
Chapter 11

After Sarah dressed and got ready for school, her cell phone rang. Seeing as she was feeling quite anti-social after the dream she had just had, she let the call go straight to her voicemail. After the caller hung up, she checked her messages.

“Hi, Sarah. It’s Celia, your mother.” Sarah sulked as her mother continued. “I didn’t mean to upset you by dropping by unexpectedly like that, and I’m sorry. Please call back because I really want to see you again. I love you.” Sarah rolled her eyes and folded her cell phone back up, then put it in her bag and headed off to school.

At the end of the day, Sarah went to her last class: Civics. She personally hated the subject, but she always found the little fights between her teacher and Paul interesting and quite amusing at that.

She pulled out her chair and sat her bag down beside of her, then she sat down. As soon as the rest of the class got situated, their teacher walked into the room with Judith walking in front of him. He had his hands on her shoulders as he showed her into the room.

He lead her to the front and center of the classroom and pointed her forward. “Class, this is Judith Rosenberg, and she will be joining us in our Civics studies,” her teacher announced as Judith rolled her eyes. Sarah snickered. “Why don’t you have a seat beside of Sarah, Judy?” Judith broke free from her teacher’s firm grasp and looked him in the eye.

“Don’t call me Judy!” she exclaimed as the rest of the class laughed quietly. She glared at everyone, then took a seat next to Sarah, who was laughing a little herself. “What’s your problem? Nothing is funny,” she whispered to Sarah.

“Oh yes it is,” Sarah replied, giggling. Judith rolled her eyes and got her Civics textbook out from the inside of her desk. The teacher began talking.

“I don’t know why I’m even here, to be honest. Some counselor woman told me I had to take a stupid Civics class. Why Civics?! I hate Civics,” Judith whispered to Sarah.

“I do, too, but I love watching the fights between Paul and Mr. Schwartz. Talk about amusing,” Sarah whispered back. They both looked over at Paul, who was amorously looking at Judith. Judith’s eyes widened as Sarah began laughing furiously.

“Care to tell the class what’s so funny, Sarah?” Mr. Schwartz said, walking over to her desk that she now shared with Judith. Judith turned forward and snickered because of Sarah’s predicament.

“Yeah, what’s so funny, Sarah?” Judith asked with a huge smirk.

“Um…nothing in particular. I was just…uh…thinking about…uh…how…stupid…people are to think that we could function without a governmental system! Yeah, that’s it. Aren’t those people just hilarious?!” She forced herself to laugh as she looked at her teacher, who wasn’t cracking a smile. She suddenly stopped laughing and cleared her throat, then sank in her seat. Mr. Schwartz rolled his eyes and continued on with his lecture. Judith giggled and Sarah gave her a dirty glare, then began taking notes.

That night, Sarah’s dream took her to the same hallway of her old high school. This time, Adam was already visible, but he wasn’t leaning against a locker this time.

“Hey!” Sarah exclaimed, walking over to him.

“I can’t stay long, Sarah. But I gotta tell you something.”

“Why can’t you stay long? I mean, you’re dead.”

“Dead folks have lives, too, you know. Anyway, call your mother back. Keep an open mind and call her back.”


“—Call her back, Sarah.” Adam walked backward a short step or two, then he disappeared.