Status: Updating every Thursday

Restless Nights, but Lullabies

The pulse beats, without you the eyes gaze...

By the time I had gotten home I was terrified.
“Hey there you are! A Nick-look-a-like was here looking for you. I hid behind the couch.” Megan said with a big smile.

“Yeah well this ‘Nick-look-a-like’ found me at the park... he was creepy and bruised my wrists.” I frowned.

“Are you okay?” Megan asked looking over my wrists.

“I think so.” I said sitting on the couch with Megan,

“KATIE!” we both jumped and looked to our apartment door.

“Megan, where’s the phone?” I whispered

“In the kitchen...” She said slowly.

“LOVE ME!” The loud scary, Nick-look-a-like voice screamed and pounded on the door.
The weird man kept screaming and pounding on the door and I crawled into the kitchen grabbing the phone.

”911, what’s your emergency?

“Hi, this is Katie Halen and I have a man who first attacked me at the local park and is now outside my apartment door... I live on 34 68 Paul Avenue. We’re apartment 412 on the fourth floor” I told the woman.

”Alright, you’re in an apartment what is the buzz number?” She asked.

“I have it rigged to my phone, 6661 is the buzz number. Please hurry” I whispered before hanging up.

Megan and I stayed curled up with each other until the police got there and covered our ears as the man screamed,

“Hello?” I mumbled as I saw the screen flashed on the phone,

“It’s the Ottawa Police-“ I hit the keypound and buzzed them in. Megan and I sat together and listened as the man was taken away. About twenty minutes later someone knocked on the door and we both stood slowly,

“Miss Halen? The man’s name was Thomas Kohan, he’s eighteen years old and claims to be your boyfriend. Well he claims to be Nicholas Jonas but he was carrying an ID with him.”
I shifted in my seat, not sure if I cared about knowing who he actually was. "So are you going to tell me I don't have to worry about him anymore?"

"You won't." The policeman smiled in an attempt to make me feel better. "We'll have him arrested for impersonation and disturbing the peace.” I nodded and thanked the officers as they left.

Megan hugged me and left for a shower while I called Nick,

”Hey Katie, what happened?”

“Um, Nick I’m glad I got a hold of you... some creeper named Thomas something but he was like attacking the door or something and I was just really scared-“ I stopped to catch my breath as I got more worked up.

”Relax, Katie breathe it’s okay he’s gone right?” Nick asked with concern in his voice.

“Uh, yeah the police came and arrested him but it was still scary you know? Anyways, how are you?” I asked lying on the couch.

”Good except a little odd... I mean, Miley has left me countless messages, texts, emails.” I felt a ping of jealousy in my stomach.

“Really... saying what?” I asked crossing my legs.

”Just things like I miss you, how’s your girlfriend and stuff.” He said like it was nothing.

“Oh that’s all?” I asked getting crabby.

”Katie, it’s really nothing... what if I told you I had a surprise for you?” He said sparking my interest,

“Surprise... like what?” I asked a little edgy,

“You know the fourth album drops next month and I’m trying to push Dad into letting you do the cover.” I sat up with a smile,

“Really?! That’s amazing!” I said all excited.

“Yeah Dad said all we have to do is getting it through to the producers so just send me an email is pictures okay?”

“Sure Nick, no problem but Megan just got out of the shower and someone’s at the door I’ll email you tonight.” We said goodbyes and I opened the door and saw the officer from before,

“Sorry to concern or both you but I must inform you... Thomas Kohan kind of escaped our officers grasp.” My eyes widened and Megan began yelling...
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I know, I know I'm aweful but I update when I can.