
Chapter 10

Sarah was at the park once again. She was standing by the large tree in the center of the park, waiting for Adam to pop up. She looked around for Adam, but he was nowhere to be found.

She suddenly heard a noise coming from the top of the tree. She quickly glanced up at it to find Adam sitting there. He climbed down to the bottom branch and took a seat.

“Hey, Sarah,” he greeted.

“Hi, Adam.”

“Wanna take a seat beside of me?”

“No thanks. I think I’ll just stand…” she muttered, looking up at Adam, who was about a foot off the ground.

“Your choice. So, how are you doing today?”

“Not so well.”

“Is it because of what happened to you this morning?”

“You mean my mom popping by out of nowhere for the first time in eighteen years? Yeah.”

“I know that must have been quite a shock.”

“It was.”

“How do you feel about what she said?”

“The same. I hate her.”

“Aw, come on, Sarah. You can’t hate your own mother.”

“She’s not my mother, as far as I’m concerned. She was never there for me. My father was the one who tucked me in at night and read me bedtime stories. He was the one who spent time in the evenings helping me with my homework. He paid for my food and clothes, and he’s always put my happiness before his. He’s the only parent I need,” Sarah explained.

“But Celia is still your mother.” Sarah remained silent as she looked down at the green grass. She then looked back up at Adam.

“She is the surprise guest you were talking about, wasn’t she?” Adam nodded slowly after looking down. “Why is she all of a sudden coming around?” Adam jumped down from the branch and put his arm around Sarah’s shoulder.

“I need to tell you something. Why don’t we take a walk?”

“Okay.” The pair began walking on a path that was connected to the section of the park in which they were.

“Sarah, your mother is coming around because of a certain reason,” Adam tenderly explained.

“Does she need money or something? Maybe a free lawyer?”

“No. She is asking for nothing. Nothing but your time.”

“Well she doesn’t deserve my time.”

“Before your mother came around, remember how I told you to keep an open mind? You need to listen to that advice. Now.”

“How can I keep an open mind when I’m around someone I hate?!”

“She’s your mother. You may be beyond angry with her, yes, but you don’t hate her.” Sarah stopped walking and Adam copied after her actions. She stared at him for a few moments.

“So why is she coming around all of a sudden?” Sarah spoke up after a long period of stillness.

“She has something to tell you.”

“Well, what?” Adam didn’t say anything. “Oh, that’s right, THE rules.” Adam looked down at the ground and kicked a stone.”

“I’m sorry. Just keep an open mind, okay? She has something very important she needs to tell you, and if you don’t keep an open mind and give her a chance…” He paused. “…you may never know.” A perplexed and confused Sarah gazed into Adam’s eyes as he suddenly disappeared.

Moments later, she woke up.