
Chapter 12

"What?!" David exclaimed as his eyes widened. Sarah looked down beneath the kitchen table at her hands, which were neatly folded in her lap. She sighed.

"Yeah. Mom just randomly showed up one day, and now she's leaving voice messages on my cell phone. How she got my number, I'll never know." David was still staring out into space.

"I don't believe it..." he muttered.

"I know! That woman has some nerve trying to meet with me. I'd rather die than meet with that poor excuse for a woman."

"Sarah, no matter how much you may think you hate her, she is still your mother. She's made some bad choices before, but she is still a part of you. You need to find it in your heart to forgive her."

"...I what?!" Sarah exclaimed in disbelief.

"You need to forgive her. Grudges do nothing but make people bitter."

"I can't believe you want me to forgive her, too!"

"'Too'? Who else knows about this?" Sarah suddenly caught herself, then she cleared her throat, trying to think of an answer.

"Well, no one. But I've just been confused..."

"She wants to meet up with you?" Sarah slowly nodded her head. After hesistation, her father said, "I think you should meet with her. Just talk to her and listen, Sarah."

"Have you forgiven her?" David immediately looked down, then began tapping all five of his fingers on the wooden table.

"Sarah, your mother meant the world to me. We had two beautiful children together, both of which I love dearly. She was the first love of my life. She was my life." He paused. "But then, she had to go and mess up her life by getting on drugs and drinking alcohol." He looked down at his hand, then at his lap. He stayed still for a moment before looking up at his daughter. "But I have forgiven her for everything she has done to me; to us. Holding a grudge against her won't do us any good." Sarah deeply exhaled.

"I guess..." She was silent. "But what if I'm not ready to forgive her?"

"You have to forgive her at some point. Why wait?"

"...I guess you're right..." David gave Sarah a tender look before hugging her tightly.

"That's my girl," he whispered in her ear. A small smile formed across Sarah's face as she gently massaged her dad's back.

"I love you, Daddy."

"I love you, too, sweetheart." They pulled away.

"...maybe I should go and call Mom." David smiled.

"That is a good idea."

"Thanks, Dad." She pecked him on the cheek, then ran upstairs to arrange a meeting with her mother.