Fullmetal Alchemist Ultimate

The Boy At the Gate

it is summer vation. I portect the gate full time. My parents think I'm playing outside. I spend my time in the mist of time where the gate is, studying alchemy. I am only 11. The gate has wise words to say. Yes the gate has a voice. It is an unusal thing. The gate who i call Charels, is a nice person to talk to. He cheers me up when I'm sad and gives me good advice. Some days he can't talk. I know much. But even with all I knew it could never prepare me for what i was about to find out.

Life and all that surrounds it is not allways what it seems.

One day I saw others at the gate. A boy with long blond hair that was braided in the back. Wearing a black jacket with a black teeshirt under it. Also black pants with a long hooded red coat. There was a girl yelling at him she was wearing a dark purple mini skirt with a sleveless tee that cut of showing her stomach. She had green hair that looked like a plam tree. She pried the gate open I couldn't make out what she said but I heard the name "Hoinhiem".She entered the gate. "envy don't!" the boy shouted. I would have stopped her if she wasn't so damn determined. The boy looked at me. At my long brown hair, blue eyes, and white sundress. i went around the portal and hid. my eyes pokeing from behind it. He just stared at me. He spoke, "who are you.?" I didn't want to answer at first, but finally got the nerve to walk out from behind the portal and answered. "I am the protecter of the gate. My name is Phonix." I said looking at my feet. "you are the first besides that man to see at the gate." the boy looked at me and put his hand on his head. He mumbled a " it's not possible" and told me his name. " I am Edward Elric. The Fullmetal Alchemist." I suddenly ran behined the portal where I hid my backpack full of alchemy books that were in front of the gate that that man gave me. I paused the man, his name was Hoinhiem, could it be the same person? I got back on my original train of tought. edward was still there.I sat down leaning against the side of the gate. the boy sat beside me. His eyes widened at the site of all my books. I pointed to his name in a book of old records of all alchemists. He gasped and looked at me again. i smiled. I drew a transutation circle and a portal showed. I grabbed my backpack and went through it. It soon closed. With the exception of the peephole he didn't notice. I suddenly saw another boy. " Alphonse...." Edward said. The boy soon dissapered into a mist Eward also soon after. I ran from the peephole and further into the woods that were beind my house.To an old log that was hollow. I crawled inside it. When you crwal to the back its like a cave a small room perhaps. not large enough to stand in but you could sit and still have a foot between your head and the ceiling. It was lined with shelves of books and an old fashion barn lantern. i picked up a book on famous alchemstists and looked up "Fullmetal". "the Fullmetal Alchemist edward Elric Level Y, age 13. Became a state alchemist at age 12. Has a younger brother alphonse. Has currently been looking for the Philosiphers Stone for 3 years." I puased "The P.S.? That evil thing. its made of alchemy and 10000 human souls." I decided to forget about it. I walked back home. and relaxed

"that boy, Edward, where did his soul go. not through the gate neither did the other boy alphonse. What were those two brothers doing........
And what of the plm tree head girl. She probubly just got sucked into the other side of the gate.
And Hoinhiem. the man. He has always gone back and forth through the gate. was this envy character after him? He was always so nice to me. He gave me the records to all the alchemists and the books. He even taght me a little. he is one of the nicest people I know.
I'm worried about him. Envy looks kinda dangorus. Like a homunculus. Humonculus are created when an alchemist tries human transmutaion. there evil. not human.

I WONDER......