Angels and Kings

When Teenies Attack


I reluctantly went to the TAI bus. Bill wouldn’t let go of my hand. I’d promised that I would spend the night on the FOB bus with Pete.

"So Non did you have fun on our first date?" I just rolled my eyes this was getting old really quick. "Oh come on you know it wasn’t that bad," he was right. I ended up having a good time but I still wanted to get back to Pete.

"Yeah Okay I had a good time, but I knew I would cause you and I get along so well as friends." I stressed the word friends.

"I think there’s something more there," he said with a smile as we boarded the bus.

"I can tell you there’s not," I said. He just smiled and pulled me toward the bunks. "And what exactly do you think were doing tonight?"

"Well you are spending the night here with me, but we are only sleeping. What kind of guy do you think I am," he said smiling down at me.

"I can't…uh…I have …no uh…Travis will be worried."

"As many nights as you've spent on the FOB bus; I doubt he will care. So come on you can borrow some PJ's." He handed me a t-shirt and pair of PJ pants with a Santi print.
I went back to their bathroom and changed. Then I came out to the bunks. He actually had a bunk not a queen-size bed in the back of the bus. I climbed into his bunk he was already there. It was a really tight squeeze with him being so tall. "Look I can just go get on my bus."

"Too late we've already started on the road." He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer against his body. "Just go to sleep." he said. I found it very hard to relax. I kept thinking about Pete. Finally I let sleep take over.

I woke up with Bill's arms possessively still around me. I tried to get up with out waking him but he was holding on really tight. Finally I gave in and said, "Bill I have to go to the bathroom." He groaned and let me go I went toward the back of the bus; stopping along the way to pick up my sidekick and closed the door. It was still early I hoped Pete would answer his phone.


I heard his voice come over the line and I got excited. "Hey."

"Oh what happened to you last night?"

Should I tell him about Bill knowing about us? "Uh…Nothing… I just thought I’d spend some time on the TAI bus," I said. No need for both of us to worry.

"My bed was all empty last night, I missed you."

"Yeah I bet you did," I said smiling at the thought of him missing me. "Look I’ll see you later when we get to the venue okay."

"Yeah okay."

"And get some sleep," I said hanging up. I opened the door and bumped right into Bill. "Good morning."

"Just had to get your Pete fix huh," he said smiling.

"Shut up," I said laughing, then he snatched my phone. I didn’t even make an effort to get it back; I’d spoken the person I wanted to. I went and laid back down in the bunk Bill climbed in behind me and nuzzled against my neck. "Bill ,stop," I said. He sighed and stopped.

The next time I woke up we had arrived at the venue. Bill was already up, I wanted a shower. I got up and picked up my clothes I went into the bathroom changing quickly. I hopped of the bus happy to have my freedom. I headed straight to my bus to pick up my toiletries, then I rushed over to the FOB bus. Patrick was sitting in the common area when I boarded the bus.

"He’s not here," he said, "He had some Press stuff to do before the show."

"It’s okay I was hoping to get a shower." I didn’t want to show my disappointment. I went to the shower stall and let the hot water wash away the worry I had. Bill wouldn’t really tell would he, I mean he is my friend. I finished in the shower and went to my bus. I sat down on the couch in the common area. Callie walked out the back.

"Hey what happened to you last night," she asked.

"Nothing just slept with Bill," I said nonchalantly.

"You what?"

"I slept with Bill as in we shared a bunk," I said laughing, "Nothing happened."

"Oh so are you starting to like him?"

"No," I said thinking of a reason why not "I just don’t think…"

"Get over Taylor already he was a prick for what he did," she said looking frustrated, "I thought you were over him. I mean, you’ve been acting like yourself again."

"I am myself again, I’m just scared that if I get into something else I will end up the same as before." I hated making her worry like this but she would tell Travis if I told her and it would mean a lot of trouble for the tour. "Look enough about me you always worry about me. What happened with you and Gabe?"

"Uh…nothing the usual good night kiss."

"Aww, was he a good kisser."

"I’ve had better," she said and got this dreamy look.


"Oh…uh…you remember that guy from 10th grade…yeah him."

"No I don’t, but he must have been a hell of a kisser to make your eyes glaze over like that, I said.

"Yeah, so let's go shopping or something, I’m so bored."

"Did I hear someone say they were bored," Pete said stepping onto the bus.

I wanted to run up and give him a huge kiss but I couldn’t so instead I just said, "Yeah we are both bored to death. What are you up to today?"

"Well a couple of my interviews were canceled so I came to see what you guys were doing, I figured maybe we could hang out seeing as how no one else is around."

"I’m around," Travis said coming up behind Pete. My face fell, I could feel it. "Aren’t you happy to see you big brother. We haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time together and I thought we could go find something to do before the show."

"Oh… well… okay but we were just trying to figure something out to do 'cause Pete was bored just like us."

"Pete can come too." I knew he would say that. "Alright so what are we going to do?"

"I saw a miniature golf place a few miles back you guys wanna go there," Pete said.

"Sure," we all agreed.

We all piled into a cab that one of the workers at the venue called and headed to the mini golf place. Travis sat in the front while Pete, Callie, and I sat in the back I sat in the middle. Without realizing it Pete put his hand on my thigh. I quickly moved it and he looked at me with a look that said "sorry."

Once we arrived, we all paid for our game and started on the first hole. I couldn’t hit the ball to save my life everyone else was headed onto the next hole and I was still working on it.

Finally Pete came up behind me. "Look you gotta do it like this," he said wrapping his arms around me and grabbing the golf club overlapping my hands. I stiffened. "Relax," he whispered so only I could hear. "And then follow though," he said after explaining how I should hit the ball, I hadn’t heard a word. I looked around an noticed that Travis and Callie were no where to be seen. Pete noticed to and immediately crashed his lips to mine with a quick kiss. If you weren’t paying close attention you would have missed it.

"Okay," I said frustrated. I’d been at the first hole for an hour, everyone else was up to the twelfth hole. They kept coming back to check on me and were actually amazed that I was so bad at this game. I hadn‘t planned it this way but it was working out really well. I honestly could have gotten the ball in the whole at least twenty times, but every time they sent Pete to check on me we were able to steal kisses. But now it was getting close to time for us to go back and I was bored all by myself. They all came to where I was standing and all of them were laughing at me. I joined in because I knew how ridiculous it was. I noticed a large group of girls standing nearby. "So Travis, you think it's funny? Pete you too," I said an evil plan coming to mind. "Oh My God Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy, and Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes," I screamed at the top of my lungs. All the girls necks snapped in our direction.

"So not funny Non," they said as they were chased off. I stood there laughing. Callie stood there in disbelief at what I’d just done. Then she burst out laughing to.