Angels and Kings

I Slept with Someone in Fall Out Boy


I was so tired after laying down those tracks for Patrick. "Hey Steve," I said talking to the driver, "Are there any stops scheduled? I need to get on my bus."

"Sorry lil' lady no stops till we get to the venue."

"Come on," I said "Please just long enough for me to switch buses."

"Sorry we got a schedule."

I went back toward the bunks, each one was full of junk or occupied by someone else.

Pete came walking past me. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said turning and heading back to the common area.

"Where are you going?"

"To the couch, all the bunks are taken."

He looked in each bunk. "Oh… well you could sleep with me. I’ve got the bed in the back, me and Hemmy."

I took a deep breathe. Was this a good idea? Oh what the hell I was too tired to think about it. "Okay." I said.

We made our way to the back of the bus. "Here you can sleep in this," he said handing me a t shirt and a pair of black pajama pants with the Bartskull print on them in white.

I left him there and went into the bathroom to change. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still straight even from all the sweating at the bating cages, the t-shirt wasn’t fitted but still showed off my small curves. I left the bathroom an went back to Pete’s room. He had put on pajama pants and taken off his shirt. I stood there stunned his pants were just low enough that I could see his Bartskull tattoo.

"Excuse me." he said. I tried to make myself as small as possible so he could get past, but the passage was so small there was no way he would make it past without brushing against me. He started to go past but paused right in front of me his lips were inches from mine. "Do you want a glass of water while I’m headed that way?" he asked. I couldn’t think my brain was clouded with the closeness of his body and the smell of his cologne "Non?"

"Oh… Uh… Yes please." I said he continued on his path. And I climbed into the queen sized bed. I lay on the side closest to the window.

"Here you go," he said handing me the cup of water. I gulped it down and handed him back the glass. He sat it on the table and climbed into bed. I laid back down and turned toward the wall. I wanted that kiss I mean I really wanted that kiss. I turned over his back was to me. Then he turned over and looked at me. "Does this feel a little weird to you?"

"A little," I said. Then out of no where he moved in and brushed his lips with mine. My whole body began to tingle with just that and I was too tired to control what happened next. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss. We started making out, his hand was inching up my shirt, and I started playing with the drawstring on his pajama pants.

Finally warnings started to go off in my head. I tried to ignore them but they just kept getting louder. I pulled away out of breath. "Pete we… I …" he knew what I meant without even saying the words. He kissed me lightly on the lips and told me to turn over. He wrapped his arms around me and we drifted off to sleep together.

************************************************************************************************ * *

I opened my eyes, it was light outside and we had stopped. Pete was moving around the room. I didn’t want him to know I was awake. Did last night really happen? I heard the door open. "What the hell are you doing?" It was Patrick.

"What are you talking about?" Pete said.

"That’s Travis’s little sister are you crazy?"

"Look keep your voice down before you wake her up," Pete said, "Nothing happened last night."

"Dude, what are you doing? This isn’t going to end well, one or both of you is going to get hurt."

"Look I said nothing happened. We only made out a bit, it didn't mean anything. I don't even really like her or anything. Besides all of the other bunks were taken."

"Did you ever think to sleep on the couch and give her the bed?"

"Patrick, you know I need a bed for my beauty sleep."

"Whatever man." I heard footsteps leaving, then I felt someone shaking my shoulder.

"Morning," Pete said as I turned over. He moved in for a kiss. I turned to the side so he only caught my cheek, and kept rolling so that I could get out of the bed. He had this hurt look on his face.

"I gotta get going. My brother and Callie are probably really worried," I said searching for my shoe. I went into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I couldn't help but be mad. He didn't even like me? So he made out with me, why, because I was the closest girl in sight? I was confused, I'm not the kind of girl who just makes out with random guys but that's exactly what happened. I left the stall, returned the clothes to Pete and headed for the front of the bus.

"Non," I heard Pete calling me. "Non."

I ignored him as I got off the bus and headed out toward the parking lot I was
in between two of the buses. My bus was on the other side of the lot.

"Non." This time it was someone else but I still ignored it. As I was stepping my foot out into the street someone grabbed me around the waist as a car zoomed by barely missing me by inches we fell to the ground. "Are you okay?" It was Bill.