but what he didn’t know was that he was going to go through with it regardless. At this thought I smiled to myself.
I parked the car along a deserted residential street and turned off the engine, keeping only the stereo system on. “Okay,” I turned to him, “now all we need is a song to get us ready.” He looked at me questioningly. “Don’t you guys have like, a pump up song or something that you play in the dressing room before a game?” He shook his head slowly. I let out a sigh and picked up my ipod, scrolling to the song I had in mind. “This is my favourite pump up song. It might be a little bit intense for this little mission but it’s definitely a good one.” I pressed play on the ipod and sat back in my chair resting my head against the plush leather and closed my eyes.

--His POV—
Some rock song came blaring through the speakers but the entire time she stayed still. Eyes closed, breathing steady. I took the time to drink in her features; things I didn’t get the chance to see when I first met her. In the dark it was difficult to see, but I could tell she had a perfect little button nose, big plump lips, and long light eyelashes. Suddenly her eyes flickered open and I felt the redness start to creep into my cheeks. Her blue-green eyes bore into mine. They were filled with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Hurt? Sadness? Neither made sense to me, how could such a bubbly, crazy person feel such sadness? My thoughts were suddenly broken with her voice.
“Sidney.” She snapped, “close your eyes and listen to the song.”
I nodded shakily and did as she said, matching my posture with hers and drinking in the music. I have to admit it was a great song, and before I knew it my heart was beating, my fists were clenched, I was antsy and I was ready to do this.
The song ended and we both looked at each other that twinkle of excitement back in her eye. “Let’s do this.”
I stepped out of the car at the same time she did and we both put our hoods up and began to walk towards his house. “Okay,” she said seriously, “His house is number 19 up on the right. The plan is that we’re going to walk past it first, see if there are any lights on. If there is we’re going to have to do a full lap around the block and make a plan, but I doubt anyone is home.” I nodded and furrowed my brow, listening to her instructions carefully. “If there are no lights on as quietly as we can were just going to unleash these all over his car. He’s out drinking tonight so his car should be there. It’s the silver civic by the way.” I nodded again. “After we run out of eggs you’re going to have to run like hell back to the car and hide behind it. When the coast is clear we can get in and drive off. Got it?”
“Got it.”
“Good. Here is your pack,” she handed me a container of six eggs and started to walk in front of me. The walk was silent and it only took a few minutes to reach the houses. In front of number 13 she stopped and reached into the top part of her sweater bringing out a golden necklace with half of a broken heart dangling on the end. She closed her eyes and held it in her hand for a few seconds before bringing it to her lips and then placing it delicately back into her shirt. Then she turned to me, “Lights are off. Let’s do this.”
She started speed walking and reaching into her pouch for her stack of eggs. As soon as we got to the house she took out one egg and whipped it at the car. It landed smack dab in the middle of the back windshield. She looked at me a wicked smile on her face before turning back to the car and throwing another one, this time landing on the driver’s door. My breathing shaky I took an egg out of my pouch and tossed it lightly at the car. It didn’t splatter like hers; it only broke in half, like eggs do when you throw them in the frying pan. My second egg I threw as hard as I could and it splattered, I mean splattered, almost right on top of Amy’s first egg. I looked at her, my heart beating wildly and received the thumbs up in encouragement.
I kept throwing my eggs until there was only one left. I held it in my hand contemplating the best place for it to make contact. When the front porch light went on.

--Her POV—
We both froze. I had no more eggs left and I could have easily run. But I was with Sidney. I couldn’t just leave him there. I quickly jumped into a close by bush and Sidney did the same on the opposite side of the driveway. My heart was racing as the front door opened and a very pissed off looking Thomas walked out. Sidney popped his head out from the bush and stared at me wide eyed. If we weren’t in this situation I would have doubled over in laughter from the look he gave me. Instead I motioned for him to run when I told him too. He nodded his head and ducked back into the bush. We both watched as Thomas walked down the driveway and saw his car.
“Fuck!” He put one hand on the back of his neck and walked slowly around his car, inspecting the damage. As he turned his back to us I motioned to Sidney to get ready. I got into a crouched position and got ready to run as fast as my legs could take me. Thomas took one last look at his car, shook his head and started to head back up towards his porch when I tried to move.
“Shit,” I whisper scolded myself. Thomas whipped around.
“Whose there?” Thomas screamed.
I looked at Sidney, who was now almost out of his bush, with wide eyes. He looked at me and mouthed one word. “Run.” So I did. I started running at full speed and looked behind me just to make sure Sidney was coming. And man, did I look back at just the right time.
I watched as the last egg flew out of Sidney’s hand and landed in the center of Thomas’ chest. Splat. “What the fuck!” And then we were running; full tilt. It didn’t take Sidney long to catch up to me but he never passed me. We both ran in silence, side by side until we reach my SUV and collapsed on the ground behind it.
“Is he following us?” I asked breathlessly.
Sidney peered around the car, “Not that I can see. But we should get out of here; I pelted the guy right on target.” I nodded, smiling and we both hopped in the car.
We pulled into that same empty parking lot and I turned off the car once more. A huge smile broke across my face when I looked over at Sidney. He was still beet red from the run back and his eyes were wide and twinkling. “Well, what did you think?” I asked.
“That,” he said flashing me a crooked smile, “was unbelievable.” I smiled proudly at his response. “I mean did you see me! I hit every window on that car! AND I hit that jackass right in the chest!” I laughed at his reaction. He was like a child on Christmas, gushing about all the presents Santa had brought him. “Can we do it again!?” He asked me wide eyed.
I turned the ignition on and pulled out of the parking lot, “Easy there killer, there’ll be lots of times, I promise.”
He flashed me a smile that took my breath away before leaning back in his seat and looking out the windshield.
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I like this chapter :)
Hopefully another one up soon !
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it makes me update faster.
Lee xo.