
Chapter 03

Later on that day, Sarah did her homework and passed out quite early: around eight in the evening.

Sarah found herself at the park, where she had created many wonderful memories. It was the park in which she used to visit all the time when she was a child, and these visits continued as she hit her teenage years. The park played an important role in her childhood.

She walked around, then found herself looking at a huge tree: the biggest tree in the whole park. It had been said that that particular tree was at least two hundred years old. Sarah used to always climb up to the top of the tree and aimlessly stare out into the park, which was very visible from what seemed like the top of the world.

As she got closer and closer to it, she saw a person sitting on one of the lower branches. She began running toward it, but stopped in her tracks once she realized who was sitting in the tree. There, as plain as day, was her deceased boyfriend, Adam. Her eyes widened as Adam stared out into the park, then sighed.

“A-A-Adam?” a trembling Sarah said. He sighed and looked down, then looked at her.

“Hi, Sarah.”

“Wh-What are you doing here? Y-You’re dead.” Adam was giving off a depressed vibe that Sarah didn’t quite understand.

“Yeah, I am. Look, I didn’t mean to scare you the other day in the hallway, b—”

“—what?!” Sarah exclaimed, obviously stunned.

“Shh, not so loud!” Adam said. “Yes, that was me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“What the…this can’t be happening. You’re dead. That couldn’t have been you!”

“If it couldn’t have been me, then how did I appear to you? How did you feel the cool air I sent your way? How are you seeing me now?” Sarah remained silent for a moment. She took a step forward and held onto the tree bark.

“I have to be dreaming right now. But I know I was awake the other day, and the day before that,” she said looking down, trying to think of a logical explanation for everything that was happening.

“You’re right. You are dreaming right now, but this is more than a dream, Sarah. This is a vision.” Sarah looked up at her ex and gave him a peculiar and skeptical look.

“A vision?! Doubt that. I know you’re dead, Adam. I saw your body. I attended your funeral. You’re dead. Unfortunately…” she mumbled. Adam looked down at Sarah.

“Yes, I’m dead, but this is not just a dream. This is really happening. Maybe not in the form of reality, but it is still actually happening. This is more than just a figment of your imagination.”

“Oh, really? Prove it.” Adam thought for a moment, then jumped down from the branch and landed gracefully on his feet.

“Alright. You remember that necklace you lost right before my death? The one I gave to you?”

“Yes, of course I do. You gave that to me when we first started dating.”

“Well, it’s in your jewelry box. I had it with me when I was driving to your house, but I obviously didn’t make it there…” Sarah wanted to cry, but she hid her emotions. “Once I came here — once I decided that I wanted to stay here, I put it in your jewelry box and it has been there ever since. That was the one place you overlooked.” Sarah stared at Adam.

“And what if I don’t believe you?”

“Look for yourself when you wake up. It will be there. I promise you.” Sarah began interrogating Adam with her eyes. “…and now you’re interrogating me.”

“Yes, I am. I think everything you’re saying is pure bull.”

“It’s not.”

“Only thing I don’t quite understand is how you’ve aged in my dream. You look like you’ve grown, but you didn’t even get to grow up to be nineteen in real life.”

“Doesn’t that tell you that this is not a dream?”

“No, it tells me that I have an over-active imagination.” Adam rolled his eyes shortly.

“Check your jewelry box, Sarah. Check it when you wake up.” He stared at her for a few moments, then disappeared. Sarah jumped back and woke up.

When she woke up, she noticed she was sweating. She raised up and immediately hopped out of bed, then ran over to her dresser. She took down her jewelry box and quickly opened it. She saw nothing.

She dug deeper and took all the drawers out. There, as plain as day, was the necklace she had been missing for years. She quietly gasped, then gently removed it from the box and put it around her neck. She took the pendant, which was a heart, in her hand. She began thinking about her dream, but just shrugged it off.

“It’s been here all along? I’ll be darned,” she said, trying to forget her dream. She shrugged once again and crawled back into bed. She sighed, turned over on her side, and went right back to sleep.