Don't Let Me Get Me.

The Date

I sat there, not really sure on what to do or say. I've never been on a date before, and especially not with someone famous. Jimmy messed with the radio for a bit untill Social Distortion came on. He turned it up louder, smiling. I gave him a weak smile and looked out the window. I thought I was going to be sick.

"You ok?" Jimmy asked.
"Nervous honestly" I replied.

He just smiled and continued driving. I still felt uneasy, so I just looked back out the window. I litterally didn't even know where we were or where we were going. Finally, we pulled into the parking lot of a amusment park. Jimmy smirked, almost evilly.

"Well here's the first place."
"First? There's going to be more?" I asked.
"You need to find out the town" Jimmy replied, hand on the truck door.

I hoped down, looking at all the cars. Must get really busy here. Jimmy walked around the back of his car and shoved his wallet into his pocket.

"You ready?" He asked, holding out his arm.
"Be warned, I don't really like people."

I looped my arm with his and we headed into the park. Jimmy paid the guy who had to stamp our hands with a little smiley face. Jimmy grabbed a pamphlet, looking it over.

"Ok first we're going on the roller coaster."
"Ok" I said.

Roller coaster's don't bother me. Not until I saw it. It was the kind that had like twenty loops going upside down. I gulped and lightly shook my head. Jimmy must have noticed because he chuckled a little. He gave me a little tug and we got into line for the ride. I stood there, leaning against Jimmy. The line thinnned out more and more untill finally it was our turn. I got in the car and strapped in. Jimmy sat next to me, strapping in himself. Without knowing it, I grabbed his hand, holding it. The coaster started up and sped off.

We spent most of the day at the park, eating candy, going on rides. When the sun started to set we headed to a spot on the side of a little mountian that over looked the city. He laid out a blanket, laying down. I sat next to him and looked out over the city. Jimmy sat up and looked out at the view.

"Beautiful isn't it?"
"Yeah. Very. Remind's me of my old town."

He looked at me kind of funny.

"I didn't think you could see the sun set in Los Angeles."
"No no.I lived with Angel in New Hampshire before we moved out here" I said.

Jimmy nodded and moved a little closer to me. We sat there for a bit, my head rested on Jimmy's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder's. We were just lost in our own little world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Maybe there will be more tonight?