Wild At Heart


--Her POV—
“Hey Ame, did you hear?” Carly asked me as we walked to our next class.
“Hear what?” I asked curiously. Carly always knew so much more than me which made her a great friend to have. Although she did tend to blab a few things I knew I could trust her with my secrets.
“Thomas and his car got egged this weekend.”
I froze, “oh...yea?”
“Mhmm,” she nodded, “AND he saw the people who did it. Well, one of them.” By this point my heart was racing. It wasn’t that I didn’t want Carly to know I was spending time with Sidney it was just...okay I didn’t want anyone to know.
“He said some guy who looked exactly like Sidney Crosby.”
I could feel my palms getting sweaty. My heart was racing and all my blood was being pumped to my cheeks. “Oh, weird.” I sucked in my bottom lip and began to chew on it. Big mistake.
She stopped walking, “Amy?”
“Mhmm?” I turned to look at her adjusting my bag on my shoulder, never looking into her eyes.
“He said the other was a girl.” I didn’t do anything. “Amy...” She gave me that look. The one that says ‘I know just tell me already.’
I looked around before getting as close to her as I could, “I’ll tell you after school. But if you tell ANYONE,” I stressed the anyone, “I will never talk to you again.”
A huge smile broke onto her face and she began to bounce up and down squealing.
“Shhh,” I looked around, “come over at 5 tonight.” And with that I walked away, leaving my best friend staring at her watch and praying the time would come earlier.

--His POV—
I slowly got out of my car at Mellon arena and grabbed my Gatorade just as my phone went beep, indicating a text message. I pulled out my blackberry and noticed it was from Amy. Curious, I opened it up. ‘Ladies and Gentleman – Saliva’ was all it said. I smiled and put the phone in my pocket opening up the heavy door to the player’s entrance. I was greeted by staff, coaches and players as I made my way to the locker room and finally settled down into my stall.
Almost two hours later, after coach had finished up his pregame talk I quieted down the boys, “Hey guys, I just want to try something okay?” They all looked at me murmuring to one another as I advanced across the dressing room and placed my ipod in the ihome. “Just sit and – and listen.” I said pressing play on the song and heading back over to my stall, sitting just as I had seen Amy do only two days ago.
As the song ended I opened up my eyes and glanced around the room scanning the guys for their reactions. Flower’s brown was furrowed in a look of concentration; Staalsy’s eyes had a fire in them I had never seen before, and MadMax just looked, well, mad. “Okay boys,” they all looked at me. I grinned wildly, “Let’s do this.”
Cheers erupted in the dressing room and I was met with several pats on the back. We had finally won a game; 4-1 over the Islanders and everyone had played amazing. Flower made saves I didn’t even know were possible, Jordan and the penalty kill unit didn’t even let them gain the zone, and I have never seen Max start more shit in my life.
“Nice game tonight kid,” Ma x sat down in his stall and patted me on the back. “I haven’t seen you on fire like that in a long time. Big night.”
I laughed, “Thanks man,” I bent down and began untying my skates, “is there anything going on tonight?”
Max stopped getting undressed, “First a three point night and now you want to go party? Who is this kid!?” he shook my shoulder laughing. “We leave for the road tomorrow at 2, I don’t think anything is planned but when we get back were going out and getting you laid!” He gave me a high five before heading over to the showers.
I just chuckled to myself and continued getting undressed, absorbing myself in a conversation with Jordan.

--Her POV—
I lay in bed with a small smile on my face thinking of the excitement in his eyes tonight when he had score his two goals. The whole team looked so hungry and unstoppable it was no wonder we crushed the Islanders.
My eyes were closed and I was about to fall into a deep sleep when my iphone vibrated on my bedside table. I looked at the clock, 12:30pm, and then to my phone; 1 new text. Groggily I unlocked my phone and clicked on the new text message. I wiped my eyes of sleep as I read the text; The boys loved the song. I think it worked. Thanks.
I smiled and sent a message back; Good to hear, congrats on the win! Oh, and your two goals...superstar :).
Not even two minutes later my phone vibrated again; Haha thanks, it was all because of your EGGcellent plan. I owe you one, night. I smiled and shook my head, placing my phone back in its charger and letting my head fall back into the cushy pillows and my body fall back into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know its a little short but I felt I was leaving everyone hanging for too long, well all 2 people who read this story (if that).
I know this chapter is a complete fail but it WILL get better.
I also do know this is not how everything happened but its my story so deal with it :)
Comment and subscribbeee PLEASE !!
Lee xo.