Angels and Kings

Left In It's Wake


We watched as Nonnie stormed out of the room. Pete looked at us before immediately running after her.

"Travie are you going to run after her," I asked.

"No she needs space," he said, "Hey the show's over guys." Everyone started filing out. Matt was the last to leave closing the door behind him.

I got a towel and a bottle of water and immediately started wiping Travie’s face and cleaning his bloody nose. “Are you ok?”

We sat down on the couch neither of us saying a word. Travis put his head in his hands, "We messed up this time Callie-Cat."

"You love me," I said with a big smile on my face.

He began to smile a little. "Callie, Nonnie's furious and really hurt."

"Yeah but you love me," I said still smiling.

"Yeah, I do."

I lean in closer putting our foreheads together. "I love you too, baby," I said before kissing him, "Now what are we going to do about Nonnie?"

"I don't know she needs some time to cool down. Then, maybe we can all talk about this."
"You really think that's going to make a difference?"

"I don't know, maybe. She's seen the kind of relationships I've had in the past. Maybe she'll get used to it when she sees how happy you make me." He pulled me in for another kiss.

I hated the way this turned out but somehow I always knew this was how it would end. My best friend was hurt and confused but at least we weren't hiding, we weren't lying anymore. And maybe Trav was right, she'd get used to it when she saw how happy we were; how great we were together. He loved me. Did he know how it felt to hear him say that?
I pulled away from our kiss before it went any further. "You have a show to do."

"Can you handle Nonnie by yourself at the booth tonight?"

"Of course, that is if she shows up."