Angels and Kings

It Take's Time To Look This Good

Yeah I know it starts off a little slow, but read on cause it pays off trust me have i ever steered my readers wrong.


(Nonnie POV)

"Nonnie McCoy if you don't get your butt down here we are leaving you behind." My mother yelled from downstairs. I pulled on my shirt an orange T-shirt that said "All This and Brains too". I took one more look in the mirror and swept one of my pink streaks of hair behind my ear. I slipped on my boot cut blue jeans and my red and cream Keds with red stars, I loved these shoes even though they never actually matched anything I wore they were the most comfortable shoes I had.

I was honestly excited, we were going to pick my brother up from the airport. It had been a long time since I saw him last. Nowadays he was always on tour with the band and that left me here without him. I know it’s a little weird that we get along, brothers and sisters usually don't. I think it's 'cause we have such a huge gap in age. I'm 18 and he's 25. He's always been there for me. I rush down stairs just as my mother was about to close the door. "It's about time," she said.

"Hey it takes time to look this good." I said passing her to get to the car. We were running late and still had to pick up Callie, my best friend and self-proclaimed adopted sister. Travis and I both treat her as such; we do almost everything together. We pulled up to her house to see her standing out front looking impatient as usual.