Angels and Kings

He's Got Other Plans

(Nonnie POV)

I looked up from the conversation with Eric's brother to see them coming in our direction. I rushed up to my brother and jumped into his arms "Hey Non, I missed you," he said swinging me around. Then he sat me down to look at me. "What's this," he asked touching one of my pink streaks.

"Well you got all the piercings, I had to find another way to drive mom crazy," I said.

He looked over my head and saw Callie. "Hey Callie-Cat, how's it going," he said giving her a hug.

"Fine," she said, "It's not the same with out you around the house though. I mean you know how boring Non can be."

"Hey I'm still here," I said.

"Yeah I do," he said ignoring me. My mom joined us, and he gave her a hug to. We grabbed all his bags and headed out to the SUV. I was just so excited to see him I couldn't stop talking. Graduation was in two weeks and he would be here for it. That made me happy, we were all scared that he was going to miss it.

We piled into the car and suddenly I stopped talking and gave Travie another hug. He hugged me back cutting off my breathing. "Travie I can't breathe stop."

"Sorry I just missed you so much," he said smiling and messing my hair.

"That stops now," I said. Callie just laughed I wondered why she was being so quiet.

We arrived back at home where I had planned on cooking a welcome home dinner, but Travie had other plans; he decided to invite the guys over.

"Aren't you sick of them," I said hoping for a quiet night at home with my brother. "You just got finished spending three months on tour with them." I was kinda getting mad that he didn't want to spend time with just us like we used to.

"Look all the best stories are told in groups, I would be doing a disservice to you if they weren't here to help me tell you all the stuff that happened on tour," he said using his best Press voice. Don't get me wrong the guys were cool and like older brothers but I just didn't feel like it.

Callie pulled me to the side. "Look, let them come over," she whispered, "It'll be fun." I hated it when they teamed up against me.

"Fine," I said loud enough for Travis to hear. "They can come over but keep Matt away from the grill okay. You remember what happened last time right," I said touching my eyebrow.

He nodded his head. "Non they grew back," he said stifling a laugh.

I guess we are having a party.