
Chapter 02

It was now Sarah’s second day in college. She was doodling on a piece of paper as her Civics teacher went on about the importance of a government.

“The government is very important for ensuring our well-being,” Mr. Schwartz, her teacher, said. He was a tall man who looked to be in his upper forties to lower fifties. He had brownish/gray hair and a handlebar mustache.

He got up from his desk and began walking around the room with his hands clasped behind his back. “Without a governmental system, the world would be a state of total chaos. We would have no rules, criminals would run free, and justice would never be served. The government helps keep us organized.” A male classmate of Sarah’s mumbled something that she couldn’t quite make out. “Excuse me, Mr. Richardson?” the teacher spoke up. Paul Richardson, a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, looked up at his teacher.

“I said, ‘Since when?’”

“The government has helped us stay organized all throughout history. Without some type of government, the world would be in a state of total chaos,” Mr. Schwartz explained.

“It isn’t already?” the smart-aleck student retorted. Ooh’s and aah’s were heard throughout the classroom as Sarah dully rolled her eyes and continued sketching on her paper.

“As a matter of fact, Mr. Richardson, the world is quite messed up, but without the government, there would be no punishment for criminals and everyone would run free and no regulations would be in place.”

“You should take an English class, because saying the word ‘and’ three times in a row is unacceptable, last time I checked.” More ooh’s and aah’s were heard. The teacher developed an incensed look on his face as he made his way over to Paul’s desk. Paul leaned back in his chair and got comfortable as the teacher stood directly in front of his desk.

“You are entitled to your own opinions, Mr. Richardson, but when you are in my classroom, you are to have respect for me and your classmates.” He pointed his finger in his undisciplined student’s face as Sarah glued her eyes to the spectacle. “I can have you expelled from this class. Remember that.” Before the teacher could say anything else, the final bell of the day rang. Mr. Schwartz gave Paul one last warning glare, then he walked off. Paul got his books together and stormed out of the classroom. Sarah smirked, then she got her own books together and exited.

As she was walking down the hallway, the same thing that had happened the day before occurred once again. She felt the chilling wind rip through her once again. She froze in her footsteps as the people around her paid no attention.

Whoa, whoa, wait just a second, Sarah thought to herself. I had ahuge breakfast this morning, and I also ate lunch. Why is this happening again? Itcan’t be happening. Maybe I should see a shrink after all. Sarah’s thoughts were interrupted when she heard something that scared her more than she already was.

“Sarah,” she heard in a whisper. She looked around and saw that nobody around her had called for her.

I know that voice,Sarah thought. I know that voice. But where from?