
Chapter 09

“M-M-Mom?” Sarah stuttered. Her mother shook her head.

“Yes, Sarah. It’s me.” Celia sniffled and looked down, then half-way smiled at her daughter. The expression on Sarah’s face hadn’t changed at all since her mother’s arrival. She was giving off a solemn vibe.

“Why are you here?” Sarah asked using a firm tone.

“I wanted to see you. You’ve grown so much.” Her sniffling had turned into running tears.

“Why? Do you need money or something?” Sarah harshly asked. Her mother’s crying slowed down as she gave her daughter a surprised look.

“No, honey. I would never use you like that.”

“Then why did you leave me and Dad alone? Why did you leave us when we needed you the most? When I needed you the most?” Celia’s tears had complete come to a screeching halt by this time.

“Because I was ill. I was suffering from alcoholism. I’m sorry for what I did, Sarah.” Sarah had a huffy expression on her face as she rolled her eyes.

“You were ill because you chose to be ill. You chose alcohol and drugs over your own flesh and blood. If it weren’t for Dad, I would be nowhere right now.”

“Where is your father?” Her mother curiously looked inside of the house.

“Not that it’s any of your business, but he’s at work right now. I have to get to school, so bye.” She tried to leave, but her mother grabbed her.

“Sarah, please just hear me out. I’m sorry for what I did. I’m so sorry. I’m ashamed of my actions, and I want to try to make it up to you. I—”

“—make it up to me? You think you can make it up to me?” Sarah asked with her voice raising a little throughout both sentences. “You can’t make anything that you did up to me. It’s in the past. I’m grown up now. I don’t need you. My father was there for me when I really needed my mother to help me grow up to be a woman, but where were you? You weren‘t anywhere to be found!” Her voice began to quiver. “You were off either smoking or doing drugs while I was sitting at home, just waiting for you to come back! I just knew you were going to go to rehab and come back home to watch me grow up and to help me when I needed help, whether it was for boy advice or for makeup tips, or even for life in general! You never did anything about your addiction except continue to feed it! You chose alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes over your own family! You cannot make any of what you did up to me, and you are absolutely nothing to me.” Celia had begun crying again about half-way through Sarah’s speech as Sarah was tearing up as well, but from anger. She stormed past her mother and got in her car, then slammed the door shut. She backed out of her driveway and drove to school.