Angels and Kings

Sweat of Anticipation

(Callie POV)

I waited impatiently looking out the window for the McCoy's black SUV. Finally, I decided to just go wait on the front steps. I was going with Mrs. McCoy and my best friend Nonnie to pick up her brother, Travis from the airport. Travis is in a band called Gym Class Heroes you may have heard of them. Anyway, he's coming home today and we're all excited to see him. Even though I'm just Nonnie's best friend, Travie and I are very close as well. The McCoy's are like my extended family, I've known them forever. When I saw the black SUV pull around the corner I jumped up and ran down the steps with excitement. I opened the door to the backseat.

"Hey," I said as I hoisted myself into the truck.

"Hey," they both said back. Nonnie turned around and smiled at me. "Mom's been blasting 'As Cruel As School Children' all morning," she said rolling her eyes. I giggled. Then, Mrs. McCoy turned the stereo back up and blasted "Scandalous Scholastics". Nonnie and I stole glances at each other as her mom sang along loudly to a song about a student having sex with his teacher. I thought it was funny but somehow I don't think Nonnie was quite as amused.

We rode along basically in silence but the car was full of anticipation. I watched the scenes of the highway go past as I silently mouthed the words to the songs I knew so well. I felt a jolt in my stomach as the airport came into sight and Nonnie, who had been so slumped over I thought she was asleep, suddenly sat straight up. It felt like forever while Mrs. McCoy entered the garage and found a parking space. We hopped out and headed into the airport. We went to the baggage claim area. Ever since September 11th no one is allowed to go to the gates unless you are a passenger. I looked to my left and saw Disashi, Matt, and Eric's families all waiting as well. I tapped Nonnie's shoulder, "Hey, look," and pointed to the other families. I grabbed her hand and the three of us made our way over.

I went and hugged The McGinleys, I've known them forever since Travis has known Matt since forever. Mrs. McCoy and Mrs. Lumumba-Kasongo started talking about how excited they were to have their boys home for awhile and Nonnie struck up a conversation with Eric's brother who's always been a little on the quiet side. I was in the middle of answering Mr. McGinley's question about my plans for the summer when I saw them walking toward us.