Don't Let Me Get Me.

Flaw in the plan

Nita grabbed my shoulder's and started lightly shaking me.

"He asked you on a date!"

I looked at her like she had three head's. Was it really a date?

"You got to get up early so i can work on your hair and everything!" Nita said.
"Dude, he's not coming over untill like 6" Angel said, now sitting on the edge of my bed.
"Just let me get sleep" I replied, realizing it was already close to midnight.

They said their goodnight's and left. I changed into Misfit pajama pant's and a black tank top. I jumped into bed, kind of excited for the next day. It didn't even take me long to go to sleep.

I awoke to the sound of birds chirping. I groaned a little and looked at the clock. 10:30.

"Holy crap" I said to myself.

I quickly got out of bed and headed downstairs. Nita and Angel were in the kitchen eating breakfast. Nita looked up and ran right over.

"Jimmy called. He's picking you up earlier then planned."

I looked at her and almost felt sick. My nerves were already shot enough.

"He said he'd be here at 1. He want's to spend more time with you" Angel said smirking.

Nita was grinning as wide as she could. I don't understand why she get's so excited.

"We'll let me take a quick shower" I said.

I ran upstairs and into my room. I only grabbed clean underwear and a bra, knowing Nita was going to make me change anyway. I walked to the bathroom, trying to make the shower as quick as I could. I did my buisness and was out within ten minutes. As I walked back to my room to put my dirty clothes away, I saw Nita already in there.

"What the hell?" I said. She had clothes, make up, and shoes all piled in seperated piles.

"Come here."

I sat down in the chair that she put in the room for me. God only know's what she trully had planned for my hair. She pulled out some brushes and other thing's. I just sat back and let her do whatever. After about 45 minutes I was wearing a purple plaid short sleeved corset style shirt, black jeans, and my converse. She had put my hair up into a bun with a purple flower off the side of the bun itself, leaving some bangs hanging loose. She also put me in black eyeliner and purple eyeshadow that matched my shirt. Angel came up and looked at me.

"Wow he'll drool" she said.
"I'm not really going on a date with him it's just friends."
"Well why would he--" Nita started but got cut short by a knock on the door.

We looked at each other and didn't move. There was another knock so Nita ran down to get the door. Angel took a deep breath in and looked at me.

"Just a bit."

We heard Nita run back up the stairs. Sure enough, she showed back up into the room.

"He's here."

My eye's bugged out a bit. My heart was racing. I almost couldn't do this. The girl's lightly shoved me out of the room and down the stair's. Jimmy was sitting on the couch until he saw me, then he stood up and looked at me. He was wearing a Mulisha shirt with black gray pinnstripped shorts, socks midclaved and skate shoes. He was also holding something behind his back. He smiled and stood waiting at the foot of the stairs.

"You look Beautiful."
"Thank you" I replied.
"Before I forget these are for you" Jimmy said, pulling out roses from behind his back.
"Thank you again."

I handed them to Nita who smirked. I knew what she was thinking.

"I'll have her back by tonight" Jimmy said, holding out his arm.

I looped my arm with his.

"No worries. Have fun Kiddies" Angel said.

Jimmy walked me out to his car, which turned out to be a gray ford F150 truck. He helped me up, since I'm so short and have a hard time getting up that stuff. Then he climbed in the driver side and started up the car. I waved to the girl's on the porch as we backed up and drove away.
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That's it for tonight kiddies! More to come tomorow.

And special thanks to Nita, who make's sure I update =D