I Should Have Never Thought of You

Chapter 4- I Can't Live Without You


“So, who were you singing to tonight?” Alex asked after the show. I froze.


“The “someone special” you were singing to?” He asked again.

“Oh um, just someone… It’s really none of your business.” I said kind of rudely.

“Ok, god I was just curious.” He said.

“Ok, well it’s none of your business.” I said and walked back to the bunk. I climbed into my bunk and checked my cell, I had a new text from Hayley.

“Hey boo, I miss you! <3” It said.

“I miss you too! Ugh Alex was questioning me about who I was singing to. I got kinda mean. I feel bad now. L” I replied. She texted back a few minutes later.

“Awwww, I’m sorry. You didn’t tell him it was me did you?”

“Of course not love!” I said.

“I wish I could be with you.” She said.

“Me too. Ugh sneaking around like this sucks.”

“Well, we’re getting a hotel tomorrow. ;)”

“Really now?”




I got a new text from Cass “Awesome!” It said. I smiled to myself.

“I love you.” I said.

“I love you too.” I was sitting on the couch in the lounge next to Zac. We were watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. He looked over my shoulder and was reading my text messages without me knowing.

“So I’m guessing things worked out?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“I promise not to tell anyone.” He said.


“So I was right, she was singing to you.”

“Yeah. She’s so amazing.” I said.

“I’m glad you’re happy.”

“Thanks. I think you’re the only one who wouldn’t freak out.”

“I’m sure everyone else would be cool with it.” Zac said.

“Sure they will.”

“Of course they will! You will soon realize all of your worrying was pointless!”

Whatever you say Zachary.” I laughed and got up. “I’m tired, I’m gonna go to sleep.”

“Night.” Zac said.

“Goodnight.” I said as I yawned. I climbed into my bunk and pulled the covers over me. I texted Cass.

“I’m going to sleep. Night, I love you.” I wrote.

“Love you too, sweet dreams.” She replied.


“I’m going to sleep. Night, I love you.” I read the text from Hayley.

“Love you too, sweet dreams.” I replied. I shut off the light in my bunk and went to sleep to dream of Hayley.

I awoke the next morning when the bus came to a sudden stop and I almost fell out of my bunk. I climbed out and walked to the front of the bus. The only sound was of thunder and rain violently hitting the bus.

“Why’d we stop?” I asked. The guys pointed to the window at the front of the bus. I looked out it and saw one of the buses had lost control and flipped over… Paramore’s bus.

“Oh my god!” I shouted. What if Hayley got hurt, or worse… no don’t think that! She’ll be fine… “Is anyone hurt?” I asked frantically.

“No one knows.” Jersey said. I ran to my bunk and got my phone. I quickly dialed Hayley’s number… no answer… I plopped down on the couch, fighting back the tears that were about to fall.

An ambulance, police, and the fire department soon arrived. They got everyone out of the bus. No one was seriously injured except for Hayley… She had fallen and hit her head and apparently had internal bleeding in her stomach. We were all sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. Praying for good news. I was sitting next to Zac. I began to silently cry and he put his arm around my shoulder.

“Hey, she’ll be fine.” He said reassuringly.

“But what if she’s not.”

“She will be. She wouldn’t leave you like that.” He whispered the last part so only I heard it. What the… “I know all about it.” He said, obviously reading the confused look on my face.

“But how?” I asked. Hayley didn’t want anyone knowing, and neither did I.

“I’m psychic.” He joked. I laughed a little and he wiped away some of my tears. “I promise you she’ll be fine. She’s a strong girl.” Just then a doctor came out. By the look on her face I couldn’t tell if it was good news or bad.

“Is she ok?” I asked weakly.

“She’s fine. She’s been asking for you.” She said to me. I got up and ran into the room and over to her bed.

“Thank god!” I said and hugged her. “I thought I lost you.”

“I’m fine! I just have to take it easy for a few days.”

“You have no idea how scared I was!” Tears we streaming down my face again. “Please promise that no matter what happens you won’t leave me?”

“I promise.” I cupped her chin in my hands and brought her lips to mine.

“Cassadee?!” Mike screamed. I jumped away from Hayley and turned around to see everyone, except for Zac, staring at us wide eyed.

“Oh shit…” Hayley said. This is all my fault. I thought to myself. Now she’s going to hate me forever.
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It's been like a month, very sorry! I've been really busy lately so I haven't gotten a chance to update. Plus it takes me like almost a week to write a chapter cuz I want it to be perfect. So please read and give me feedback and maybe subscribe. Love you!!!