Angels and Kings

It's Like Morphine


It had been two weeks after our little talk and Pete and I still hadn’t decided where this thing was going. Well, I had. I mean, I really liked him. Even when he had his little tantrums he was cute, they always called me 'cause apparently I could calm him down when he was upset. I really think it's weird 'cause we’d only known each other for maybe a month, and had been fooling around for two weeks, but whatever.

"You just have this effect on him, it's like, I don’t know, morphine or something," Patrick said. We were sitting in the common area on the Cobra’s bus and everyone else was watching the Nightmare Before Christmas. I honestly never liked the movie. So Patrick and I were talking about Pete. "I mean I still don’t like it, the two of you together. It could cause a lot of trouble, I mean what happens when Travis finds out. If it doesn’t come from you and he just stumbles over the info. Then what," He whispered.

"Ugh don’t bring that up," I said, "Look if he finds out that Pete and I are doing anything together and he hasn’t even asked me on a proper date, he would kill us both."

"Then just tell him," he said loudly. Everyone turned and looked at us. I just smiled nervously. "Sorry," He said to everyone and they all turned back to the movie.
Then Pete came on the bus. "Hey Non, I have some lyrics and I was hoping you could help me just get the sound of them in my head," He said knowing darn well that while I could sing, putting lyrics together was not my strong suit.

"Uh… Sure." No one even looked up anyway, Patrick just rolled his eyes. We made our way to the FOB bus and as soon as we were in the door his lips collided with mine. We made our way to the back of the bus; his hands making a trail under my shirt.

"Pete," I said out of breath, "We better stop." He barely let the words leave my mouth before lifting me so that we both fell onto his bed; giving me the time to tell him we had to stop now.

"Why," he groaned.

"Because we need to find out what else we have in common; other than that we like to make out." That was a total load. I just knew that once again we would get to the point where I would have to stop us 'cause I wasn’t ready and that would just make him mad, and me a tease.

"We do we like the same kinds of music," He said and attacked my lips again.

"Pete…" he wouldn’t let me talk anymore, until finally I bit his lip.

"Ouch," He said jumping back, "Why’d you do that?"

"Because you wouldn’t let me talk."

"Fine," He said obviously frustrated, "What did you want to talk about." I sat there quiet, not knowing what to say. "Non what’s going on?"

I got up to leave. Only to have him grab me and pull me back onto the bed. "It’s… Nothing…" I said.

"Stop lying to me," He said looking me in the eyes.

"Look its just that, all we do is make out…what happens when you get tired of making out with me," I said looking away. "I don’t think I’m ready to…"

"Is that what all this is about?" I nodded and he took my chin in his hand making me look at him. "I will never force you to do anything you don’t want to, and I understand that you may not be ready, I will wait."

I took a deep breath did he know how much of a turn on that was. This time I kissed him. I left the bus happy. I was actually scared of how Pete would react.

I went around the corner only to be grabbed by Bill. "Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said taking a step back out of his hug quickly, "I was just about to go see what Callie was doing."

"No you weren’t," he said with a serious face.

"Yes I was," I said not understanding what he was talking about.

"Nope, you are going to dinner with me."

"Nope," I said. "I’m going to see Callie." Then I turned to walk away.

"Oh well I guess I’ll just go hang out with Travis, maybe tell him about what I just heard."
I stopped in my tracks. "And what exactly did you just hear," I said. I tried not to let the worry show in my voice but I was failing miserably.

"You moan really loudly," He said with a smirk.


"So where do you want to have dinner?"