Wild At Heart


--His POV—
Amy put the car in park and almost instantly my heart rate picked up to about 200 beats a minute. Jordan and I both slid on our balaclavas and hesitantly stepped out of the car. Jordan walked ahead with Carly while I waited for Amy to lock the car and grab the rest of the gear. She smiled when she noticed this and quickened her pace to meet me.
“Nervous?” she asked quietly. I nodded vigourosly. “Really?” she said surprised, “the guy who is the face of the NHL, has the spot light on him 24/7 and is the most well known athlete EVER, is nervous for a snowball fight?” I guess she could tell from my eyes that I was smiling because she nudged me with her shoulder lightly, “good boy. Loosen up.”
We arrived at a large circle of people, only one of whom I knew. Thomas. I looked over at Amy and we both stifled a fit of laughter before someone spoke. “Hey guys.”
“Hey.” Both Carly and Amy answered.
“Who are they?” Thomas piped up looking rather annoyed.
Amy’s eyes darted over to mine before looking back at Thomas. “This is my family friend....Carl.” She said gesturing to me. “And this,” she motioned to Jordan, pausing for a second to allow the gears to churn in her head, “is his foreign exchange student...Sven...” Murmurs erupted in the group and everything seemed to be calm before Thomas spoke again.
“Why are they wearing those stupid masks?”
I looked at Amy whose mouth was now hanging ajar and then to Carly who was looking at Amy for answers.
“I am allergic to the sun,” everyone’s eyes were on me as I attempted to disguise my voice, “I am allergic to the sun.”
Amy shot me a smile letting me know she appreciated it. “And him.” Thomas gestured to Jordan.
I smiled laughing to myself as the words flowed out of my mouth, “he thinks it’s a North American custom.” Everyone laughed and the answer and the topic was immediately dropped thanks to Carly.
“So what are the teams?”
“Uhh...” One boy spoke, “same as last year?”
Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and began to walk away towards their respective ‘ends.’ “What about these two?” Amy called out.
“Split em’ up.” Thomas shot back with a look of distaste.
I looked at Amy who was already grinning at me, “This is my side.” She gestured to the left.
“Which means that,” I pointed to the right, “is mine.”
She nodded and bared her teeth in an attempt to intimidate me but I just laughed and shoved my hand out towards her, “good luck.”
She took my hand in hers and pulled me close to whisper in my ear, “I’m not the one who’s going to need it.” And with that she turned on her heel trudging into the brush.
“Carl!” I heard the voice but it didn’t mean much to me and only when a hand grabbed onto my arm did I realize I was Carl. “Let’s go.” Carly pulled me towards the bushes, “we can share a base. Start making snowballs.” She told me as she dropped to her knees and began to pack the snow into tight little balls.
“How does this even work?”
“Basically someone is going to call out go and we just run around for an hour or so pelting each other with snow balls. Eventually everyone is cold and wet so we just call it and go for some hot chocolate. Then everyone goes and gets ready and there is a huge party.” I nodded my hand in understanding.
I packed snow in silence looking around at the others and trying to make a plan how to attack the opposition, mostly Amy, when someone called out, “Three, two, one, GO!” And just like that it was on. Snow balls flew in every direction and I had no idea what to do. I looked to my right and Carly was already gone, advancing towards the opponent and making snowballs as she went. I laughed as I watched her, she was so small but so tough and rugged, and I respected that.
For the first few minutes I hid in a small brush just watching, checking out the pace of the game watching other people, planning attack, and searching for a balaclava wearing boy and one specific girl. I sat in my trance for a few more minutes before I felt something hit the back of my head.
I whipped around, arm cocked only to see my teammate, Thomas, “What are you a pussy?” he shook his head at me, “Get your ass out there.” And with that he shot me a dirty look, launched a snowball and ran towards enemy lines.
I managed to remain hidden all the way down the sidelines of the field, keeping my eyes peeled for a hot pink hood, or an extremely tall idiot, but couldn’t find either. After advancing a few more yards I caught sight of a tall head peaking out of the bushes. I pulled my arm back and was about to throw the snowball when a pink hood emerged right beside him. I watched as she smiled at him laughing about something, swatting his arm lightly before become invisible in the bushes again. I waited for a minute or two growing impatient and nervous; what could they possibly be doing in there? Just as I began to advance towards them, they both popped out of the bushes and began sprinting towards enemy lines. I watched as they both threw snowballs and duck away from balls being thrown at them. I couldn’t help but be a little jealous as they high fived and turned to come back. I watched as Jordan lifted Amy so she was positioned like a sack of potatoes, continuing to fire snowballs and Jordan advanced towards their base, running to avoid being hit. I slithered closer to where the two were headed so I could produce the perfect shot. I shrunk into the bushes and began to silently make more snowballs as I kept my eyes trained on my teammate and....friend.
“This is soaked,” Jordan said gesturing to his balaclava.
“Well, if you wouldn’t get hit so many times it wouldn’t be that way!” Amy responded attempting to brush the snow off of his face.
“I have to take it off for a second,” Jordan looked at Amy for approval.
She nodded, “be careful though, don’t blow your cover.” I mentally smiled, this girl went through so much trouble for me and now she was doing it for Staalsy too.
I watched as Jordan pulled the balaclava off his head revealing his dishevelled blonde hair. Amy gently grabbed the mask from Jordan, pulled her gloves off and began to pull at the little balls of snow that had attached themselves to it. I saw my chance and was about to advance when Jordan’s head whipped towards the opposite side of the forest. In one swift motion he had grabbed Amy, placed her on the ground and positioned himself on top of her, as if to protect her from what was to come.
I felt something bubble inside of me as I furrowed my eyebrows and attempted to advance closer to the two who were now nearly invisible. I slowly crawled out of the bush and towards the two being as quiet as I could, attempting to keep my where abouts unknown. I took one more step and they finally came into view. I froze; I could not believe what I was actually seeing.

--Her POV—
“This is soaked,” Jordan said, taking my attention away from building more ammunition.
“Well if you wouldn’t get hit so many times it wouldn’t be that way!” I brought my mitten clad hands up to his face and did the best I could to gently brush the snow off of his mask. The truth was, most of the time he got hit was for covering my ass. He was an awesome teammate, and he had sick plans. The one where I go on his back and protect our exit, yea, totally his idea. Brilliant.
“I have to take it off for a second.”
He looked at me questioningly with wide blue eyes and I nodded, “be careful though,” I looked around, “don’t blow your cover.”
He nodded and pulled off the balaclava and shook out his short blonde hair. I pulled off my gloves and began to pick at the little snow balls on his mask while he remained on red alert. In one short second I was on my back in the snow, with one Jordan Staal hovering above me. “What happened?” I whispered, watching him quickly search the perimeter.
“I heard something from over there,” he gestured with a head nod, “didn’t want you to get pelted unexpectedly.” He grinned.
I batted my eyelashes sarcastically, “My hero!”
He just shook his head and laughed. As he began to study the area again I got a chance to really look at him. Carly was right he was absolutely gorgeous, that amazing jaw structure, that adorable little bum chin and those eyes, that were now burning into mine. I watched as he licked his lips, never taking his eyes off of mine. That gesture alone made me want to rip his clothes of right there but I didn’t get the chance as my eyes fluttered closed and his lips made contact with mine. They were cold, but soft gentle at first but then the kiss became rough and forceful. Don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining, but it wasn’t how I wanted to be kissed, it wasn’t like how kissing Sidney would be. Sidney. My eyes shot open and I pulled away just as a snowball collided with the side of Jordan’s face, knocking him off balance. I glanced to my right to see Sidney standing motionless among the trees. I didn’t know what to do as I lay there, but I watched as he looked at me with what looked like sad, angry eyes before turning and sprinting back towards his end of the forest.
“Who was that?” Jordan asked pulling his balaclava back onto his head and looking around.
“Just Sidney, you’re safe.” He let out a sigh of relief and looked at me, “You have got to stop mesmerizing me with your handsome boy next door looks Jordan, otherwise were going to get killed out here.” I joked, trying to lighten the situation.
He just laughed and stood up, reaching a hand down to help me up, “what can I say,” he pulled me up in one easy motion, “I’m irresistible.” He placed both hands on his waist and puffed out his chest, his eyes trained on something in the distance. I shook my head and laughed as he was pelted in the stomach with a snowball, and just like that the moment was passed and the game was back on.
And Sidney was nowhere to be seen.
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this chapter, and the next one is going to be a good one too. (hopefully)
Alot of the story will come together in the next one!

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